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Session 3: Funding Statistical Development from Domestic Resources

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1 Session 3: Funding Statistical Development from Domestic Resources
SDG Implementation: What is Needed in Terms of Data, Institutions and Funding? (Palestinian Case) Halimeh Said, Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics December, 2017

2 ? The beginning…The situation 1993
Absence of demographic and economic statistics Statistics stereotyping: Statistics = Taxation Absence of “official statistics culture” ? 1993

3 The Journey……. Production Marketing Information System User focused
Partnership 1993 1997 2000 2006 2012 2018

4 Memorandum of understanding (MOUs)
UNDAF CORE Funding Group (CFG)

5 Core Funding Group (CFG)
Programme Based Approach not on Project Basis Harmonizing Donors’ Procedures Saving Time and Efforts Basket Fund for a Comprehensive and Strategically Planned Achieving Better Transparency, Efficiency and Coherence Strengthening Partnership between PCBS and Donors The Palestinian official statistics dissemination policy applies traditional professional and technical principles, derived from the policy pillars that identify the relationship with the beneficiaries. It also identifies the role of official statistics producers, and the principles are; (Relevance, Quality, Coordination, Independence, Egalitarian in dissemination, Impartiality, Free of charge and Confidentiality of personal data).

6 We know the Business of Statistics
Relevancy: User- Producer Dialogue Project Steering Committee User Satisfaction Survey Advisory Council External review Missions We know the Business of Statistics

7 Professional Sustainability
High Qualified Staff Well-managed Institution with a Clear Mission and Goal, Periodic Monitoring and Evaluating of the Plan High Professional and Strong Institution



10 PCBS Image & Maintain Public Trust
Sustainability: Financial Sustainability Web-based questionnaire Increasing both the efficiency and quality of statistical production. Applied new technology of data collection and Processing Increase the use of administrative data PCBS website promotes effective dissemination and enhances the use of statistics PCBS Image & Maintain Public Trust

11 National Strategy for Development of Statistics 2018- 2022
Strategic Objective 2: To strengthen partnerships for the SDGs Strategic Objective 1: To improve the use of statistics in policy, development, decision making and in monitoring the SDGs Overall Objective: To consolidate the statistical infrastructure necessary for the close monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as part of the National Policy Agenda The Palestinian official statistics dissemination policy applies traditional professional and technical principles, derived from the policy pillars that identify the relationship with the beneficiaries. It also identifies the role of official statistics producers, and the principles are; (Relevance, Quality, Coordination, Independence, Egalitarian in dissemination, Impartiality, Free of charge and Confidentiality of personal data).

12 Ministers and Governmental Bodies
SDGs from Policy to Action… Modernization of SDGs in Palestine PMO Ministers and Governmental Bodies Private Sector NGOs PCBS The Palestinian council of ministries had created a national team for the implementation of 2030 agenda, among this team tasks is to highlight and classify the SDGs related targets within the national policies agenda. This national team led by PCBS and the membership of several line ministries and Governmental Bodies , NGOs, and Private sector. PCBS worked intensively with the national partners to do mapping of the SDGs indicators that included in the national priorities and assessing these indicators data that should be produced by the implementing agencies and its potential sources.

13 SDGs from Policy to Action…Nationally…Statistical Side
PCBS Council National Team on SDGs PCBS task force on SDGs PCBS team on Statistical Monitoring Database on SDGs Statistical Database for Monitoring System Technical Committees PCBS and National Stakeholders PCBS Set of Indicators-Monitoring National Team on Statistical Monitoring Set of Indicators-SDGs Nationally…on Statistical Level Created by Council of ministries, lead by prime Minister office, represent all governmental, CSOs and private sectors. PCBS is one of the core team of this group, the main objective for this team is to Set of indicators for SDGs. On the other side we have a National Team on Statistical Monitoring that are working on monitoring, documenting and following- up the reality of socio-economic and environmental conditions according to the strategic vision through statistical tools that based on a database of accessible indicators to the public, policy and decision makers, IN PCBS we have a task force working on SDGs, these task force Representing main statistical themes and all other supported directorates And PCBS team on Statistical Monitoring Variety in representation; statisticians, IT experts, GIS, methodological issues and data collection leaders All of these teams and groups in cooperation with PCBS Team divided to the technical sub-committees that have been formed by sectors, these sub-committees represented by stake holders including line ministries for developing and monitoring indicators of the targeted sectors The Output of this processing will be data base on SDGs with a Statistical Database for Monitoring System

14 Palestine and SDGs Modernization DGs indicators Matrix-PCBS initial mapping Notes Last year The up to date data Definition Periodicity Disaggregation Required data Methodology measuring unit International Foundation for the relevant Indicator Identified stakeholders Directorate Responsible statistical department Data Source Availability Indicators Safe water include from public network and HH well 2015 Measure the extent of access the HH with basic serviceof drinking water 2 years Palestine, west Bank and Gaza, type of locality Total number of HH and # of connected HH to drinking water Dividing connected HH with drinking water on the total HH multiplied by 100 percentage ESCWA UNICEF Eurosta UNSD Palestinian Water Authority Area statistics Environment Statistics 3 1 6.1.1 Proportion of population using safely managed drinking water services Availability: 1= Available , 2= Not available, 3= Not applicable Data Source: 1= Administrative records, 2= surveys & censuses, 3= Surveys & censuses and Administrative records Palestine and SDGs, what's the roadmap for localizing the SDGs implementation and monitoring at sub national level. A special matrix had produced for the targeted policies per sectoral strategy disaggregated by the SDGs goals. A set of national indicators had been derived to monitor and measure the progress oft he implementation including the SDGs indicators. So PCBS has prepared a draft SDG indicator template which has reviewed all indicators and identified the following information for each indicator: Whether data are currently available for the indicator The recommended data source The responsible statistical unit The main Ministry/institution being responsible for achieving the target and collecting any administrative information. Other Ministries/institutions related to the effort of achieving the target and collecting any administrative information. International custodian agency for the indicator Other international agencies contributing to the work for achieving the target and measuring the indicator Unit of measurement Additional source requirements (data gaps) Required disaggregation: sex, age, regional (urban/rural/camps), other disaggregation Periodicity Measurement method and definition Year of the latest available data, for 2014 or before Planned first year for which data will be available, 2015 or later Are 2015 data already available How will data be compiled for 2015, already available, by imputation, by modelling, by estimation, will not be compiled Notes Tier I/II/III

15 Results of PCBS initial mapping for SDGs indicators
Availability of SDGs Indicators Not Available Available No. Indicators 138 103 241 Available Indicators by Tier 1+2 2 1 Available No. Indicators 4 34 65 103 241 Available Indicators by Source of Data Administrative Records Surveys and Censuses Administrative Records and Surveys and Censuses International Available No. Indicators 13 16 38 36 103 241



18 Challenges & Recommendations:
Political Situation Concepts and the Methodologies (METADATA) Broader Reporting Capabilities of NSS Economic Variations Low Quality of the Administrative Records and Registers Huge Efforts Huge Burden Huge Costs Long Time Level of Disaggregation Human Right- Democracy


20 Session 3: Funding Statistical Development from Domestic Resources
SDG Implementation: What is Needed in Terms of Data, Institutions and funding? (Palestinian Case) Halimeh Said, Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics December, 2017

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