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Criminal Evidence Marjie Britz Chapter Ten: Hearsay

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1 Criminal Evidence Marjie Britz Chapter Ten: Hearsay
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2 Defining Hearsay Hearsay: out-of-court statements offered into evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted 2 categories of hearsay: assertion-centered statements declarant-centered statements

3 Defining Non-Hearsay Statements
Prior statement of witness Admission by party-opponent Adoptive admission Admissions by silence

4 Defining Non-Hearsay Statements
Failure to call witnesses or produce evidence and failure to submit to a physical examination Actions taken to obstruct justice Plea negotiations Payment of medical expenses Co-conspirator rule

5 Theory and Exceptions Hearsay is generally inadmissible because unsworn statements are thought to be generally unreliable Gradually, courts began to see certain hearsay statements as reliable and thus admissible

6 Exceptions where the Witness is Unavailable
Some statements are admissible as exceptions because the witness is unavailable: former testimony (oath & cross exam) dying declaration (knowing going to die) statement against interest (going to cost you) statement of personal or family history

7 Exceptions where the Witness is Unavailable
Unavailability: Exempt by privilege Refuses to testify Lack of memory Death or illness Absent despite best efforts of proponent

8 Exceptions where the Witness is Unavailable
Former testimony exception: testimony which was offered at either a hearing or in a deposition Dying declaration exception: statement made by a declarant regarding the cause or circumstances of his/her impending death is admissible providing that the declarant believed that death was imminent and delcarant must die. (Beware of Power of Suggestion!)

9 Exceptions where the Witness is Unavailable
Statements against interest: Statement issued must be against pecuniary or proprietary interest, or penal interst of the declarant Statement of personal or family history: Statements about birth, adoption, marriage, etc.

10 Exceptions where the Witness is Unavailable
Other exceptions: Requires… Certain level of inherent trustworthiness That the statement is more probative to the matter than any other evidence which may be reasonably procured The general interest of justice and the purpose of the rules will be served by such admission

11 Availability of Witness is Immaterial
Situations in which hearsay statements of available witnesses may be introduced include, but are not limited to: present sense impression excited utterances statements regarding mental, emotional or physical condition statements for purposes of obtaining medical diagnosis or treatment

12 Availability of Witness is Immaterial
past recollection recorded regularly kept records (in the course of business) public records, reports and certificates religious records ancient documents reputation family records and matters

13 Other Issues in Hearsay
Hearsay within hearsay Impeachment of Hearsay Declarant

14 Quiz List the Non-Hearsay examples.
List the Exceptions to the Hearsay Exclusion.

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