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Lesson 13 – 6 Limits of Sequences

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1 Lesson 13 – 6 Limits of Sequences
Pg #1–16 all, 18, 20, 22–27 all, 30, 32, 34–36 Lesson 13 – 6 Limits of Sequences Pre-calculus Objective: Is a sequence CONVergent or divergent?

2 We have looked at sequences, writing them out, summing them, etc.
But, now let’s examine what they “go to” as n gets larger and larger without bound. Consider What are the terms going to? Pick a bigger number. Looks like they get close to 0. So, we say *Note: There is no term that IS 0, it just gets SUPER CLOSE to 0!

3 To find the limit of a sequence, we usually have to algebraically manipulate it.
Ex 1) Find the limit of a sequence as n increases without bound. a) b) goes to 0

4 If a sequence gets closer to a number, L, as n increases without bound,
it is said to converge and it is a convergent sequence. If it does not converge, the sequence is said to diverge. *Note: If it does diverge, it can do so by several ways – getting larger & larger or by oscillating. Ex 2) Find the first 5 terms and decide if the sequence converges or diverges. a) b) getting larger  diverges diverges

5 Ex 3) Determine whether these geometric sequences converge or diverge.
a) b) c) d) diverge diverge converge converge Can you generalize these geometric sequences & make a rule for what will converge & what will diverge? Try On Your Own! Ex 4) Characterize each sequence as convergent or divergent. If it converges, give the limit. convergent convergent n divergent 1

6 Homework Pg #1–16 all, 18, 20, 22–27 all, 30, 32, 34–36

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