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The World Ocean AREA = million km2 (139.1 million mi2)

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Presentation on theme: "The World Ocean AREA = million km2 (139.1 million mi2)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The World Ocean AREA = 361.1 million km2 (139.1 million mi2)
VOLUME = 1,370 million km3 (329 million mi3) Average DEPTH = 3,796 m (12,451 ft) Average TEMPERATURE = 3.9° C (39.0° F) Average SALINITY = g kg-1 (ppt)

2 Global Distribution of
Ocean and Land Areas


4 Oceans Arctic Ocean

5 Pacific Ocean Surrounded by the “Ring of Fire” - volcanic activity
1st European contact - Vasco de Balboa in (Pacificum = peaceful) (crossed Panama) - spaniard Magellan - first European to complete transpacific voyage - portugese – Pacific Ocean covers 1/3 of the Earth’s surface Hawaiian Islands rise 10.6 km (Mt. Everest = 8.84 km) Largest surface area Average width = 13,000 km Largest Volume (twice as large as Atlantic or Indian Oceans) Average Depth = 4.2 km (deepest = 11 km) Surrounded by the “Ring of Fire” - volcanic activity Pacific Ocean


7 Atlantic Ocean Long, narrow S-shaped ocean
Named by the Romans (from Atlas Mountains in NW Africa) Relatively shallow - mid-Atlantic Ridge Few depths below 6 km Islands not as common (Greenland is largest island) 20 east longitude divides Atlantic and Indian Oceans 67 west longitude divides Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

8 Indian Ocean Mostly in the Southern Hemisphere
Average Depth 3.9 km Average Width 7000 km Important trade routes for Egypt, Mesopotamia, and India Egyptians sailed this ocean 2500 years ago 20 east longitude divides Atlantic and Indian Oceans 150 east longitude divides Indian and Pacific Oceans

9 Arctic Ocean Shallow and small relative to other oceans
Separated from Atlantic by a large submarine ridge that extends east-west of Iceland Mostly “land-locked”, ice-covered, contains the North Pole Least-studied of all oceans - uncharted until late 1800’s The Cold-War and Nuclear Submarines have greatly advanced our knowledge of this ocean

10 Oceans Arctic Ocean Southern Ocean?

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