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Syllabus Guidelines and Other Instructor/Student Policies

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1 Syllabus Guidelines and Other Instructor/Student Policies
Office of Academic Ombud Services Syllabus Guidelines and Other Instructor/Student Policies Graduate School Orientation for New TA’s

2 Today’s presentation:
Brief Overview of Academic Ombud Services Student Rights and the Syllabus Academic Responsibilities and Academic Offenses

3 What does the Academic Ombud Do?
An impartial, independent and confidential resource for UK students and faculty.* Works with those engaged in the teaching and learning activities of the university. Provides a safe, neutral, and confidential setting for raising questions, discussing problems & seeking assistance with academic issues. Explains university policies and procedures and their application. Investigates student grievances and complaints. Advocates for fair processes. Recommends changes in policies and procedures. *The Ombud’s responsibility to protect confidential information is, however, subject to disclosure requirements imposed by law. In rare cases, for example, the Ombud’s Office may be required to provide information pursuant to a court order.

4 Problems Handled by the Academic Ombud Office:
Grade Disputes Admission/Registration Problems Disciplinary Matters that affect Academics Perceived Favoritism Fear of Retaliation Charges of & Sanctions for Academic Offenses



7 Core Academic Rights of Students
Substantive Rights Fair and just evaluation of student’s performance in University courses based on standards defined in the course syllabus Notice of midterm performance for undergraduate students Limits on dead week activities Rules for excused absences Procedural Rights Notice and hearing rights in case of an academic offense Right of appeal regarding grades and academic offenses

8 Academic Rights of Students
University Senate Rule 6.1.0 Information about Course Content Contrary Opinion Academic Evaluation Academic Records Evaluation of Student Character and Ability Student Participation in Academic Affairs Attendance and Participation During Appeal

9 The Course Syllabus Clarify expectations
The Syllabus may be your best tool Identify academic offenses & the penalty University Senate Syllabus Guidelines: Four Core Areas General Course Information Instructor Contact Information Course Description Course Policies University Senate Syllabus Guidelines website:

10 The Syllabus Acts as a Contract
Establishes expectations of students, instructor, department, college & university Is explicit and complete Avoids vague, ambiguous statements Available at no charge during the first or second class meeting

11 Information to Include on the Syllabus
Course Information Course ID (prefix, course number, section number Name Location(s) and meeting time(s) including common exams Instructor Information Contact Information (Office location &phone number, address) Instructors should be reasonably available for consultation outside of class. Office Hours Policies regarding appointments Alternate contact options (department phone number)

12 Instructor Information
Name Contact Information (Office, Office phone, ) Instructors should be reasonably available for consultation outside of class. Office Hours, Locations Policies regarding appointments Alternate contact options (department phone number)

13 Information to Include on the Syllabus
Course Description Course Description should match the UK Bulletin Provide a “reasonably detailed overview” of the course Clarify expectations for assignments Provide a timeline, including due dates for major assignments Provide time, date and nature of final exam The relationship of numerical scores to the letter grade Identify components of the final grade and their relative weight Grading Policy The relationship of numerical scores to the letter grade Identify components of the final grade and their relative weight If grades will be curved, explain how the curve will be established Identify which assignments will be included in the midterm grade Identify what percentage of the final grade is covered by the midterm

14 Dead Week (Senate Rule
“Dead Week” is the last week of instruction before final exams. The intent of the rule is to avoid undue hardship for students prior to final examinations. No quizzes or exams may be given during dead week. If there is a final exam, no presentations, projects, labs, etc. may be given during dead week. Attendance and Participation may be graded. Regularly assigned homework announced in the syllabus is allowed. Make-up exams, quizzes, and labs are allowed and are an exception to the rules above. “Take Home” final exams may not be required to be completed before the regularly scheduled examination period.

15 Course Policies Clarify policies and sanctions for violations
Attendance, including late arrival or early departure Excused absence policy; refer to University Senate Rule Requirements for make-ups (may not be punitive) Requirements for verification of excused absence Rules of Behavior Process for submitting assignments Format, deadlines (by date of, by class period, by time during class) Academic Integrity reminders Group work and collaboration guidelines Disability Resources

16 Syllabus Repair 101 Oops! The final is not really on Sunday.
The class wants the due date delayed. A student says, “The syllabus didn’t say I had to do that.” Your goal is to provide fair and just evaluation for all students. If you must change your syllabus, the changes should be necessary, reasoned changes due to particular circumstances. Please call our office for help if you have questions or concerns.

17 Academic Integrity Essential to the University and to society
Share your perspective with your students. Student rights, including most importantly the right to a fair and just evaluation, impose the responsibilities of academic integrity on all students.

18 Procedures for Academic Offenses
Discretely collect evidence. Consult with course director or department chair. Consult rules; Contact the Office of Academic Ombud. Meet with student and the department chair. Hear the student’s perspective. Notify the student of her/his right to appeal. Notify the student that the Ombud will assist. Determine nature of offense and penalty, if any. Notify student of the penalty imposed with copies to the Ombud.

19 Any questions regarding academic matters may be addressed to our office. We serve as a resource for both students and faculty members Phone: Bradley Hall, 0054

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