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Jenny Field Principal Grants Officer The City Bridge Trust

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Presentation on theme: "Jenny Field Principal Grants Officer The City Bridge Trust"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jenny Field Principal Grants Officer The City Bridge Trust
London Funders 1st October LASA Circuit Riding Project

2 Context 1995 – 2005 10th Birthday – Funding Climate
Need to make £ work harder

3 How can we add value to our grant – making ?
Context Balance Reactive Proactive Grant - making How can we add value to our grant – making ?

4 Adding Value Pilot Light Centre for Accessible Environment Reach LASA
Media Trust Adding Value Cranfield Trust Community Transport Association Charities Evaluation Services

5 Our approach LASA – set the criteria
City Bridge Trust – used our helicopter view to identify suitable organisations Broker introduction “The great value of our partnership with the City Bridge Trust is that we get a ‘short cut’ which means we do not waste time identifying the most suitable groups to assist”. (Andy Gregg LASA) Advisory Group

6 Case Studies Helping with organisational change & development
Southwark Diocesan Welcare Assimilated of 10 satellite centres Helping internal systems to improve service delivery and reporting Environmental Law Foundation “We have found it a very valuable experience. It has led to a real improvement in our ICT strategy, with a new server and hardware; IT support; improved data collection; especially for storage and retrieval of client monitoring data”

7 Case Studies Improving Performance Black & Ethnic Minority Care Forum
Improvements for service users Age concern Hounslow Internet Câfé New Avenues Youth & Community Project Media Projects

8 Learning for Funders LASA’s evaluation & The Knowledge
Organisation must be encouraged to include ICT in full cost recovery budgets Especially important when bidding for statutory contracts & service level agreements Implications and tensions for independent grant – makers How has the City Bridge Trust taken things forward ?

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