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Learning Intentions: To understand what is required to achieve a Pass, Merit or Distinction for Task 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Intentions: To understand what is required to achieve a Pass, Merit or Distinction for Task 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Intentions: To understand what is required to achieve a Pass, Merit or Distinction for Task 2.

2 Learning Outcomes: All pupils will be able to: Fulfil the Pass Criteria. Most pupils will be able to: Fulfil the Merit Criteria. Some pupils will be able to: Fulfil the Distinction Criteria.

3 Homework: Weekly Blog Self Evaluation
What were this weeks learning objectives/your personal targets? What did you learn this week? What did you achieve this week? What are your targets for next week? Do you feel happy with your progress? Any other comments?

4 Scenario: You have been employed to assist with the expansion of a ‘downloadable tunes’ internet business and will complete a variety of ICT tasks to promote the business. The company website already includes numerous singles and albums which can be purchased online so that customers can download the tunes they require. The company was previously run by one person from their home – it started as a hobby but has taken off. The website was created and customers have been accessing the site, ordering the tunes online and then after making a payment they are able to download the tracks in a format to suit them. The business owner has been recording all details by hand but it is becoming apparent that if the business is to survive it needs to: record business transactions in a spreadsheet record customer details in a database produce professional documentation that can be used to promote the business, including a newsletter. Finally you will produce an electronic slide presentation about the company. Downloadable tunes are based at: Downloadable Tunes 1 Coventry Square Coventry CV1 3HQ

5 Pass Criteria: Candidates will use search engines to find information on the Internet, although they may not use the most efficient criteria. They will provide their source(s) website addresses.

6 Merit Criteria: Candidates will locate suitable elements from local media and the World Wide Web, using effective search criteria eg keywords. They will provide their source(s) website addresses and will comment on the trustworthiness of the source. They will use bookmarks/favourites to store useful links. They will understand the implications of copyright. They will copy and paste text and graphics from the World Wide Web in compliance with current copyright legislation.

7 Distinction Criteria:
Candidates will locate suitable elements from local media and the World Wide Web, making effective use of advanced search criteria eg quotes, Boolean operators. They will comment on the validity of their source(s): provide name of their source(s) website addresses, note trustworthiness of source(s) and date of information. They will use bookmarks/favourites to store useful links and will organise these into folders. They will understand the implications of copyright. They will download graphic and text files in compliance with current copyright legislation. They will acknowledge all sources used.

8 Activities: You will need to use search engines to find out about recent music releases. You will need to provide evidence of the search criteria you have used. Activity A: Use internet search engines to search for and collect information about the different singles and albums which will be sold on the internet and will be advertised in your newsletter (task 7) Activity B: Provide the website addresses you have used Activity C: Locate suitable text and images on local media eg CD ROM Activity D: Use effective/advanced search criteria eg keywords, quotes, Boolean operators Activity E: Comment on the trustworthiness/validity/date of your sources Activity F: Use bookmarks/favourites to store/organise your useful links into folders Activity G: Obtain a number of copyright free text and graphic(s) which can be used in the newsletter. The text/graphics obtained must be “legal, decent and honest”. Provide screenshots and an explanation to show how the text/graphics comply with legislation

9 Task 2 – Mark Alert! Web browser:
use search engines effectively to find specific information on the internet evaluate validity of information downloaded eg reliability of source, age of information copy and paste text and graphics from the internet in compliance with copyright download graphic and text files in compliance with copyright use and organise bookmarks/favourites

10 Plenary: Go through Mark Alert!
Go through Pass, Merit and Distinction Criteria.

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