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GCC and Military Power Kuwait : General information

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1 GCC and Military Power Kuwait : General information
Contacts of presentation :- Kuwait : General information Criteria's of military power Additional criteria's Bahrain Addition criteria's The increase of military spending Name : Suhaip Alsawafi Student ID: S118631

2 Kuwait General information's -Capital: Kuwait -population; 2.8 million population square land area: ( 17,818 km ) -countries borders: Borders with 2 states and Arabian gulf problems with neighbors: ( Iran , Iraq) (Cordesman, 2004) under invasion: ( ). OS1lc How difficult is to defend : not easy to defend

3 Kuwait military forces
Manpower 46,500 Total military personal 15,500 Active personal 31,000 Reserve personal Navy forces 38 Total Naval Assets Air power 106 Total aircraft strength 27 Fighter Aircrafts Attack Aircrafts 59 Training and transport Aircrafts 43 Total Helicopter strength 16 Attack Helicopter Army strength 368 Combat Tanks 861 Armored fighting vehicles 98 Self-propelled Artillery 27 Rocket projectors (, 2017)

4 Additional military criteria's (Kuwait)
Military treaties : - Defense treaty with USA in sept 1991(Soaed, 2004) Most of buying's are from : USA . Italy . Russia . South Africa Important deals : A- f/18 from US B- Eurofighter Typhoon from Italy C- BMP-3 from Russia

5 Bahrain General information's -Capital: Manama -population; million square land area: ( 765 km ) -countries borders : no land borders -problems with neighbors: Iran , Qatar (Marehan, 1997) - How difficult is to defend : easy to defend

6 Bahrain military forces
Manpower 47.405 Total military personal 11.600 Active personal 35.805 Reserve personal Navy forces 39 Total Naval forces 1 Frigates Air power 102 Total Aircraft strength 25 Fighter Aircraft Attack aircraft 57 Training and Transport Aircrafts 62 Total Helicopter strength 22 Attack Helicopter Army strength 180 Combat tanks 277 Armored fighting vehicles 13 Self-propelled Artillery 26 Towed Artillery 9 Rocket projectors (, 2017)

7 Additional military criteria's
Military ( cooperation & treaties ) with US (Soaed, 2004) :- A - Renting lands B - military assistance C - Central commandment Headquarters of U.S forces & Fifth fleet Most buying's are from : USA , France , Turkey , Russia Latest deals :- - EIMOS mortar ( 2016) - SR5 ( 2016 )

8 The increase of military spending in GCC
- the invasion of Kuwait ( 1990 ) - The threat of terrorism ( after 2001) (Jarzabek, 2016) - the Iraqi war ( 2003 ) - Arabs spring ( 2011 ) (Jarzabek, 2016) - Yemen war ( 2015 )

9 References 1- Soaed, Yasen. (2004). الوجود العسكري الأجنبي في الخليج : واقع و خيارات: . دعوة إلى أمن عربي إسلامي في الخليج. 1st ed. Beirot: مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية, pp Weitz, R. (2011). THE U.S. MILITARY AND BAHRAIN. [online] Defense one. Available at: [Accessed 20 Nov. 2017]  Marhūn, Abdeljalel. (1997). أمن الخليج بعد الحرب الباردة. 1st ed. Bayrūt: Dār al-Nahār, pp Cordesman, A. (2004). The military balance in the Middle East. 1st ed. London: Center for strategic and international power, p (2017). 2017 Kuwait Military Strength. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Nov. 2017] (2017). 2017 Bahrain Military Strength. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Nov ] Jarzabek, J. (2016). G.C.C. Military Spending in Era of Low Oil Prices. 1st ed. [ebook] Washington: Middle East Institute, pp.2-3. Available at: [Accessed 20 Nov. 2017] Yenigun, C. and Ozcan, M. (2017). Foreign Policy of Republic of Iraq. In: Foreign Policy in the greater Middle East, 1st ed. Berlin: Wissenschaftlicher, p.37.

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