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English I Tuesday, May 19.

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1 English I Tuesday, May 19

2 Remorseful (adj): very sad; sorrowful, regretful
Vocabulary Word for Today: Remorseful (adj): very sad; sorrowful, regretful She was a remorseful sad young lady when her boyfriend broke up with her because she cheated. List all pronouns and antecedents in this sentence

3 Reverent (adj): respectful; treating someone with honor and respect
Vocabulary Word for Today: Reverent (adj): respectful; treating someone with honor and respect The graduation on June was a reverent occasion so everyone was sure to dress nice.

4 1st-5th: Agenda Complete warm up for Monday and Tuesday
Go over study guide for Romeo and Juliet Test Watch the 1996 version of Romeo and Juliet and complete movie questions

5 6th: Agenda Complete Monday and Tuesday warm up
Read Act V of the slang version in class Have students check their knowledge with Act V Questions on the following slide. Watch the 1968 version of the play

6 Act V qUEStions Reviewing the Details 1. Why does Romeo decide to return to Verona after he has been banished, even if it might result in him getting the death penalty from the Prince? 2. Why does Friar Lawrence go to Capulet’s tomb? What did he discover when he got there? 3. How does Juliet die? 4. Besides Romeo and Juliet, what other characters die in this act and how did they die? 5. What do the Montagues and Capulets plan to do from now on as a result of their children’s deaths? 6. List three words that you think best describes the events that occurred throughout Romeo and Juliet. Explain how each word relates to the play.

7 English I May 20, 2015

8 Sarcastic (adj): sneering; saying the opposite of what you mean
Vocabulary Word for Today: Sarcastic (adj): sneering; saying the opposite of what you mean The boy’s sarcastic joking remarks were meant to be funny but the girl took them seriously.

9 1st-5th: Agenda Complete warm up
Watch the 1996 version of Romeo and Juliet film

10 6th: Agenda Complete warm up
Complete study guide for Romeo and Juliet Test the next day

11 English I

12 Sardonic (adj): scornful; very sarcastic; bitter
Vocabulary Word for Today: Sardonic (adj): scornful; very sarcastic; bitter The mayor’s sardonic disrespectful tone infuriated the townspeople therefore they decided to fire her.

13 1st-5th: Agenda Complete warm up
Complete 1996 version of Romeo and Juliet film

14 6th: aGENDA Complete Romeo and Juliet Test
Students can SWRP when finished

15 English I May 22, 2015

16 1st-5th: Agenda Complete Romeo and Juliet Test
Students can SWRP when finished

17 6th: Agenda Complete warm up quiz
Watch 1996 version of Romeo and Juliet in class

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