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Presentation on theme: "AMELIA EARHART’S DISAPPERENCE"— Presentation transcript:


2 Fun facts about Amelia Earhart:
BORN: July 24, 1897 Atchison, Kansas DISAPPERED: July 2, 1937 Pacific Ocean STATUS: Declared dead in absentia January Age 41 NATIONALITY:American SPOUSE: George P. Putnam KNOWN FOR: She was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic MIDDLE NAME: Mary

3 Theory # 1 ?????? During the time Amelia disappeared, the Japanese and Americans were not always agreeing. Things were tense between them. That’s when World War II was considered. Some people thought maybe Earhart was an American spy They say the Japanese shot her plane down. Others just thought she kept swimming until she had found land.

4 Theory # 2 ?????? Some Americans say she survived and swam to America, created a new identity and continued her new life in New Jersey. After all the impossible theories cleared out of the picture. There were 2 major ones still remaining.

5 MY THEORY… My Theory is….
I think Amelia Earhart’s dissapperence was caused by the magnetic force of the Bermuda Triangle. I think she must have crash-landed somewhere on an island in the Bermuda Triangle. I think the magnetic force drew the plane in and because of the force she was not able to get out of the area.

6 Amelia Earhart (a book)
MY RESOURCES I USED….. Mysteries in History American History and… Amelia Earhart (a book)

7 My Closing…. What do you think is the right theory?
I hope you liked my presentation! What do you think is the right theory? What’s your Theory?


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