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Stay on Top of Today’s and Tomorrow’s Mobile App Trends

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Presentation on theme: "Stay on Top of Today’s and Tomorrow’s Mobile App Trends"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stay on Top of Today’s and Tomorrow’s Mobile App Trends
It’s time to go beyond basic mobile apps and start offering innovative and valuable solutions. Info-Tech's products and services combine actionable insight and relevant advice with ready-to-use tools and templates that cover the full spectrum of IT concerns.© Info-Tech Research Group

2 Our understanding of the problem
CIOs and Directors who are charged with delivering innovative mobile capabilities for the business. Application Development Managers who need to develop relevant mobile applications in the midst of continually evolving mobile application trends in the marketplace. Focus on enabling business capabilities through mobile development. Understand how other organizations are making use of mobile in innovative ways. Create a roadmap for ongoing successful and relevant mobile development. IT in identifying any potential technology enhancements to improve security, performance, and integration of mobile apps. Application Development Managers in focusing to enhance mobile development competencies that add business value. Identify and address the gaps between current and target state mobile development. Establish metrics to ensure both business and technical needs are being met adequately.

3 Executive Summary The days of offering baseline mobile capabilities such as , enterprise storage, and collaboration are behind us. Today, businesses are looking at mobile as a means of offering improved and innovative business services and capabilities to remain competitive. The mobile landscape is continually evolving. It is hard to predict which trends will make a significant impact and difficult to prepare for them. Enable today’s mobile trends in your existing apps to remain competitive. Offer value to the business in the form of new or enhanced services. You run the risk of losing out on significant opportunities if not examined. Prepare for tomorrow’s trends with emphasis on security, performance, and API (application program interface) dev competencies. Misaligned development may limit the scalability and availability of your platform for future development. Mobile innovation has its risks. Exposure to sensitive enterprise systems, the rise of new attack surfaces, and the relative nascence of some mobile development frameworks adds to the complexity. Tomorrow’s trends can be a complete shift from today’s. Without a strong mobile development foundation, apps are developed with broken functionality which results in low user satisfaction and adoption. Learn about trending mobile technologies that will give you a competitive advantage: Select the trends that are aligned, and support your overall business strategy and value creation objectives. Strengthen your mobile development components and competencies to ease your trend enablement: Assess the integration, dependencies, and data of your mobile stack, and identify the necessary components and skills that will enable development of today’s trending mobile capabilities. Look beyond today’s trends and prepare: Stay informed with the evolution of mobile technologies and prepare your teams and stack for future mobile enhancements with tomorrow’s mobile trends.


5 Best-Practice Toolkit Guided Implementations
Stay on Top of Today’s and Tomorrow’s Mobile App Trends – Project Overview 1. Assess Fit with Trending Mobile Capabilities 2. Enable Mobile Trends with Strong Dev Competencies Best-Practice Toolkit Step 1.1: Embrace Mobile in Your Organization Step 1.2: See How Mobile Trends can Benefit the Business Step 1.3: Review Your Mobile Dev Competencies Step 1.4: Select Your Pilot Step: 2.1: Identify Your Mobile Development Issues and Stack Gaps Step 2.2: Strengthen Your Mobile Development Competencies to Ease App Modernization Step 2.3: Enable Trending Mobile Capabilities in Your Applications Guided Implementations Discuss the current mobile landscape and the opportunities with implementing today’s and tomorrow’s trends. Review the alignment of trending mobile capabilities to your business strategy and objectives, and the fit of your pilot project. Review your mobile development maturity and gaps in your mobile stack. Discuss the necessary security, performance optimization, and API development competencies to ease the implementation of mobile trends. Discuss how trends like location-based services, near field communication, and mobile smart objects can be implemented to address specific business needs. Onsite Workshop Module 1: Assess Fit with Trending Mobile Capabilities Module 2: Enable Mobile Trends with Strong Dev Competencies Phase 1 Outcome: Alignment of Mobile to Business Objectives Pilot Project Selection Phase 2 Outcome: Mobile Development Maturity and Stack Assessment List of Dev Competencies to Enhance Mobile Trend Implementation Action Plan

6 Workshop overview Contact your account representative or for more information. This workshop can be deployed as either a four or five day engagement depending on the level of preparation completed by the client prior to the facilitator arriving onsite. Phase 1 Phase 2 Preparation Workshop Day Working Session Workshop Preparation Facilitator meets with your applications director or development managers to discuss your history with mobile development, current state of your mobile stack, and future mobile ambitions. Create shortlist of mobile pilots. Gathering of end-user satisfaction and system performance metrics of existing mobile applications. Itinerary See the benefits with the popular mobile functionalities and use cases currently trending in the industry. Understand business priorities, and map new mobile capabilities to your business and mobile objectives. Understand the importance of security, performance, and API development competencies to mobile success. Select the mobile pilot project to demonstrate value. Gauge your mobile development maturity. Conduct a current state assessment of your mobile stack and identify your security, performance, and integration gaps. Enhance your mobile development competencies with best practices. Develop implementation steps for your new mobile capabilities. Prioritize your mobile initiatives to create an implementation action plan. Workshop Debrief Meet with your project teams and stakeholders to discuss workshop deliverables and action items. Wrap up outstanding items from workshop. Next Steps Establish touch points with Info-Tech to discuss the success and impediments that occurred during the implementation of your new mobile capabilities. The light blue slides at the end of each section highlight the key activities and exercises that will be completed during the engagement with our analyst team.

7 Phase 1: Assess Fit with Trending Mobile Capabilities

8 Phase 1: Assess Fit with Trending Mobile Capabilities
Steps Step 1.1 Embrace Mobile in Your Organization Realize the potential contribution of mobile to your critical business operations. Assess Fit with Trending Mobile Capabilities Step 1.2 See How Mobile Trends Can Benefit the Business See the business opportunities that location-based services (LBS), near field communication (NFC), and mobile smart objects (MSOs) can bring to your organization. 1 Step 1.3 Review Your Mobile Dev Competencies Strengthen your mobile development competencies for implementation of your innovative mobile development. Enable Mobile Trends with Strong Dev Competencies Step 1.4 Select Your Pilot Choose a best-fitting pilot project that will demonstrate the value of pursuing key mobile trends and serve as a learning opportunity for strengthening mobile competencies. 2 Phase Outcomes Identification of mobile use cases aligned to your business objectives and requirements. Selection of the trending mobile technologies that will support your use cases. Selection of a best fitting pilot project. We have observed that mobile enablement is now at an inflection point. Using trends as a catalyst for future planning will allow you to harness the context of mobility to drive innovative business services that add value.

9 Phase 1 Outline Call or for more information. Complete these steps on your own, or call us to complete a guided implementation. A guided implementation is a series of 2-3 advisory calls that help you execute each phase of a project. They are included in most advisory memberships. Guided Implementation 1: Assess Fit with Trending Mobile Capabilities Proposed Time to Completion (in weeks): 2 Weeks Step 1.1: Embrace Mobile in Your Organization Step 1.4: Select Your Pilot Start with an analyst kick off call: Review your current mobile portfolio and its value to the organization. Discuss your high-level business and mobile objectives. Discuss the opportunities with implementing today’s and tomorrow’s mobile trends. Review findings with analyst: Review mapping of mobile use cases to business objectives. Discuss the mobile trends that will support your use cases. Review your mobile development competencies. Shortlist and select your pilot project. Then complete these activities… 1.1: Embrace Mobile in Your Organization 1.2: See How Mobile Trends Can Benefit the Business 1.3: Review Your Mobile Dev Competencies 1.4: Select Your Pilot Present your mobile initiatives to stakeholders to gain initial buy-in and obtain feedback. Refine scope of the project to better reflect stakeholder needs. Phase 1 Results: Identification of mobile use cases and trends aligned to your business objectives and requirements. Selection of a best fitting pilot project. With these tools & templates: Mobile Trend Implementation Action Plan Template

10 Key Mobile Competencies
Info-Tech Overarching Insight: Don’t get left behind in the rapidly evolving mobile landscape Remain competitive in your industry by leveraging today’s and enabling tomorrow’s trends in your mobile applications. The implementation and use of today’s mobile trends is highly susceptible to change. Focus on your mobile security, performance optimization, and API development competencies to remain relevant with company standards, regulations, SLAs, and other non-functional requirements. This helps ensure your mobile platform can scale appropriately to accommodate today’s and tomorrow’s trends. While the web offers a flexible platform, many of today’s mobile applications continue to leverage native device hardware that is not accessible through web APIs (e.g. GPS, NFC readers, and cameras) or the browser. Understanding the configuration and testing of device hardware and related APIs (provided by Mobile Enterprise Application Platform or OS vendors) continues to remain relevant. See Info-Tech’s Vendor Landscape: Mobile Enterprise Application Platforms for more information about MEAP tools. Mobile Trends LBS MSO NFC Enable Scalable Mobile Platform Support Key Mobile Competencies API Development Security Performance

11 End Users are Expecting Relevant Mobile Interaction
Mobile is not going away – embrace it in your business operations so you don’t fall behind your competitors 1.1 End Users are Expecting Relevant Mobile Interaction 76% of users agree that location sharing provides more meaningful content. More than 90% say that readily available content is important. 54% say that mobile websites don’t give enough content. 70% of smartphone and tablet owners downloaded a business-specific app and 79% allowed location sharing. Source: 2014 Mobile Behavior Report, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, 2014. Mobile technologies have matured to a point where mobile devices and platforms can be used to execute key enterprise processes anywhere and engage customers everywhere. Organizations are recognizing and realizing the value mobile is bringing to their business and are continually looking for new opportunities to expand their mobile reach. Mobile should no longer be a secondary concern. “Today, half of [the companies surveyed] reported they have realized a greater than 10 percent gain in employee productivity as a result of their mobile efforts... In the next three years, 40 percent of companies are looking for productivity gains in the 10 to 20 percent range, and 36 percent are looking for increases greater than 20 percent.” Source: P. Buckellew, K. Custis, et al. The “upwardly mobile” enterprise: Setting the strategic agenda. IBM Institute for Business Value

12 Info-Tech Research Group Helps IT Professionals To:
Quickly get up to speed with new technologies Make the right technology purchasing decisions – fast Deliver critical IT projects, on time and within budget Manage business expectations Justify IT spending and prove the value of IT Train IT staff and effectively manage an IT department Sign up for free trial membership to get practical solutions for your IT challenges “Info-Tech helps me to be proactive instead of reactive – a cardinal rule in a stable and leading edge IT environment. - ARCS Commercial Mortgage Co., LP Toll Free:

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