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Grade 1 Health Unit 1 Food, Habits, and Healthy Alternatives

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1 Grade 1 Health Unit 1 Food, Habits, and Healthy Alternatives
Making a Concept Map Grade 1 Health Unit 1 Food, Habits, and Healthy Alternatives

2 Healthy Living In Grade 1, the units in Health are:
Food, Habits, and Healthy Alternatives Winter Holidays We Stay Safe Understanding Human Development

3 Unit 1 (September-November) Food, Habits, and Healthy Alternatives
Food, Food, Food Connecting with Books Creating a Mind Map with Healthy Food Creative Discussions Making a Concept Map

4 5. Making a Concept Map understand how food choices affect people
identify unhealthy behaviours explain how people can adopt healthier alternatives

5 Making a Concept Map We have been discussing healthy eating, making connections to our own lives and using our creative and critical thinking skills. We have been discussing the fact that we all have habits and that there are always healthier alternatives to the habits that might make us unhealthy. Can you think of an unhealthy habit?

6 Making a Concept Map One healthy behaviour we focused a lot of our time on is healthy food choices. How do we make healthy food choices? What food groups need to be part of our healthy eating habits? Why does a healthy body need food?

7 Making a Concept Map Brainstorm lots of different bad habits or unhealthy behaviours. Come up with healthier alternatives to each of the bad habits or unhealthy behaviours.

8 Making a Concept Map Individually complete the Healthy Alternatives worksheet, writing or illustrating healthy alternatives to the unhealthy habits identified. Use your knowledge of the food groups as well as eating and drinking cues.

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