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2 Before Conflict Protagonist – Main Character the story follows, usually the good guy in a story. Antagonist – The character who opposes or is against the Protagonist, usually seen as the bad guy.

3 INTERNAL CONFLICT A struggle that takes place in a character's mind is called internal conflict. For example, a character may have to decide between right and wrong or between two solutions to a problem.

4 INTERNAL CONFLICT Sometimes, a character must deal with his or her own mixed feelings or emotions.

Character is “fighting” with himself or herself.

6 EXTERNAL CONFLICT A struggle between a character and an outside force is an external conflict. Characters may face several types of outside forces. The outside force may be another character, group, nature or technology.

The most common form of external conflict is man vs. man. Many protagonists must face down an antagonist that stands in the way. The conflict could physical, emotional or mental standoff between characters

8 EXTERNAL CONFLICT Man vs. Group/Society
main character (or characters) thinks differently from society or has different concepts than what most people think. Martin Luther King Jr. is a real life example.

literature relies on the force of natural disasters to thwart the protagonist. This form of external conflict could involve floods, fires, storms, or severe winds.

10 EXTERNAL CONFLICT Man vs. Technology/machine
Common within science fiction, man finds his enemy within machines. Technology goes out of control, growing past man's control over it. This type of external conflict presents a worst-case idea of a world ruled by its own inventions.

11 Test Yourself You're skiing with a friend, not really paying attention to where you're going. Suddenly you find yourself atop a double black diamond icy slope — straight down! You've never skied anything like this before! Internal Conflict External Conflict

12 Test Yourself External Conflict

13 Test Yourself Your mom is driving you and your friends to a big game in another town. You left in plenty of time, but she seems to have lost her way. It's getting late and there's no sign of the gym. You think you saw a sign for the Sports Center a few blocks back. You have a hard time telling your mom about the sign. Internal Conflict External Conflict

14 Test Yourself Internal Conflict

15 Test Yourself At a party, Jennifer spent a lot of time talking to Dennis, a friend from her math class — just chatting. His girlfriend, however, has spread rumors around school that she’s trying to take him away from her. Internal Conflict External Conflict

16 Test Yourself External Conflict

17 Test Yourself You're taking a shortcut through the woods to your cousin's house — with your five-year-old sister in tow. She scratches her leg on a bush and whines, then it begins to rain very hard. You want to make a run for it, but your sister refuses to budge. You've never seen it rain like this before, and you've never been in this part of the woods. Internal Conflict External Conflict

18 Test Yourself External Conflict

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