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Class 2 What is social work and what do social workers do ?

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1 Class 2 What is social work and what do social workers do ?

2 is only guaranteed when the Is only guaranteed if the practitioner holds all these things together and these are linked to a perspective about social work!

3 So is that what social work is?
The answer to ‘what is social work?’ varies according to the: Social conditions culture political and economic ideology perpetuated and your own social conditioning and perspective.

4 To understand what social workers ‘do’ we must look at the surrounding ideology
the standards and roles you will be assessed against this translates into the context of government policy, agency procedures and Codes of Practice This underpins the values and what social workers actually do in practice. today we want to help you to see how this translates into your actions and perspective

5 Social Context SW takes place in a ‘social’ context.
Social work is influenced by the social climate and the needs of service users These are influenced and defined by the beliefs, values, policies and laws of the society Which turn into agencies contributing to packages of care and protection thus agencies dictate the roles of a social worker

6 The influence of Discourse
To understand modern social work we need to understand the different types of discourse that surround social work Discourse = structures of knowledge, and practices through which we understand, explain and decide things…frameworks that make some actions possible while excluding others. Interactions between what people say or do that give meaning to their actions

7 Discourses=view of the world
Discourses about law, medicine, economics, and politics affect how we see the world In social work this means how we see service users and why and how they have become a service user They help social workers to make sense of the work that they do The outcomes and purpose of practicing in a particular way These different views of social work connect with different political views about how social work/welfare should be provided

8 Three different discourses
Reflexive-Therapeutic – therapeutic helping; promotes personal development – self growth with groups /individuals and families Socialist/Collectivist - transformational or emancipatory practices promotes mutual support of the oppressed to gain power Individualist/Reformist – an aspect of individual welfare – promotes work with individuals to maintain social order

9 Reflexive-Therapeutic Views
Therapeutic -helping see social work as a means to seek the best possible well-being for individuals, families, groups and communities by promoting and facilitating growth and self fulfilment Interactions between worker and service user modifies SU ideas and allows workers to influence them Feedback from SU’s also affects workers understanding of their issues and experiences

10 Socialist/Collectivist -Views
Seek mutual support and cooperation for the most oppressed and disadvantaged so that they can gain power and control over their lives. Facilitates empowering people to take part in the process of learning and cooperation which creates institutions that all can own and participate in Seek to transform and improve society through freeing people from oppression Values statements /codes of ethics represent the objectives

11 Individualist/Reformist- views
An aspect of welfare services to individuals in society Wants to meet individual needs and improve services to SU so services can operate more effectively Could be seen as maintenance approaches Maintaining people in times of difficulty so that they can recover and function again By working this way workers maintain the social order and social fabric of society

12 Payne’s Classification of Social Work Theories
Reflexive-Therapeutic – Socialist/Collectivist Individualist/Reformist These views of the world link into various social theories and guide our perspectives – the way we see things and this guides our actions with service users

13 Ideology also influences you
Each view says something about the activities and purpose of social work and what social workers do Your stance effects your view of the world and how you will see and understand the role and tasks of social worker This will guide your actions and influence your interactions Your task is to become aware how this impact on your perspective and influences your action and thoughts Realise that such views are not static and change over time

14 Theoretical Context Analysis of Social Work Theories Payne
Type of theory Reflexive- Therapeutic Socialist- Collectivist Individualist -reformist Perspective: Comprehensive Inclusive Theory Model Psycho-dynamic Humanist existential Social construction Crisis Personal Critical Anti-oppressive Feminist Empowerment Social change Social development Systems Cognitive – behavioural Task -centred

15 What is it then! The answer to what is social work varies according to the social conditions, the culture the political and economic ideology perpetuated and your social conditioning You first of all need to understand that there are differing perspectives And how these differing perspectives, values and political influences influence your view of the world and your actions with service users

16 Different Views A change in one area affects the others
Reflexive-theraputic Socialist-collectivist emancipatory Individualist-reformist Maintenance

17 Structural Context and Perspective!
Social work takes place within complex social structures, institutions and with individuals which all influence each other 3 sets of forces construct social work practice Those that create and construct social work as an occupation (ideological) Those that create people as clients seeking /sent for help (agency) Those that create the social context in which social work is practiced (workers )

18 Three arenas of the construction of social work - Payne
Political social ideology Construct Agency -professional context Client –worker client A change in one area affects the others

19 Political -social ideological
The social and political debates and discourses form social policy that guides agencies, purpose and values Creates social work as an occupation It identifies deserving and undeserving individuals depending on the views of welfare and social problems The social workers they train / make influence the nature of social work

20 Agency Context SW takes place in organisational -associations of people constructed to achieve particular purposes formally controlled and influenced by managers, politicians , culture and economy Create the social context in which social work is practiced Agencies and Employers influence how social work will operate- best practice What agencies think affects their practice Therefore views of social work are constantly changing

21 Client -Worker Context
Defined by social processes of disadvantages and power This influences how people become clients/service users are they sent – do they seek help! It’s about Individuals demands and needs for service And societies Knowledge gleaned from practitioners also influences what takes place

22 Conclusion This triangular relationship between worker, agency and client and the differing discourse about social work construct a view of social work Understanding social work involves examine the factors which establish these discourses and their relationships to each other and with social workers and service users This also means you examining how such discourses and ideas have influenced you

23 Has this changed over time?
Yes it has thus; We cannot understand social work with out gaining a perspective on the history of social work the knowledge values and skills involved required for good practice!



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