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History of Forensic Science

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Presentation on theme: "History of Forensic Science"— Presentation transcript:

1 History of Forensic Science
Define forensic. What is today’s meaning of Forensic Science?

2 History of Forensic Science
How did the following cases impact Forensic Science? Frye v United States Daubert v Merrill Dow Pharmaceuticals Miranda v Arizona

3 History of Forensic Science
How did Arthur Conan Doyle impact crime scene investigation?

4 History of Forensic Science
What impacted the development of crime labs? What are the basic units and what do they analyze?

5 Important “Firsts” Archimedes Paul Revere Bertillon Galton
Entomology and China Sand and Japan Hans Gross The Body Farm Alec Jefferies

6 Crime Scene Investigation
List the members of the C.S.I. team.

7 Crime Scene Investigation
Which member is responsible for the body? ADAPT? creating the crime scene sketch? starting the Chain of Custody? testifying in court?

8 Crime Scene Investigation
Describe how to package the following types of evidence. hairs fibers dried blood wet blood

9 Crime Scene Investigation
Define class and individualized evidence. Determine the category for: hair hair with a follicle tag DNA blood dirt fingerprints fibers

10 Crime Scene Investigation
Why are reference samples collected? T or F Hairs and fibers are always collected. How do evidence technicians assure that samples are not contaminated?

11 Crime Scene Investigation
What are the requirements for an expert witness? What are the guidelines for eyewitness testimony?

12 What is missing?

13 Crime Scene Investigation
What is the purpose of a crime scene sketch? Why does a sketch artist create both a rough draft and a final sketch?

14 Crime Scene Investigation
What is the meaning of modus operandi? Define means, motive and opportunity. Of the three listed above, which does not have to be proven in court?

15 Body as Evidence Define Livor Mortis, Rigor Mortis and Algor Mortis.
Which can indicate that a body has been moved? What location will delay Rigor Mortis? Which factors affect Algor Mortis? Rigor Mortis?

16 Body as Evidence What is the time frame for Algor Mortis Livor Mortis
Rigor Mortis

17 Body as Evidence Explain the difference between a coroner and a medical examiner. What is the purpose of an autopsy? Why does the M.E. conduct an external examination, take x-rays, draw blood?

18 Body as Evidence Define cause, manner and mechanism of death. What is the cause of death for the victims of 9-11 Hindenburg Edmond Fitzgerald Chicago fire

19 Decomposition List and define the stages of decay.

20 Decomposition What is the first insect to the site of a decomposing body? How quickly does this insect arrive? What is the order in which the rest of the predators/parasites arrive? What factors affect the rate of maggot development?

21 Decomposition

22 Decomposition

23 Decomposition

24 Decomposition Why would a Medical Examiner grind up maggots in a blender?

25 Soil and Sand Analysis What is the first step in soil/sand analysis?
Why is soil valuable evidence?

26 Soil and Sand Evidence What factors determine the composition of soil/sand? What does the color indicate? What is a soil profile?

27 Soil and Sand Evidence

28 Soil and Sand as Evidence

29 Hair and Fiber Evidence
Where are the following hair characteristics located scales medulla pigment melanin root follicle

30 Hair and Fiber Evidence
Determine the types of medulla in the picture.

31 Hair and Fiber Evidence
Determine the patterns in the picture

32 Hair and Fiber Evidence
A suspect hair has a medullary index of .80. Is the hair most likely human or non-human? Justify your answer.

33 Hair and Fiber Evidence
Name and define the three stages of hair growth.

34 Hair and Fiber Evidence
What is the difference between a fiber and fabric? What are the three most common weave patterns?

35 Hair and Fiber Evidence
Which fiber is the warp? Weft?

36 Hair and Fiber Evidence
What are the two categories of fibers? Name the most common example for each category.

37 Hair and Fiber Evidence
What is the difference between regenerated and synthetic? What was the first regenerated fiber? What was the first synthetic fiber?

38 Hair and Fiber Evidence
Why would an evidence technician decide not to collect certain hairs and fibers?

39 Bones as Evidence What determinations may be made from a recovered skeleton? Which of those determinations is becoming more difficult and why?

40 Bones as Evidence What characteristic of a bone would aid in the determination of Age Gender Race Height

41 Bones as Evidence Explain how forces impact a skeleton.
Distinguish between force and trauma.

42 Bones as Evidence Which bones of humans and animals are similar?

43 WHO AM I? I was exhumed and then identified by my false teeth
Paul Revere performed the identification

44 WHO AM I? General Warren

45 WHO AM I? I will be called to the crime scene to process and collect the dead body

46 WHO AM I? The Medical Examiner

47 WHO ARE WE? We are called to consult when a skeletonized body is found

48 WHO ARE WE? Anthropologist and Odontologist

49 WHO AM I? I am consulted when a body is in an advanced stage of decomposition

50 WHO AM I? Entomologist

51 WHO AM I? I respond to the 911 call and once on the scene I assess, detain, arrest, protect and take notes.

52 WHO AM I? First Officer on the Scene

53 WHO AM I? I interview witnesses, verify statements, arrest suspects and testify in court

54 WHO AM I? Lead Detective

55 WHAT AM I? I am the documentation that records every person that has possessed or analyzed a piece of evidence.

56 WHAT AM I? Chain of Custody


58 WHICH CATEGORY ? Individual

59 WHICH CATEGORY ? Blood Type




63 WHICH CATEGORY ? Hair with a follicle tag attached

64 WHICH CATEGORY ? Individual

65 WHICH CATEGORY ? Broken Glass


67 WHAT AM I MISSING? I am an evidence label. I include the following information: Name of Evidence Technician Date Description and Location of Evidence

68 WHAT AM I MISSING? Time (may sure to include am or pm)

69 WHAT AM I MISSING? I am the final crime scene sketch. I include the following: Name Date and Time Address Scale Legend/Key


71 WHAT AM I MISSING? I am a photograph from the crime scene. I include a number marker.


73 WHAT DO I MEAN? Autopsy Forensic Anthropometry Exchange Principle
Entomology Odontology

74 WHAT IS MY PURPOSE? Firearms Unit Toxicology Unit
Questioned Document Unit Photography Unit Physical Science Unit Latent Fingerprint Unit Biology Unit

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