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The Hip and Thigh.

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Presentation on theme: "The Hip and Thigh."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Hip and Thigh

2 MOTIONS What do these motions look like? Hip Flexion Hip Extension
Hip Adduction Hip Abduction Hip External Rotation Hip Internal Rotation


4 The Hip and Thigh Bones (6) Femur Pelvis (3 bones)
Longest and strongest bone in the body Pelvis (3 bones) Ilium Ishium Pubis Sacrum – part of spine Coccyx – part of spine

5 HIP MUSCLES Divided into Five Regions Anterior Thigh Posterior Thigh
Medial Thigh Anterior Hip Posterior Hip

6 Muscles – Anterior Thigh
Quadriceps Femoris Vastus medialis Vastus intermedius Vastus lateralis Rectus femoris Function Extend the knee Rectus femoris also aids in hip flexion

7 Muscles – Anterior Thigh
Sartorius (pink) Function Hip flexion Adduction External rotation

8 Muscles – Posterior Thigh
Hamstring Muscles Biceps femoris Semimembranous Semitendonous Function Flex the knee and extend the hip

9 Muscles – Medial Thigh (Groin)
Hip Adductors Gracilis Sartorius Pectineus Adductor Magnus Adductor Longus Adductor Brevis

10 Muscles – Anterior Hip Hip Flexors Iliopsoas (2 muscles) Iliacus Psoas

11 Muscles – Posterior Hip
Hip Abduction Tensor fascia latae (TFL) Gluteus Medius Gluteus Minimus Hip Extension Gluteus Maximus Also external rotator



14 Are you more likely to strain or contuse your:
Quadriceps? Hamstring? Groin?

15 Quadriceps Contusion Cause Signs and symptoms Direct blow to the quad
Pain Loss of function – can’t straighten knee Decreased knee flexion Graded on a scale of 1 – 4 1 not so bad  4 is the worse

16 Quadriceps Contusion Treatment
RICE immediately Knee has to be flexed when you ice Compression to prevent swelling If not treated properly, it can lead to bone formation in the muscle

17 Muscle Strain Causes Inflexibility Poor warm up Fatigue Overstretch

18 Quadriceps Strain Signs and Symptoms
Pulling / burning sensation in quad Decreased knee flexion Decreased knee extension strength

19 Hamstring Strain Signs and Symptoms
Pulling / burning sensation in hamstring Decreased strength – knee flexion Decreased hip flexion with knee straight

20 Groin/Hip Flexor Strain
Signs and Symptoms Pulling / burning sensation in anterior or medial thigh Pain with flexion and adduction Weak in these motions with poor range of motion Groin strains can be very painful and take a long time recover.

21 Muscle Strain Treatment
RICE for 1st hours Compression Wrap for activity Rehabilitation for strength and flexibility

22 Stress Fracture in Femur
Cause Pounding activity like running Signs and Symptoms Constant pain that gets worse with activity Treatment Rest from activity Non-weight bearing (crutches)

23 Femur Fracture Cause Fall from great height Hit by opponent
Signs and Symptoms Go into shock Extreme pain Thigh externally rotated and/or shortened Treatment Call 911 Keep them in position you find them

24 Hip Dislocation Cause Very difficult to do – this is a very stable joint Takes a lot of force to dislocate this joint Signs and Symptoms Most common is posterior dislocation Presents with hip slightly flexed, adducted and internally rotated Treatment Medical emergency – call 911 Do not move

25 Hip Pointer Contusion to the iliac crest Cause Signs and Symptoms
Muscles attach there Cause Direct blow Signs and Symptoms Hurts to lift leg, abdominal crunch, sneeze, cough Treatment Ice and a lot of it Gentle stretching as tolerated

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