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By: Katelynn Frick .

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1 By: Katelynn Frick 

2 What Bolivian's Celebrate...
The birth of the savior How the manger has three animals the three magyis. ( Vigen, Marry, and Joseph) Misa Del Gallo Midnight Mass

3 Misa Del Gallow!! On Christmas eve church bells ring late to gather families to church for the Misa Del Gallo, or Mass of the rooster. La Misa Del Gallo is a tradition for all families. It is called Mass of the rooster because it is said that the only time a rooster crowed at midnight was on the day Jesus was born.

4 The way Christmas is Celebrated
Families go to midnight mass, midnight mass is a church service that happens at midnight. Then they go to a dinner called a picana. A picana is a soup with chicken, beef, corn species and also wine. After they’ve had their church service, and dinner they all gather around and open presents at midnight.

5 Children In Bolivia before the Misa del Gallow the children right a list of things for baby Jesus to bring them. They believe that baby Jesus come down and brings them their Christmas presents.

6 Traditions On midnight mass everyone makes special desserts like, turrones, bunuelos chocolate. A turrone is one of the sweetest Spanish candies. The children also sing and play handmade instruments such as the flute.


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