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Dr. Steinar Bergseth The Research Council of Norway

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1 Dr. Steinar Bergseth The Research Council of Norway
The ERA-NET Cofund on Blue Bioeconomy A joint effort by ERA-MBT/COFASP and JPI-Ocean Dr. Steinar Bergseth The Research Council of Norway

2 Be a strong driver for the development of the European bioeconomy
The initiators… COFASP An ERA-NET on Cooperation in Fisheries, Aquaculture and Seafood Processing (2013 – 2017) Strengthen cooperation and synergies between major European funding agencies that support research on sustainable exploitation of marine renewable resources. MBT An ERA-NET on Marine Biotechnology (2013 – 2017) Be a strong driver for the development of the European bioeconomy JPI Oceans A Joint Programming Initiative for Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans (2011  … ) A coordinating and integrating strategic platform, open to all EU Member States and Associated Countries who invest in marine and maritime research, providing a long-term integrated approach to marine and maritime research and technology development in Europe.

3 Joined partnership networks…

4 Building on knowledge outputs…
COFASP and MBT JPIO Exploring the Deep-Sea Technology, Platforms and Sensor Development Coastal and maritime planning and management to advance sustainable blue growth Linking oceans, human health and wellbeing Interdisciplinary Research for Good Environmental Status Observing, modelling and predicting ocean state and processes Climate change impact on physical and biological ocean processes Effects of ocean acidification and warming on marine ecosystems Food security and safety driving innovation in a changing world Use of marine biological resources through development and application of biotechnology 3 joint call for proposals + 1 together Implementing joint activities for dissemination and uptake of research results Mapping of national research priorities Strategic research (and innovation) agendas Foresight activities Capacity building Mobility and training activities Databases of funded national projects Mapping of existing infrastructures To show similarities

5 Strategies… Nevne COFASPs 3 pillarer: Fisheries, Aquaculture, Seafood processing og de 3 calls som støtter opp under dette på ulikt vis. Nevne MBTs 3 calls: Biorefineries, biodiscovery, metagenomics. Biotek som er «generisk» og støtter også COFASP tema. Store open processes with workshops, case studies, foresights, etc…. JPIOs «Strat res 6 Innov agenda som har 10 tema hvorav 9 og 10 er på

6 JPI-Oceans’ 10 strategic areas
1.Exploring Deep Sea Resources 2.Technology and Sensor Developments 3.Science Support to Coastal and Maritime Planning and Management 4.Linking Oceans, Human Health and Wellbeing 5.Interdisciplinary Research for Good Environmental Status 6.Observing, Modelling and Predicting Oceans State and Processes 7.Climate Change Impact on Physical and Biological Ocean Processes 8.Effects of Ocean Acidification on Marine Ecosystems 9. Food Security and Safety Driving Innovation in a Changing World 10. Use of Marine Biological Resources through Development and Application of Biotechnology In addition to the Strategic Areas, three cross-cutting issues have been identified where JPI Oceans can add value in the European landscape. 1. Science-Policy Interface 2. Human Capacity Building 3. Infrastructures Vise til det generelle og overordnede scopet til JPIO Vise til pkt 9 og 10 som går direkte inn i COFASP og MBT. Som også er dekket av ERA-nettene. Uptake of results from MBT & COFASP: Relevans for bredt spekter av stakeholders og interesseorganisasjoner

7 Relevance in policies and agendas
Taking EU relevant policies and agendas into account, such as: Common Fisheries Policy Marine Strategy Framework Directive Framework for Maritime Spatial planning Developing the European Research Area ( ERA) Horizon2020 Blue Growth strategy Bioeconomy strategy Food European Research and Innovation for Food and Nutrition Security To underpin our importance to fulfill core strategies and policies

8 Scope The cofund will address:
New aquatic bioresources (marine & freshwater) New uses of traditional blue bioresources Improvement of existing value chains, incl. circular economy Cross-cutting and supportive issues Mention the one pager

9 Timeline for a COFUND action
Aiming for a call in the 2018 work programme To get them on track for developments

10 Commitments…. Aiming for €20 mio. and €10 mio. from the EU-Commission
Countries that have made initial commitment of funding: Belgium, Croatia, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Denmark, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Turkey Total approx €20 mio Missing: Bulgaria, Netherlands, Poland, United Kingdom, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary Also approaching: Canada, New Zealand, ... Marine regions Interest organizations

11 First partner meeting in Berlin September 22nd
Contact and activity… Tom Redd: First partner meeting in Berlin September 22nd

12 Thank you !

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