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Published byPhillip Robert Sherman Modified over 6 years ago
Maryland High School Assessments Training
Welcome! Maryland High School Assessments Training October 2017 Shelby Pouliot and Abbie Currier
Introductions Measured Progress eMetric
Shelby Pouliot, Project Manager II eMetric Abbie Currier, Project Manager III Neil Gandhi, Sr. Technology Manager
AGENDA Time Topics 9:00 – 9:15 AM Introduction
Maryland HSA Testing Program Overview General Information Schedule and Timelines 9:15 – 9:30 AM Policy Testing All Eligible Students Test Security 9:30 – 11:00 AM Computer Based Testing with the HSA Online System HSA Portal 11:00 – 11:15 AM Break 11:15 AM – 12:30 PM HSA Kiosk 12:30 – 1:30 PM Lunch (Provided) 1:30 – 1:45 PM Paper Based Testing 1:45 – 3:00 PM Questions & Answers
Maryland HSA Testing Program Overview
Introduction Contact Information Maryland HSA Testing Program Overview General Information Schedule/Timelines
Contact Information Maryland State Department of Education For questions relating to policy or the MD HSA in general: Brianna Creed, Program Manager , Measured Progress Technical Product Support For questions relating to the HSA Portal or HSA Kiosk or any technical issues: Monday-Friday, 6:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. during the testing window Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. outside the testing window (866) ,
Maryland HSA Testing Program
The HSAs are designed to ensure that Maryland‘s high school graduates are prepared to pursue higher education and career paths. The HSAs are rigorous assessments of a student‘s knowledge of the skills outlined in the State standards for government and science.
HS MISA The science assessment will assess students’ knowledge and ability to do science in the areas of life, physical, and earth/space science based on the Maryland Science Standards (NGSS). The Science HSA replaces the Biology HSA. For the HS MISA, the items will be in a “lab set” format. This new “lab set” format provides a three-dimensional alignment to the NGSS and performance expectations. A “lab set” will be based on stimuli and will consist of selected response, constructed response and TEI items. For the field test in 2018, there will be four lab sets that the students will see with 24 items total on the entire test. The operational test in 2019 will have 10 lab sets.
Proposed COMAR For all students taking the HSA biology assessment in the 2016—2017 school year, taking the HSA biology assessment will meet the graduation assessment requirement for biology. For all students taking the Maryland Integrated Science Assessment in the 2017 – 2018 and 2018 – 2019 school year, taking the MISA assessment will meet the graduation assessment requirement for science.
HS MISA Graduation Requirement
SY : Students must participate to meet graduation requirements. SY : Students must participate to meet graduation requirements. SY : Students must pass the assessment to meet graduation requirements.
HSA Government The government assessment will assess students’ knowledge of the Maryland Social Studies Standards. This assessments serves as the high school assessment graduation requirements for government. There will be no disruption in administration of the Government HSA during this transition.
Measured Progress Partnership with eMetric
Measured Progress and eMetric began our partnership together in 2013 and are currently working together in three states: New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Maine in addition to the state of Maryland Measured Progress/ eMetric eMetric Measured Progress/ Other Vendors Key
Our Partnership Successful implementation for five years, to 5.2 million students annually, with no interruptions Transparent integration across systems and support
Maryland HSA Timelines
Date Task October 17-19, 2017 Training sessions Help & Support Site available with templates & user guides November 1, 2017 HSA Portal goes live LACs and LEA24 STCs receive portal user accounts Upload/create HSA Portal accounts Download & install HSA Kiosks & complete Site Readiness Testing Download & install TestMonitor HSA practice test goes live November 1-15, 2017 Pre-ID Window November 20, 2017– January 7, 2018 Upload classes and additional accessibility features/ accommodations in HSA Portal
Maryland HSA Timelines
Date Task November 20 - December 8, 2017 Certification Window All HSA Kiosk installations must be completed Site Readiness must be completed TestMonitor installed December 13-15, 2017 Paper materials shipped to schools Track using Materials Management in HSA Portal December 16, 2017 – January 16, 2018 Order Additional Materials via HSA Portal January 2, 2018 January tests available in HSA Portal for scheduling Ensure TestMonitor sync is complete before test window opens January 8 - February 2, 2018 Operational Testing Window No uploads permitted in HSA Portal (all data manually entered via user interface)
Maryland HSA Timelines
Date Task January 8 – 19, 2018 Paper Operational Testing Window January 17-22, 2018 Return All Paper Materials Schedule UPS Pick-up Request January 23-26, 2018 Late Pick-up Window for Paper Materials After January 26, 2018 Any scorable material must be returned at the cost of the county February 5-16, 2018 Return Online Testing Secure Ancillary Materials April 2018 Scores available to LEAs Score labels shipped to LEAs
Maryland HSA Training Schedule
Date Trainings October 17, 2017 LACs October 18, 2017 LEA24 STCs October 19, 2017 IT Coordinators (WebEx) November 1, 2017 Refresher training for IT Coordinators (9:00 – 10:00 AM WebEx) Refresher training for LACs and STCs (12:00 – 2:00 PM WebEx) November 3, 2017 Refresher training for LACs and STCs (9: :00 AM WebEx) Refresher training for IT Coordinators (1:00 – 2:00 PM WebEx) Refresher trainings are not required, but are highly recommended.
Testing All Eligible Students Test Security
Policy Testing All Eligible Students Test Security
Testing All Eligible Students
Government "All students enrolled in Maryland schools must pass the Government HSA in order to graduate. All students who have not previously passed the Government HSA or successfully completed a bridge project, are eligible to take the 2018 HSA administration in January, May, and Summer." HS MISA "Any student that did not take the Biology HSA in and had not passed the Biology HSA or completed a Biology Bridge Project prior to will need to take the HS MISA in 2018 to meet the HS graduation requirement." For the field test of the HS MISA, a suggestion would be to identify an appropriate cohort in your LEA to provide MSDE with quality baseline data. Each LEA determines when the HS MISA will be given based on their instructional sequence. For the field test, it is not expected that the students who take the assessment have had instruction in only NGSS aligned courses, but at least received NGSS aligned instruction this school year. Any student that did not take the Biology HSA in and had not passed the Biology HSA or completed a Biology Bridge Project prior to will need to take the HS MISA in 2018 to meet the HS graduation requirement.
Score Invalidation Policy
The State Board regulations provide that MSDE may invalidate scores when there is evidence of inappropriate collaboration between or among individuals during the test administration, or when the scores reflect improbable gains which cannot be satisfactorily explained through changes in instruction or the student population (COMAR 13A A). Score invalidation occurs in situations that involve blatant cheating by the student or school. In matters involving school staff cheating or error, MSDE makes every effort to resolve the matter without imposing any undue hardship on the student.
COMAR 13A.03.04.07A .07 Sanctions for Violations.
A. Invalidation of Test Scores or Other Data. (1) An individual shall adhere to all procedures specified in all operating manuals and related materials governing the Maryland School Performance Program including the mandated testing programs. (2) The Department: (a) Shall establish procedures to identify: (i) Improbable test score gains or improbable changes in data in consecutive years, (ii) Situations in which inappropriate collaboration between or among individuals occurs during the test administration or data collection and reporting, and (iii) Any other situation which may result in the invalidation of test results or other data; and (b) May invalidate test scores or other data that reflect improbable gains which cannot be satisfactorily explained through changes in the student population or instruction. (3) The invalidation of test results or other data because of a breach of security, or action of the State Board of Education, also invalidates any graduation, programmatic, or evaluative criteria dependent upon these data or test results. (4) The Department may invalidate test results of a student who causes, allows, or is otherwise involved in the presentation of forged, counterfeit, or altered identification for the purpose of obtaining admission to a test administration site for any of the tests listed in Regulation .01 of this chapter, and the student may be ineligible to retake the test until the next official testing opportunity. (5) A student who engages in any activities during testing which result in invalidation of scores may be ineligible to retake the test until the next official testing opportunity. (6) All central office and school-based personnel whose duties involve either test administration or data collection and reporting shall be held accountable for compliance with all of the requirements described in this chapter.
Possible Reasons for Score Invalidation
Student Cheating Student Error School Staff Cheating School Staff Error Other Note: This list is not meant to be comprehensive and/or exhaustive.
Student Cheating If a student is proven to have cheated on any portion of the test (even if it is just 1 item), the entire test receives a LOSS (lowest obtainable scale score) for the Individual Student Report (ISR) and MAP (Maryland Accountability Program).
Student Error If a student mistakenly works ahead (1-2 items) or commits a minor infraction, there is generally no score adjustment. If a student is proven to have blatantly disregarded direction from testing personnel, the entire test receives a LOSS for the ISR and MAP.
School Staff Cheating If it is proven that the school intentionally cheated to make “gains” on the test, the entire test receives a LOSS for the ISR and MAP. If only 1-2 items are impacted, the student will receive an ISR reflecting the accurate score but the test receives a LOSS for MAP. If more items are impacted, the entire test receives a LOSS for the ISR and MAP.
School Staff Error If personnel unintentionally make an error (and only 1-2 items are impacted) such as in administering an accommodation, allocating proper time, etc., there is generally no score adjustment. If more items are impacted, MSDE may make the determination to issue a LOSS.
Other MSDE may make the determination for invalidation based on other areas such as: Vendor Alert Multiple Mark Analysis Improbable Gains reporting Plagiarism Analysis reports
Reporting of Infractions
When a suspected infraction occurs, the LAC must: Determine whether the incident is Category 1 or Category 2 Document the incident for the End-of-Year Log or on a Testing Incident Report Form (TIRF) Category 1 - Occurrences related to test security and test administration that do not compromise test security and have no possible impact on student scores, test validity, or data reporting may be handled exclusively on a local level according to local school system policy. (EOY Log) Category 2 - Any incidents that, upon investigation, may impact student scores, test validity, data reports, or that compromise the security of test items. Should sanctions be warranted in these cases, they will be determined by the Local Education Agency in accordance with local policy and MSDE guidelines. Within 5 days of a Category 2 incident, the LAC is to submit a TIRF to MSDE.
For Questions or Assistance
State Test Security Officer Dr. Tamara L. Lewis (410)
Accommodations Cross-Walk
Online Testing System Maryland HSA Portal Accommodations Cross-Walk Maryland HSA Kiosk iTester TestMonitor CBT Practice Test
Maryland HSA Online Testing System
9/12/2018 Maryland HSA Online Testing System HSA Portal: Test Administration System HSA Kiosk: Student Test Delivery System The Maryland HSA online testing system is comprised of two components: The Portal, a website were you will prepare students, classes and test sessions and the Kiosk, software downloaded to the test devices that student will use to take the Maryland HS Government and MISA tests
HSA Portal & Kiosk Components Online System
User Management Administration Site Setup Students Classes Tests Kiosk Windows, Mac and Linux iOS and Chrome Tablet App Practice Test Browser In the portal you will Mange user accounts in the user management component And in administration component you will: Access testing kiosks to download and you will monitor progress of kiosk downloads to test devices in your organization Manage student information such as enrollment and accommodations Create classes Schedule classes to take tests Access tools Monitor test progress such as a dashboard and the separate OSTP Kiosks The Kiosk is available as an application downloaded onto a window, mac or linux workstation, via a browser for the practice test only, and for iPad and Chormebooks, as apps downloaded from the app stores
HSA Portal Access Available via your browser at beginning November 1. Username and temporary password ed to all LACs and LEA 24 STCs. All other accounts should be created by the LACs and STCs. Browser Specifications: Chrome™ 61 or newer Safari® 9 or newer Firefox® 56 or newer Internet Explorer ® 11 Microsoft Edge™
HSA Portal Access: Accounts
Add “Trusted” Sender: No ? Check Spam folder. LACs and LEA 24 STCs contact Technical Support if no received. STCs and Tech Coordinators contact LAC for accounts.
HSA Portal User Account Hierarchy
HSA Portal Roles & Responsibilities
Local Accountability Coordinator (LAC) Before & During Operational Testing: Manage portal users Upload student pre-ID (SR/PNP) data Add additional students after pre-ID window Manage student transfers Edit student data and additional accessibility features/accommodations after pre-ID window Create classes (proctoring groups) Schedule tests Track paper materials Approve TestMonitor Activations* During Operational Testing Manage and monitor student testing Review Dashboard Invalidate tests After Testing Schedule UPS pick-up requests This is still a work in progress. *Optional
HSA Portal Roles & Responsibilities
School Test Coordinator (STC) Before & During Operational Testing: Manage portal users Upload student pre-ID (SR/PNP) data (LEA24 only) Add additional students after pre-ID window Edit student data and additional accessibility features/ accommodations after pre-ID window Student transfers Create classes (proctoring groups) Schedule tests Track paper materials Approve TestMonitor Activations* During Operational Testing: Manage and monitor student testing After Operational Testing: Schedule UPS pick-up requests This is still a work in progress. *Optional
HSA Portal Roles & Responsibilities
Technology Coordinator (TC) Before Operational Testing: Download and install kiosks Conduct site readiness testing Certify site readiness Download, install, & request activation TestMonitor* Ensure content sync is complete* During Operational Testing: Collaborate with test coordinator After Operational Testing: Deactivate TestMonitor* This is still a work in progress. *Optional
Very Important: Help Guides
Help and Support Site Help Guides File templates SR/PNP data definitions file Training slides and Webex recording Demo this in portal
HSA Portal: User Management
Create accounts Import accounts Edit accounts Deactivate accounts Reactivate accounts Demo this in portal
HSA Portal: Administration
Student Information Pre-ID Data Upload or manual Additional Accessibility Features/Accommodations Enrollment Class Management Course Level Proctoring Group Test Scheduling Student Test Tickets Automated Form Spiraling Test Report Codes Demonstrate each of these
HSA Portal: Dashboard (LAC only)
During Operational Testing: Portal User Activity Daily & Cumulative Test Summaries Number of current testers Number of tests scheduled Number of tests completed Percent of tests completed Ave. time spent on test Site Readiness Participation & Certification Number of operating systems by OS type
HSA Portal: File Uploads Review
Data Dates Available Record Limit Portal Users Add or edit portal user accounts for your organization November 1 – January 7 200 Pre-ID (SR/PNP) Student data and accommodations November 1 – 15 40,000 Additional Accessibility Features/ Accommodations Data Student accommodations only November 20 – January 7 1,000 Class Data Mapping students to classes or proctoring groups Use the templates provided. Headings must match exactly. CSV files, so do not include commas in the actual data.
HSA Portal: File Uploads Review
During the operational testing window, users can still manually add students, edit students, create/edit classes, and create/edit portal users. Use the templates provided. Headings must match exactly. CSV files, so do not include commas in the actual data.
HSA Portal: Invalidations
LACs can invalidate via the HSA Portal. LEA24 STCs see Karla Bressant Any test sessions not finished or invalidated will be automatically turned in at the end of the test window. Must invalidate student via the portal before scheduling to test again so they receive a different form. Student Transfers: True for students who are testing at your school or a different school. Must be put in a new class and scheduled to take the test.
HSA Portal: Accommodations and Accessibility Features & Form Assignment
Accommodated form automatically assigned to students with accommodations. Must order accommodations and accessibility tools prior to scheduling students to take the test. If caught before student logs in, assign accommodation, return to test session and click Generate Missing Student Test Logins. If caught after student logs in, invalidate test, assign accommodation, add student to new class and reschedule test. Demonstrate this in the portal
HSA Kiosk: Features for All
Magnification Line Reader Sketch and Highlight General Masking Notepad Audio Amplication Magnification will need to use the kiosk (as will TTS).
HSA Kiosk: Accessibility Features Identified in Advance
Answer Masking Student Reads Assessment Aloud to Themselves Color Contrast
HSA Kiosk: Presentation Accommodations
ASL Video (not for 2018). Assistive Technology – Screen Reader Assistive Technology Non-Screen Reader Closed Captioning (no media this year) Refreshable Braille Display Alternate Representation Paper Test Large Print Should not order ASL Videos for students, only Human Signer
HSA Kiosk: Presentation Accommodations
Braille with Tactile Graphics
HSA Kiosk: Response Accommodations
Answers Recorded in Test Book Braille Response (notetaker and writer) Calculation Device and Mathematics Tools Constructed Response Selected Response or TEI Monitor Test Response Word Prediction
HSA Kiosk: Other Text-to-Speech* (accessibility)
Human Reader / Human Signer (accessibility) Unique Accommodation (accommodation) Text to Speech is an accessibility feature for both Science and Government. * Not supported on Linux
HSA Kiosk: EL Accommodations
Administration Directions Clarified in Students Native Language Administration Directions Read Aloud in Students Native Language Science / Social Studies Response EL Word to Word Dictionary – English Native Language
HSA Kiosk: Administrative Considerations
Frequent Breaks Separate Alternate Location Small Testing Group Specialized Equipment or Furniture Specific Area of Setting Time of day
HSA Portal: Site Setup Download & Install Kiosks
Windows, Mac, Linux App Store: Chrome and iOS Optional: TestMonitor Conduct Site Readiness System Set-up check Student Interface check Certify Site Readiness Check every configuration Verify checks pass Certify site Demonstration
Download HSA Kiosks Recommend 1:1 installation
Offer network installation Installation using group policy and scripts
Conduct Site Readiness Testing
Performed on each device configuration
Certify Site Readiness
Per school Completely separate from the Certification Window Nov 20-Dec 8.
HSA Kiosk Secure testing kiosk installed on each testing device (or the local network) Practice test available on non-secure browser Browser Specifications: Chrome™ 59 or newer Safari® 9 or newer Firefox® 54 or newer Internet Explorer ® 11 Microsoft Edge™
HSA Kiosk: Technology Guidelines
Desktop & Laptop Specific Requirements CPU 1.2 GHz Memory 2 GB strongly recommended Windows® operating system Windows 7, 8.1, 10 (32-bit and 64-bit) Mac OS® operating system 10.9 – (64-bit only) Linux® OS Ubuntu , LTS (64-bit only) FedoraTM 25, 26 (64-bit only) Tablet/Netbook/2-in-1 Specific Requirements iOS 11 Chromebook™ notebook computer Chrome OSTM 61 or newer Windows-based tablets/netbooks/2-in-1 Windows 8.1, 10 (32-bit and 64-bit) Not supporting Android, Windows 10 S
HSA Kiosk: Accommodations and Accessibility Features
Accessibility Features for All Accommodations & Accessibility Features Identified in Advance Magnification (Up to 300%) Answer Masking Line Reader Color Contrast Sketch & Highlight Text-to-Speech* Notepad ASL Video Human Signer General Masking Refreshable Braille Display Reference Sheets Assistive Technology Screen Reader Assistive Technology Non-Screen Reader Closed Captioning (N/A in 2018) Braille Response: Braille Writer Braille Response: Braille Notetaker Human Reader Should not order ASL Videos for students, only Human Signer * Not supported on Linux
HSA Kiosk: Text-to-Speech Voice
HSA Kiosk uses the default voice set on the student’s workstation. Use the practice test to let the students hear the voice. Must use HSA Kiosk, not browser for this.
HSA Accessibility Mode Kiosk
Students who require assistive technology software to be used in conjunction with the HSA Kiosk must use the HSA Accessibility Mode Kiosk. ONLY students requiring AT should use this kiosk. Assistive Technology software has been whitelisted in this Kiosk. Windows only It is the responsibility of the technology coordinators to work with students requiring these software to test the AT software with the HSA Kiosk using the practice test. eMetric cannot guarantee that the third party software will work.
HSA Kiosk: Internet Connectivity
9/12/2018 HSA Kiosk: Internet Connectivity Beginning of Test: Authenticate login Download test content* Internet connectivity is required! Beginning and end of test If you lose internet connectivity during test, keep testing If internet connectivity is not restored when test is done, answers are saved in secure saved response folder on local machine. When internet connectivity is restored simply relaunch the application and the answers will be sent and an other student can test on that machine. End of Test: 1. Submit responses for scoring * Fetched from TestMonitor or eMetric Servers
HSA Kiosk: Checking Connectivity
Internet Connectivity is ON Internet Connectivity is OFF
HSA Kiosk: Failsafe Mechanism
Make sure you explain that the files will disappear form the saved response location when sent to the server. Otherwise, saved forever. Saved Response Location
HSA Kiosk: Testing Environment
Proxy Server Firewalls Allow two-way traffic through ports 80 and 443 Proxy and content filter servers White list the following on ports 80 and 443: Sandboxing applications (i.e., Deep Freeze) While installing the Client, choose network folder or local folder that is not touched by the sandboxing applications, both for stored responses and Client installation folders Thin Clients Ensure there is enough memory, CPU, and bandwidth on the server to accommodate multiple student test sessions Client requires a minimum of 80 MB per Client session
HSA Kiosk: Tech Support Notes
Do NOT move students to a new device when experiencing technical issues if the student has begun testing. Only move once you are sure all responses synced to servers. Not sure? Call Technical Support Do NOT turn off Chromebooks experiencing internet connectivity issues. Call Tech Support. Technical Support form located in the Test Administrator’s Tech Guide for technology coordinators to complete. No screen shots allowed! Make note of the device name on the student testing ticket for tech support purposes.
HSA Kiosk: Logging In
HSA Kiosk: Session Access Code
HSA Kiosk: Proctor Password
Students pause for longer than 30 minutes or are inactive longer than 60 minutes will require a proctor password to resume testing that session. Proctor password found on the Administration home page for LAC and STCs. Demonstrate this in the portal.
Passwords Type of Password Utilization Entered By Student Password
9/12/2018 Passwords Type of Password Utilization Entered By Student Password Used to log the student into the appropriate test Student Session Access Code Used to log the student into the appropriate session of the test Proctor Password** Used to log the student into the appropriate session of the test if the student began the session, paused for longer than 30 minutes, and needs to resume the session, or if student is inactive for more than an hour. Proctor ** Proctor password must be kept confidential.
HSA Kiosk: Interface 1 4 Question number, link to test review, bookmark item Student tool box Navigation buttons Online status 2 3
HSA Kiosk: Options Page
HSA Kiosk: Turning In Test
Steps to Turn In Test Button to Click On the last item, students click Finish. On the test review screen, students click Turn In. Below the confirmation question, students click Turn In. Student returns to test section selection page and may select the next section or click Exit to exit the client.
iTester TestMonitor Optional caching solution for low-bandwidth testing sites Downloads test content to a local server or machine so that tests can be administered locally Recommend trying the Certification Test (Nov. 20 – Dec. 8) without TestMonitor as a trial.
iTester TestMonitor Pros Cons
Reduces risk of possible bandwidth issues. Additional tasks for technology coordinators. Additional devices required. Must be running in the background at all times during the testing window. Things to consider: Will the school be testing other online tests simultaneously with HSA? If so there could be competition for bandwidth that would justify the need to use TestMonitor. However, if a school staggers HSA and other tests, and does not assess them concurrently there may not be an issue. Will the schools teachers and students be using bandwidth for learning during testing time? If so, TestMonitor may be needed for HSA.
TestMonitor: Technology Guidelines
System Requirements Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirements Operating Systems Windows® 7 or higher Windows Server® 2008 or higher (64-bit) Browsers ChromeTM 61 or newer Firefox® 56 or newer Microsoft Edge Safari® 9 or newer CPU 1.2 GHz Memory 2 GB RAM 4 GB RAM Disc Space* 10 GB available Connectivity 100 Mbps (local network connection) 1 Gbps (local network connection)
TestMonitor: Technology Guidelines
System Requirements Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirements Connectivity (Continued…) Wired connection on same local network and accessible by all testing students. IP address where TestMonitor installed must be static IP address. Firewalls on the machine where TestMonitor is installed and on the local network must allow connectivity on port Not supporting Android, Windows 10 S
TestMonitor Tasks Download Install Activate Content Sync Content Fetch
TestMonitor: Download & Install
Download Windows installer from the HSA Portal. Technology Coordinators need to receive HSA Portal accounts from LACs or STCs. Must be installed on a Windows machine meeting the technology requirements. Cannot install multiple instances of TestMonitor on a single device. Point out that they will need to bring in a Windows device to install TestMonitor on even at all-Mac schools.
TestMonitor: Installation
TestMonitor: Activate
Test Coordinator (only), log in to TestMonitor with HSA Portal account and request activation. LAC or STC (only), log in to HSA Portal and approve activation. Technology Coordinator will receive an when activation status changes. Activate at the school level, not the LEA level. Could be installed at the LEA, but must be activated per school.
TestMonitor: Activation
Log in with Portal user account. Use the drop down menues to select the correct school and the correct IP address. Click Request Activation.
TestMonitor: Activation
Log in with Portal user account. Use the drop down menues to select the correct school and the correct IP address. Click Request Activation.
TestMonitor: Activation
Log in with Portal user account. Use the drop down menues to select the correct school and the correct IP address. Click Request Activation.
TestMonitor: Activation
Log in with Portal user account. Use the drop down menues to select the correct school and the correct IP address. Click Request Activation.
TestMonitor: Activation
STC or LAC will log into the HSA Portal to confirm or reject the activation request After confirming, this instance of TestMonitor will be in the Activated list in the HSA Portal is sent to the TC confirming that TestMonitor has been activated Log in with Portal user account. Use the drop down menues to select the correct school and the correct IP address. Click Request Activation.
TestMonitor: Content Sync
Content synced automatically after TestMonitor is activated and test content is made available. TestMonitor will check for updated content every hour. Technology Coordinator will receive an when content has been synced. All tests and forms will be synced to TestMonitor regardless of tests being administered at the school. Ensure content syncs before the operational test window opens January 8. Content will be made available January 2 for syncing.
TestMonitor: Content Sync
TestMonitor: Content Fetch
Student logs in to HSA Kiosk and kiosk will verify if there is an active TestMonitor for the student’s school. If TestMonitor activated, the service will return the IP address of the activated TestMonitor. Student’s test taking device will find TestMonitor on local network using IP address. Once connected, the kiosk will fetch test session content from TestMonitor. If no TestMonitor is activated or found, test session content will be fetched from eMetric servers. TestMonitor supports content fetching for HSA Kiosk on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Chrome OS. HSA Kiosk on Linux is not currently supported.
TestMonitor: Content Fetch
Content Fetch logs available for the Technology Coordinator to review in TestMonitor. To verify TestMonitor is set up correctly, use the Site Readiness Test. Activate TestMonitor and allow content sync. Log in to Site Readiness Test on HSA Kiosk. Check TestMonitor Content Fetch logs to verify Site Readiness test was fetched.
Online Practice Test Practice test will be available November 1.
Practice test can be taken with a browser or the kiosk. Students requiring magnification or Text-to-Speech will need to use the kiosk. URL:
Online Practice Test Usernames and Passwords:
HS Government HS MISA Username: practicegovernment Password: maryland Username: practicehsmisa With ASL Videos: Username: aslpracticegovernment Username: aslpracticehsmisa
Online Certification Test
Mock operational test. Must complete all tasks (create classes, schedule tests, print student test tickets). November 20 – December 8, 2017 Forms and test length will be identical to operational tests. Science content will be duplicated. Completely separate from the Site Readiness Test and Certification
Paper Based Testing What’s new? Paper Accommodations
Receiving Paper Materials Ordering Additional Materials Returning Materials Scheduling UPS Pick-up Request
Paper Based Testing What’s new this year?
Paper only available as an accommodation Receiving Materials Ordering Paper Materials Returning Materials Scheduling UPS Pickup
Paper Accommodation Two week testing window (January 8-19, 2018)
Need a documented IEP, 504, EL plan or approval from MSDE for paper materials Paper materials are automatically ordered with the submission of the Pre-ID file Additional Materials can be ordered December 16, 2017 – January 16, 2018
Receiving Materials Shipment of materials
Ensure that you received all your materials Discrepancy? Call the HSA Help Desk at (866) Tracking your orders on the HSA Portal
Materials Management
Materials Management
Materials Management Additional Materials
To order materials you will need the schools MP Ship Code. This code may be found on the Material Summary Form. (see example on next slide) Additional test materials, may be ordered through Materials Management from December 16, 2017 – January 16, 2018 Additional manuals can be found on the Maryland Help & Support Site ( or ordered through Additional Materials
Materials Management Additional Materials MP Ship Code
Materials Management Additional Materials
Materials Management Additional Materials
Note: Additional Material Requests received after 12:30 PM EST will be processed the following business day
Materials Management Additional Materials
Materials Management Additional Materials
Once the order is approved by MSDE and shipped, this number will appear on the Materials Management page.
Returning Materials No header sheets this year
NEW: Special Handling Envelope Used Accommodated Materials Invalidated Answer Sheets LEA 55 Answer Sheets NEW: Return of Used Answer Sheets Envelope (one for each content)
Returning Materials Use the boxes that were sent to you
UPS return labels included in your shipment White tyvek envelopes (Used Answer Sheets Envelope, Special Handling Envelope) Unused Answer Sheets (different each administration) Used and Unused Test Books Other test materials
Materials Management Scheduling a UPS Pickup (January 17 – 22)
Online UPS Pickup Request
Materials Management Scheduling a UPS Pickup (January 17 – 22) Online UPS Pickup Request Maryland HSA January 2018
Online UPS Pickup Request
Materials Management Scheduling a UPS Pickup (January 17 – 22) Online UPS Pickup Request Maryland HSA January 2018 Your tracking number will automatically pull in your shipping information. Fill out any other necessary information Click on the grey Place Pickup Request button to schedule
Online UPS Pickup Request
Materials Management Scheduling a UPS Pickup (January 17 – 22) Online UPS Pickup Request Maryland HSA January 2018 Make sure to review the pickup request one more time on the Confirmation Screen. You will need to click the grey button Confirm Pickup Request to complete the schedule request
Have Additional Questions?
Measured Progress Technical Product Support (866) or Help & Support Site Have Additional Questions?
Thank you.
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