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Google Month ‘digital Alphabet’

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1 Google Month ‘digital Alphabet’
Week 3; Tips & Resources

2 Upskill with our Digital Marketing ‘tips’ in our Digital Alphabet for Google Month 2014

3 N Navigation refers to the path users take to move through your website. Notegraphy is a brilliant free app for producing creatively designed posts on social media. Find out more here:

4 O Optimise your website with clear navigation and ensure your content is updated regularly. Overwhelming visitors with too many options, offers, specials and call-to-action buttons will make them indecisive, confused and possibly less likely to convert on your landing page. Keep your page clean and uncluttered. OptinMonster is a great tool for targeting users with an sign-up Call-to-Action before they leave your website. Find out more here:

5 P Pinterest is a site displaying images - very popular with potential visitors when researching holiday destinations. Persuade potential customers to book with you by having a credible and authoritative landing page. Show customer testimonials, trust and security certificates and awards. Pay per Click advertising involves placing an advertisement on a website and paying a sum of money to the host website e.g. Google when a user clicks on the advertisement. Find out more here:

6 Q Quarterly goals for the short-medium term for your social media strategy will help keep you on track. Find out more here:

7 R Retargeting is technology that uses simple code to anonymously 'follow' your audience all over the Web. Reciprocation can help boost your business: if you want visitors to perform a certain action, offer them something in return (like a 5% discount in return for signing up for a newsletter). Repurpose existing content, i.e. use the same content in different ways across different channels like your blog or Facebook, to optimise your content management. Find out more here:

8 S Search Engine Optimisation ensures that your website appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine organically. Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a form of Internet marketing that involves the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) through optimization and advertising. ‘Site Performance tool' in Google Webmaster Tools shows the speed of your website as experienced by users around the world. Find out more here:

9 Google month Week 3 Hangout Meet the speakers Join us for Week 3 of our series of ‘Google Month’ Hangouts on Google AdSense, AdMob and Monetisation on 13/10/14 @ 10am and learn how to identify the characteristic s of web visitors and what content they look at! Daniel Rosen Jacobson, Google Paul Healy, Google Click here to Register

10 Don’t miss week 4 of our digital alphabet for google month!
Learn about TripAdvisor’s new Q&A service, how to tailor text for your audience online, how to avail of Google Webmaster Tools….and much, much more!

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