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Type 1 and Type 2 Errors.

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1 Type 1 and Type 2 Errors

2 Be honest… If you got your test back and the teacher marked a question right you knew was wrong, would you bring it to his/her attention? If you got your test back and the teacher marked a question wrong and you knew it was right, would you bring it to his/her attention?

3 Why the difference???

4 What about something possibly more critical???
Which is worse: an innocent man going to jail, or a guilty man being set free?

5 Why the difference???

6 Here’s what’s happening…
There is an event, called a “Null Hypothesis, Ho” This is what you will be making all your decisions with: Is it true or false? Should you reject it or fail to reject it? So, there are going to be 4 scenarios for each situation just mentioned. Two of them turn out right, and two of them have errors in them…

7 Decision Ho is True Ho is False Do not reject Ho Correct Decision Type 1 Error Reject Ho Type 2 Error Type 1 Error: When you say something is true, but it turns out to be false. This is called alpha 𝛼. Type 2 Error: When you say something is false, but it turns out to be true. This is called beta 𝛽.

8 So, back to the examples…
The test mis-scoring: If the teacher made the error in your favor, is that a Type 1 or Type 2 error? If the teacher made the error not in your favor, is that a Type 1 or Type 2 error? The trial outcome: If the defendant was set free, although guilty, which type of error was that? If the defendant was sent to jail, although not guilty, which type of error was that?

9 The Answers: The scoring: The defendant:
Type 1 Error…When the teacher marked the answer right, even though it was wrong. Type 2 Error…When the teacher marked the answer wrong, even though it was right. The defendant: Type 1 Error…When the defendant was set free, even though he was guilty. Type 2 Error…When the defendant was put in jail, even though he was not guilty.

10 Now, in your groups… Discuss and write your feelings about the scenario of a guilty man being set free / innocent man going to jail.

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