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Big Changes and Continuity

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1 Big Changes and Continuity
Intro to WHAP Unit III: c CE

2 How To Win A Piece Of Flair!
Get out your text book and turn to page 120. The first person to raise their hand and answer correctly gets a sticker (and honor, prestige, glory). You may want to take notes on this (or download this power point later from our web blog). Good luck!

3 The World Map Changes pg. 120
The spread of major religions included _______, _______, and _______. The spread of trade helped __________ religion. _______ and _______ gained new vigor as the classical empires collapsed. _______ and _______ caused many people to change their beliefs. _______ and _______ were the hubs of trade during the postclassical period. Buddhism Christianity Islam disseminate Christianity Buddhism Persuasion pressure Indian Ocean Mediterranean Sea

4 Triggers for Change pg. 122 People turned to ________ for security and guidance. The fall of the _______ opened new opportunities, most notably for the ______. The Eastern Roman Empire turned its attention to opportunities in _______ and ________. The Chinese invented the _______ and the Middle East __________. _______ improved as a result of _________. Religious faith Roman Empire Arabs Russia Eastern Europe compass Improved ship design Maps Wider trade

5 The Big Changes pg ______ and ______ were the engines of trade. ______, ______, and ______ showed the greatest capacity to spread. Regular trade created a network joining parts of ______, ______, and ______. ______ facilitated the spread of ______. Fewer ______ were involved in international trade during the ______ era. Religion commerce Christianity Buddhism Islam Asia Africa Europe Trade technologies societies postclassical

6 Continuity pg. 124 ______ affected different societies to different degrees. Though Islam opposed _______ of fellow Muslims, forms of ______ emerged Continuities showed in the blending of ________ and _________. No _________in _______ or _______ occurred during the ______ centuries. The ______ and _______ operated on separate dynamics. Change enslavement slavery Traditional forms Missionary religions Systematic changes Social structure Political forms postclassical Americas Pacific Oceana

7 Impact on Daily Life: Women
Major religions insisted that _____ were spiritually equal to _____. Many scholars argued that growing _____ and urban _____ reduced women’s role in _____ and _____ life. ______ spread in China during this period. The practice of _____ developed in India. New customs _____ opportunities for women to a greater degree than in the _____ era. women men trade prosperity political economic Foot binding sati limited classical

8 Trends and Societies in the Early Modern Period pg. 125
Chapters ___ and ___ examine the surge of Islam. Chapter ___ describes the expansion of trade in sub-Saharan Africa. Chapter ___ details eastern Europe while a new society emerged in western Europe, described in Chapter ___. Chapter ___ describes the major cultures that developed in the Americas. Chapters ___ and ___ address developments in China. Chapter ___ describes the Mongol conquests and Chapter ___ describes a transitional moment. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

9 Bonus Question! Without looking at your textbook, describe the practice of sati. Sati is a practice from India where widows would throw themselves on their husbands’ funeral pyres to demonstrate their grief.

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