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AGM 2017 RPS Landscape Group

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1 AGM 2017 RPS Landscape Group

2 Agenda Brief History Membership Current Committee Programme Finances
Delivered Proposed Finances Questions

3 History Group set up Dec 2015 2016 events
Tilt-shift and long exposure workshop Photo weekend in Wales Walks 2016 Q4 committee reconfigured 2017 Push to deliver programme around the country AGM and conference Full role in main RPS

4 Membership 724 members 80 overseas

5 All of UK RPS Regions represented

6 All ages

7 Current Committee Chairman Richard Ellis Secretary Pauline Benbrook
Treasurer John Urquhart Events manager Mark Reeves Communications Manager Jim Souper Very grateful to those who have also previously served Tim Parish, Karen Thurman, Paul Graber, Arron Davis, Peter Douglas-Jones

8 Programme What we aim to do from the constitution
The aims of the Group are to foster and develop “Landscape” photography by:- Actively encouraging the participation of all members of the Group in a programme of meetings and workshops. Communicating with Group members by newsletter and / or website. Encouraging members to communicate with one another and freely exchange information, ideas and views. Organising exhibitions to provide opportunities for members to show their work. Organising any other type of function or event identified as desirable by the membership.

9 Programme Delivery Actively encouraging the participation of all members of the Group in a programme of meetings and workshops. 2017 18 field trips ( Mostly amateur led) Thank you 2016 Paul Graber, Pauline Benbrook, Tim Parish,Peter Douglas Jones, Barry freeman, Constance Morris, Mick Rawcliffe, Ken Rennie, Richard Ellis 2017 David Fiddes, Geoff Meakin, Nick Bowman, Peter Douglas Jones, Arron Davis, Paul Stone, Pauline Benbrook, Richard Jones, Jim Souper, Mark Reeves, Richard Ellis 6 workshops ( Mostly professionally led) Lee filters visit Weekend conference

10 Programme Delivery Communicating with Group members by newsletter and / or website. Regular newsletter Coverage in the journal Galleries on the website

11 Programme Delivery Encouraging members to communicate with one another and freely exchange information, ideas and views. Facebook group with 170+ members Print Circles (3) Thank you to David Fiddes, Diana Wynn and Doug Lodge Conference

12 Programme Delivery Opportunity to do more here
Organising exhibitions to provide opportunities for members to show their work. Organising any other type of function or event identified as desirable by the membership. Conference show and tell Opportunity to do more here 2018 Exhibition or magazine

13 Programme 2018 Key Issue Number of volunteers Succession planning
More people needed to: Write articles Run web Lead trips Help with exhibition or magazine Run print circles Succession planning Need to get people on the committee as ordinary members with a view to them stepping up to larger roles especially newsletter editor

14 Programme 2018 Survey to date key outcomes Forming local sub–group
Annual or bi-annual magazine Help with distinctions Annual exhibition Events with lectures/speakers

15 Financial situation Healthy financial position
Driven by ensuring events break even and control of expenses Detailed report posted on website

16 Finances 2016 Receipts £ Membership fees (2015,2016,Life) 7856.75
Workshops 685 TOTAL Payments Committee expenses 642.38 213.2 Total 855.58 Surplus

17 Finances 20167 to Q2 Receipts £ Membership fees (2015,2016,Life)
Workshops/Field trips 2530 Conference 15618 TOTAL Payments Committee expenses 712.5 521.59 Total Surplus

18 Budget 2018 Events Payment of expenses to volunteer leaders
Magazine or exhibition

19 Summary Group established and committee in place
Active programme with good plan for 2018 including a magazine Financially in good shape Need more volunteers

20 Questions?

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