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Advertising By Sam Bellingham.

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1 Advertising By Sam Bellingham

2 What forms, styles, codes and conventions are typically used in television adverts?
T.V adverts are different from other forms of advertising because they allow ad agencies and companies who want to advertise their products more tools to gain new customers. The two tools that are used are moving image and sound, there are conventions we see time and time again involving these in adverts which include Pack shots which are images of the product/service being advertised which when paired with a tagline or slogan will really anchor the message behind the advert to the audience. Direct address which is where the narrator of an advert talks directly to the audience making the advert feel more personal. The use of colour to sell their product for example bright colours could be used to grab peoples attention. Music which Is often used as it can get stuck in peoples head if it is catchy or if popular music is used it could make you think of the product when you her it. Celebrity endorsement which is where a product will use a famous face to sell a product or promote a brand, this is often used in the advertisement of football products as kids would want the same gear things as their favourite players. A problem solution narrative is often used to show the importance of a product in everyday life or what the product actually does, for example a kitchen cleaning product will probably show a dirty grimy kitchen which will then be perfectly cleared using the product. This video shows an example of celebrity endorsement and shows many different footballers choosing to wear Nike football boots. Nike often make long 5-10 minute adverts which they cut down to put on TV This video shows an example of pitch advertisement where a voiceover try's to sell you a product.

3 Persuasive advertising Techniques
Pathos, Logos and Ethos Pathos: is an advertising technique which tries to use emotion to get you to buy a product/service, this can be either a positive or negative emotional response for example an advert of a family drinking Coke and having fun will give you a positive emotional response and make you want to buy coke to be like them and an advert of a starving child asking for money to help them Ethos: ethical appeal, means to convince an audience of the author’s credibility or character. An author would use ethos to show to his audience that he is a credible source and is worth listening to for example celebrity endorsement such as Liverpool football players using Nivea products would be a use of this. Logos: or the appeal to logic, means to convince an audience by use of logic or reason. To use logos would be to cite facts and statistics, historical and literal analogies, and citing certain authorities on a subject.

4 Persuasive advertising Techniques
Another way adverts attract their audience is by tapping into Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, this is a pyramid which shows all the thing Maslow believes people need to live a good life. It starts with Physiological factors which leads to safety, love/belonging, esteem and self-actualization

5 How do Advertising Agencies target a specific audience
Target Audiences A target audience is a specific group of people that an advertisement agency will try to pick out in the ad they are making. They use Persuasive advertising Techniques this to try and achieve the most sales of their product/ service so by picking out people most likely to be interested in their product/service they rise the chance of people paying money to have it. Demographics Demographics are factors that could help ad agencies create target audiences these include age, gender, social class, ethnicity and regional location. For example a target audience could be children from ages in a working class family or working class family's from the north of England. Psychographics

6 How is T.v advertising Regulated?
Television advertising needs to be monitored to make sure that it keeps up to date with the Broadcasting Code, adverts are watched by Advertising regulators such as OFCOM, CAP and ASA to make sure that the T.V channels and the ad agencies making the videos are in compliance with the rules set in place. These rules are in place to prevent adverts from misguiding people such as telling them a product does something it does not, from offending people.

7 Nike: Take It To The Next Level

8 Advert Analysis This is an advert for Nike football which involves a young footballer stepping up to the next level by upgrading from a lower league to the Champions League. Most sports ads it involves a lot of celebrity endorsement and this one is no different with cameos from the likes of Ronaldo, Ibrahimović, Wayne Rooney and Arsene Wenger. On top of these athletes and manager there is Nike branding everywhere the camera looks, on the side of advertisement boards on boots and on kit there is probably one in most shots in this advert and the creators don’t shy away from telling the audience what they are advertising the constant bombardment really sticks the Nike logo in the viewers mind. However if you didn’t see all the Nike branding the slogan and pack shot at the end really make it clear what you are watching. In a way this advert is a mini drama as there are clear characters and a story you are watching. The advert is saying that to take the next step and to become a better player Nike is the brand you need to use. It says this by showing the best players in the world all using Nike products ( boots, clothing and training gear which shows that the best players where Nike sports wear it also has the main character wearing Nike as a youngster in a lower league game to him wearing Nike as a premiere league player.

9 Cadburys- Gorilla 2007

10 Advert Analysis This advert is for Cadburys chocolate and shows a gorilla playing the drums along to In The Air Tonight by Phil Collins, it’s 90 seconds long which for an advert shown as many times as this is fairly long. The advert is quite abstract as if you didn’t know much about Cadburys until the very end which would grab the attention of a new viewer. There is a lot of purple and cream used in this advert which are colours used by Cadburys, this has been used to add to the brands identity. The music used is synergy between Phil Collins’s record label and Cadburys as the music is catchy as sticks in your head. Due to this advert the song went back into the charts at number one so every time you heard the song it would remind you of the advert and then Cadburys.

11 Refrences Nike ad:
Cilit Bang: Nike ad: Cadburys ad:

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