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Design Methodology II EMT 251.

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1 Design Methodology II EMT 251

2 Application Specific Integrated Circuits
(ASICs) IC Standard IC ASSPs ASIC Programmable IC Semi Custom IC Custom IC FPGA Gate Array Linear Array Standard Cells Full Custom IC ASSPs : Application Specific Standard Products

3 ASIC Design Methodologies
ASIC Design Methodology This approach is extremely slow, expensive It is only used to design very high performance systems Full-custom design This approach is reasonable fast, less expensive Most ASICs are currently designed using this method Standard-cell based design This approach is fast and less expensive ASIC performance are relatively slow Gate-array The design process is very fast and cost effective ASIC performance are slow FPGA based

4 ASIC-Benefit • Improve performance • Reduce power consumption
• Reduce production costs • Mix Analog and Digital Designs • Design optimization through IC manufacturing process • Development Tools support HDL and Schematic design approach

5 ASIC-Drawbacks • Inflexible design
• Deployed systems can not be upgraded • Mistakes in product development are costly • Updates requires a redesign • Complex and expensive development tools



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