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Executive Director of Finance and Support Services

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Presentation on theme: "Executive Director of Finance and Support Services"— Presentation transcript:

1 Executive Director of Finance and Support Services
Final Pay 2018 Levy December 11, 2017 Rod Zivkovich Executive Director of Finance and Support Services

2 Objective of Presentation:
Prepare School Board to make an informed decision on the final levy certification tonight Need School Board action to approve final levy Review Truth in Taxation process Pay 2018 Levy information

3 Truth in Taxation Process Truth in Taxation Process
District sends preliminary levy info to HC, by 9/30/17 County uses info to prepare property tax statements November 2017 HC mails statement to taxpayers Truth in Taxation and Budget Update (12/11/17) School Board certifies Pay 2018 levy (12/11/17) County uses info to prepare property tax bills

4 Pay 18 Preliminary Levy Certification Process
Sept 8th : MDE released preliminary preparation data Sept 25th : School Board certifies preliminary levy submission By September 30: Preliminary levy submitted to MDE, Hennepin County and Scott County Counties prepare Truth in Taxation notices for November mailing December 11th : School Board certifies final levy submission Levy Decisions

5 2013-14 Adopted Budget 2017-18 Budget
District budgets are divided into separate funds, as required by law General Fund (Includes Transportation, Technology Levy and Capital Funds) Food Service Fund Community Service Fund Building Construction Fund Debt Service Fund Trust Fund

6 2013-14 Adopted Budget 2017-18 Budget All Funds
Revenues $ million Expenditures $ million Rev over Exp ($ 18.9 million )

7 2013-14 Adopted Budget 2017-18 Budget General Fund
Revenues $ million Expenditures $ million Rev over Exp ($ 4.9 million)

8 Truth in Taxation Requirements
1. Current School Year Budget Sources of Revenue Expenditures by Program 2. Proposed Property Tax Levy % Increase Over Prior Year Specific Purposes for Tax Increases 3. Public Comments

9 All Funds Revenues by Source
$177.4 million State, Federal and Local Includes Titles, Special Education and Other Includes Operating Referendum, Safe Schools Levy, Equity, Career Tech, Community Education, Debt and Other Misc. Levy Items Includes Fees, Tuition, Rental and Other Local Includes Formula, Special Education and Other Revenues

10 General Fund Revenues by Source
$ million

11 Truth in Taxation Requirements
1. Current School Year Budget Sources of Revenue Expenditures by Program 2. Proposed Property Tax Levy % Increase Over Prior Year Specific Purposes for Tax Increases 3. Public Comments

12 All Funds Expenditures by Program
$196.3 million Property and Casualty Debt, Interest, Insurance, transfers, etc Supt, Asst Supt, Principals, Spec Ed Dir., School Board, etc. Accounting, HR, Payroll, Technology, Community Relations, etc Custodial, Utilities, Alternative Facilities, Capital Projects Health & Psych Services, Social Workers, Transportation and Food Service Assistant Principals, Media Center, Staff Development, Counseling, Curriculum Specialists, etc.

13 General Fund Expenditures by Program
$149.8 million

14 Truth in Taxation Requirements
1. Current School Year Budget Sources of Revenue Expenditures by Program 2. Proposed Property Tax Levy % Increase Over Prior Year Specific Purposes for Tax Increases 3. Public Comments

15 Referendum Referendum Other Community Services Debt Service Other
MDE calculates our preliminary amounts based on MN Statutes and district specific information 5 Major Levy Categories Other Debt Service Community Services Referendum Other Referendum School Board determines whether to levy the maximum or an amount less than the maximum

16 $5.2 million increase new referendum
Referendum Levy Pay 2016 Pay 2017 Pay 2018 Referendum Revenue $12,473,424 $13,582,633 $18,774,690 Prior Yr Adjustments -97,350 414,898 -172,504 Total Levy $12,376,074 $13,997,531 $18,602,186 $5.2 million increase new referendum

17 $0.3 million decrease with new referendum
Equity Levy Pay 2016 Pay 2017 Pay 2018 Equity Revenue $1,073,732 $1,036,368 $760,640 Board Approved $300/PU 3,317,031 3,476,889 3,377,751 Location Equity $424/PU 4,688,592 4,914,525 4,774,410 Prior Yr Adjustments 178,836 246,416 (114,015) Total Levy $9,258,190 $9,674,197 $8,798,786 Equity Revenue is intended to reduce the disparity in revenue between the highest and lowest revenue districts on a regional basis. $0.3 million decrease with new referendum

18 Community Services Levy
Pay 2016 Pay 2017 Pay 2018 Community Svcs Revenue $1,619,585 $1,711,949 $1,770,846 Prior Yr, Abatement, Other Adjustments 46,411 48,242 53,317 Total Levy $1,665,996 $1,760,192 $1,824,163

19 Prior Yr, Abatement, Other Adjustments
Debt Service Pay 2016 Pay 2017 Pay 2018 Debt Service $10,801,470 $10,148,039 $10,844,016 Prior Yr, Abatement, Other Adjustments -442,933 -422,917 177,257 Total Levy $10,358,537 $9,725,122 $11,021,273

20 Pay 2016 to Pay 2018 Comparison Pay 2016 Pay 2017 Pay 2018
Diff Pay 2016 to Pay 2018 % Referendum $12,376,074 $13,997,531 $18,602,186 $6,226,112 50.3% Referendum Other 9,258,190 9,674,197 8,798,786 -459,404 -5.0% Community Svc 1,665,996 1,760,192 1,824,163 158,167 9.5% Debt Service 10,358,537 9,725,122 11,021,273 662,736 6.4% Other 16,596,294 16,388,208 16,755,155 158,861 1.0% Total $50,255,091 $51,545,251 $57,001,564 $6,746,473 13.4%

21 Pay 2016 to Pay 2018 Comparison Pay 2016 Pay 2017 Pay 2018
Diff Pay 16 to Pay 18 % Operating Referendum $21,634,265 $23,671,728 $27,400,972 $5,766,707 26.7% Non Referendum $28,620,826 $27,873,522 $29,600,592 $979,766 3.4% Total $50,255,091 $51,545,251 $57,001,564 $6,746,473 13.4% Operational Referendum: Referendum and Equity Revenue Non Operational: Debt Service (General and OPEB), Alternative Facilities, Capital Projects (Technology) Community Services, Operating Capital, Lease Levy, Q-comp, Integration and Others

22 Tax Comparison on Median Valuation
Pay 2016 Pay 2017 Pay 2018 Diff Pay 16 to Pay 18 % Median Value Home $219,700 $225,900 $246,400 $26,700 12.2% Total County, City and School Taxes $2,950 $2,892 $3,205 $255 8.6% School Taxes $880 $850 $989 $109 12.4% Before referendum election $13 (1.2%)

23 Truth in Taxation Requirements
1. Current School Year Budget Sources of Revenue Expenditures by Program 2. Proposed Property Tax Levy % Increase Over Prior Year Specific Purposes for Tax Increases 3. Public Comments

24 Next Steps Board action:
Certification of Final Limitation December 11, 2017

25 Questions?

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