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BELL WORK 2/17/16: You need a pen/pencil, your journal, and today’s handout Read and summarize the paragraph at the top of your handout. You should be.

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Presentation on theme: "BELL WORK 2/17/16: You need a pen/pencil, your journal, and today’s handout Read and summarize the paragraph at the top of your handout. You should be."— Presentation transcript:

1 BELL WORK 2/17/16: You need a pen/pencil, your journal, and today’s handout Read and summarize the paragraph at the top of your handout. You should be highlighting, underlining, or circling important words and phrases!

2 Set up the next page in your journal…
Date: Title: Plant Response Essential Question: How do systems interact to help plants respond to their environment? NOT Cornell notes

3 Just like we saw in yesterday’s activity, there are many parts involved in making something work! In this plant unit, we will focus on the parts and processes involved in: Response how do plants respond to their environment? Reproduction how do plants make more plants? Transport how do things move around inside a plant? We combine individual parts to make a system. Those systems work together to help a plant maintain homeostasis.

4 Today’s system is RESPONSE.
A plant’s response system is made up of HORMONES. Each hormone (chemicals inside the plant’s body) causes a specific reaction in response to something in the environment. These reactions are called TROPISMS. You have three hormones and four tropisms listed on your handout. Remember that these are only a few examples!! As you watch today’s video, write down 2-3 examples for each tropism. (You will turn in the handout before you leave – I will return it tomorrow so you can glue it into your journal.)

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