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Do Now Describe the differences/similarities you see between these two cells (3 of each).

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now Describe the differences/similarities you see between these two cells (3 of each)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now Describe the differences/similarities you see between these two cells (3 of each).

2 Lesson Overview 7.1 Life is Cellular

3 Early Microscopes Robert Hooke (1665) used a compound microscope to look at a thin slice of cork, a plant material. Anton van Leeuwenhoek examined pond water and other things, including a sample taken from a human mouth. He drew the organisms he saw in the mouth—which today we call bacteria.

4 The Cell Theory The Cell Theory states:
1. All living things are made up of cells. 2. Cells are the basic units of structure and function in living things. 3. New cells are produced from existing cells.

5 Microscopes Light microscope - uses light and 2 lenses.
Electron microscopes - beams of electrons focused by magnetics. There are two major types of electron microscopes: transmission: 2-D images of the inside of a cell. scanning: 3-D images of the cell surface.

6 Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
ALL CELLS HAVE THESE IN COMMON… - All cells contain DNA. - All cells are surrounded by a thin, flexible barrier called a cell membrane.

7 Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
The nucleus is a large membrane-enclosed structure that contains the cell’s DNA. Eukaryotes are cells that enclose their DNA in nuclei. Prokaryotes are cells that do not enclose DNA in nuclei.

8 Prokaryotes Prokaryotic cells are smaller and simpler.
The organisms we call bacteria are prokaryotes.

9 Eukaryotes Eukaryotic cells are larger, more complex, and specialized.
There are many types of eukaryotes: plants, animals, fungi, & protists.

10 HW School Wires Video and questions on prokaryotes vs eukaryotes
“prokaryotes and eukaryotes amoeba sisters” search on youtube link on school wires

11 1. leaf 2 paramecium 3. bacteria

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