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Learning Medium School : SD N 1 Gotham City Subject : English

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1 Learning Medium School : SD N 1 Gotham City Subject : English
Grade/semester : VI/I Allocated Times : 2 x 35 minutes

2 Standard Competence Mendengarkan 1. Memahami instruksi dan informasi sangat sederhana baik secara tindakan maupun bahasa dalam konteks sekitar peserta didik

3 Basic Competence 1.3 Memahami cerita lisan secara berterima dengan bantuan gambar

4 A. Name the Drinks Below! 1 2 4 5 3 10 6 7 8 9

5 B. Listen to the Recording Carefully!

6 C. Listen to Your teacher!
“I like to drink ice tea very much. I usually drink it when I have lunch. My friend, Tiara, likes to drink orange juice. “Its healthy”, she says. My little brother, Toni, likes to drink milk and my elder sister, Dian, likes to drink avocado juice. My parents have different taste. My Mom likes ginger tea and my father likes plain water. They also like to drink coffee in the morning.”

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