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Presentation on theme: "Name:__________________________"— Presentation transcript:

1 Name:__________________________
Budget Name:__________________________

2 Table of Contents Title Renters Insurance Table of Contents
Supporting documents 10 (renters insurance) Income Groceries Housing Grocery Sheet Supporting Document 1 (Housing) Clothing Allowance - show math Utilities Miscellaneous Items - complete chart Supporting Documents 2-7 (Utilities) Entertainment Automobile Supporting documents (entertainment) Supporting Document 8 (Auto) Budget Review Gas and Maintenance for Auto Automobile Insurance Supporting Document 9 (auto insurance)

3 Income My profession: ____________________________________ My salary: $_________________/year Taxes: Based on your salary, find your Federal Income Tax rate: Federal Income tax Incomes from $9,075 – $36,900…………15% Incomes from $36,901 - $89,350………..25% FICA (Social Security)…………………………..6.2% State Income tax………………………………….6%

4 - Federal Taxes: * = Yearly Income Tax Rate (see above) State Taxes
* = Yearly Income Tax Rate (see above) State Taxes 0.06 Tax Rate FICA 0.062 Total Taxes Per Year: (add the above) Yearly Take Home pay - Total Taxes per year Monthly Take Home pay ÷ 12 Monthly Income

5 Housing I am renting a/an _______________________ (type of housing) Street _________________________ City______________ Number of bedrooms:_______________ Number of room mates:________________ Total Rent per month: $_____________ Rent per person per month: $___________ My share of housing cost per month: $________


7 Total Utility cost per month $_____________
Utilities Total expected cost per month My portion per month (if applicable) Electricity ____________/month Natural gas ___________/month Water/sewer __________/month Cell phone ____________/month Cable/satellite _________/month Internet ______________/month Electricity ____________/month Natural gas ___________/month Water/sewer __________/month Cell phone ____________/month Cable/satellite _________/month Internet ______________/month Total Utility cost per month $_____________

8 Electricity

9 Natural Gas

10 Water

11 Cell Phone

12 Cable/Satellite

13 Internet

14 Automobile Your car must meet all of the following criteria:
Make of vehicle: ________________________________ Model: _________________________________ Year of vehicle:_________________________________ Total Miles: ____________________________ Length of financing: ___48 (4 years) OR 60 months (5 years) Interest rate:_____7%________ Price of vehicle: $______________________(principle) To calculate your interest : Simple interest: Interest = (principle) X (interest rate) X (time in years) Monthly payment: Monthly payment= (principle + interest)/number of month Your car must meet all of the following criteria: At least $8000 Has less than 100,000 miles 2005 or newerr Payment using 48 Months _______________ Payment using 60 months _______________ Total monthly vehicle payment: $_______________

15 My Car

16 Gas for Auto Use the following address for your work address:
133 Peachtree St. NE Atlanta, GA 30331 Miles from home to work:____________ x 2 (round trip) =________ Work miles per week: ______ _______ X 4.3 (weeks in a month) = _______ miles per month getting around miles = ________ total miles Miles per gallon of automobile:__________________ Average monthly per gallon of gasoline: $2.50 (Total Miles/MPG) x 2.50 = Total monthly cost of gasoline: $_____________

17 Automobile Insurance Reminder: Do NOT give your personal information (social security number) Add either 5 or 6 years to make you 23. Create a bogus to avoid unwanted s later. Coverage Limits for Auto $________bodily injury/ $____/occurrence $________ Property Damage coverage $________ Medical Payment coverage $________ uninsured motorist/ $____/occurrence $________ Uninsured motorist property damage coverage $________ uninsured motorist bodily injury deductible $________ collision deductible / $____ Comprehensive Total Car insurance per month $ _____________ Agent/Company _____________________________ Total car insurance per month: $________________

18 Insurance Quote

19 Total monthly cost for renter’s insurance: $_________
$25,000 Personal Property $100,000 Personal Liability $1,000 Medical $500 Deductible Total Renters insurance per month $ ____________ Quote obtained from: _________________________________ Date: ____________ Total monthly cost for renter’s insurance: $_________

20 Renter’s Insurance Quote

21 Food go to:
Plan type: Estimated cost:______________________ (make sure to choose the MONTHLY amount) Menu Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks

22 Grocery Sheet (refer to the menu on previous slide)
Item Brand Size cost Budgeted Amount: Total Spent:

23 Total Monthly clothing cost: $_______________________
Monthly take home x .05 = $______________________ Total Monthly clothing cost: $_______________________

24 Miscellaneous Total Cost: __________ Hair Care Nail Care
Item Quantity Price Each Total Cost Hair Care Nail Care Makeup/Toiletries (girls, include monthly necessities) Soap Toothpaste and Toothbrush Deodorant Cleaning Supplies Dish Soap Laundry Detergent Toilet paper 3 additional items that you consider necessities: 1. 2. 3. Total Cost: __________

25 Total Monthly entertainment costs: $________
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Weekend Day 1 (activity & cost) Day 2 Total Monthly entertainment costs: $________

26 Week 1 Entertainment

27 Week 2 Entertainment

28 Week 3 Entertainment

29 Week 4 Entertainment

30 Budget Review: Expenses: Student loan: _________ Housing: _________ Utilities: _________ Automobile: _________ Gas and Maintenance: _________ Auto insurance: _________ Renter’s Insurance: _________ Food: _________ Clothing: _________ Miscellaneous: _________ Entertainment: _________ Take-Home pay: ________ Total Monthly Expenses: ________ Budget surplus OR deficit: ________

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