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Get on track for Graduate Recruitment Schemes

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1 Get on track for Graduate Recruitment Schemes
Vanessa Freeman Deputy Head Careers and Enterprise Encourage questions – no question too stupid – the more you participate the more you’ll get out of it so please do make the most of opportunities to get involved. Here to support you so however much you know or don’t know I’d like to help you. Who’s in the room? Year groups. How many people have started graduate job applications? How many people plan to start them after this workshop?

2 What you’ll get out of today
1) When and where to look for vacancies 2) The assessment process 3) How to write an application question answer 5) Further resources to help you Anything else that you want to learn today? Run through the information focused part of 1-2 relatively quickly and spend most of the time on 3-4 as writing a good form is what can make all the difference to your success chances. To make the point about the importance of a good app form thought I’d share with you to kick us off some application form errors that are v. funny to hear but we want to make sure you avoid. In the previous experience section, these have been some real answers: - Responsibilities included recruiting, screening, interviewing and executing final candidates. - Whilst working in the hairdressers I had to deal with a lot of old biddies. - In my misspent youth I repeatedly evaded the law as a pickpocket, drug dealer, burglar and internet fraudster so I know I have the makings of an expert policeman.  - I’m quite experienced with the mcdonald’s menu Special/additional skills sections  I am quick at typing - about 30wpm or 45wpm with strong coffee. Versatile toes. I’m possibly psychic • Able to function without emergency oxygen at 33,000 feet So in a bit turn to app forms – first the basics. What’s a difference between a graduate scheme and a graduate level job? In Pairs – one minute and feed back.

3 Writing application forms
Motivation questions ‘Why do you want to apply for this division/position?’ ‘Why do you want to apply to our company?’

4 Why this company? What’s their mission? What values do they hold?
What is their USP within their sector? What clients do they have? What products/services do they provide? What deals have they done recently? What was their turnover last year? What practises are they innovating (if any)? What activity of theirs has been in the news? The key to answering this question is asking yourself a series of research questions to ensure you know enough about the company to answer with depth and insight.

5 Efinancialcareers

6 Research answers Why does this matter to me? What’s the common point between something about them and something about me? Answer structure: - fact about the company + how that connects to your interests/ values/ aspirations - repeat structure at least 3 times Common point e.g. you share a community service ethos – you do lots of volunteering and they have a strong CSR programme - they are a small company which prides strong relationships between the team and you’ve worked in both large and small firms in internships and you know you prefer the small firm - they do marketing particularly for the gaming industry and you are an avid video gamer etc….

7 Practise Think about a company you want to apply to and what their main purpose is (use your phone if needed) Write down a few lines on why that purpose motivates you to apply for them Pick a brand you like if you don’t have a company in mind KPMG is differentiated by their focus on really understanding clients and working closely with them to get the right outcome. I place a high value on this approach having worked as an A-Level Tutor, where success depended on getting to know each client’s method of working and collaborating with them on how they would best learn. 1 minute on your own and one minute each to present to your neighbour. This is from their mission statement.

8 Answers: Why this job? What to avoid! Spelling errors changing the meaning • I am looking for work because even though my company was profitable last year, this year they expect a large defecate. • I am anxious to use my exiting [sic] skills Using fancy words incorrectly to try and impress • To obtain a position within an organisation in which both my fashion and administrative experience can be of great detriment. • I'm extremely motivated to find a position where I can apply my love of interpersonal communication to multifaceted colleagues. Also to avoid – you’re the biggest / top ranked / winner of X awards … generic statements about their success which all students will know about and write about. Just cos they are successful doesn’t make them a good enough reason to apply. That answer would be the same for 10s of firms and they want to know what interests you about them and not their equally successful competitor. So you’ve got to talk about things that are unique to them as the attraction points.

9 Unsure what to go for? Research job profiles efinancialcareers, information on our QM+ pages Attend careers panels and fairs this term

10 Book to see me Anything careers-related
Help with career direction, marketing your skills, job hunting strategies, application and interview coaching, postgraduate study In school Wednesdays between 1-4pm Call or drop in to WG3 to book

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