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ICT in Schools, Universities and Colleges

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1 ICT in Schools, Universities and Colleges

2 Learning Objectives To learn what CAL is To learn what CBL is
To learn what CAA is

3 Computer Aided Learning
CAL Computer Aided Learning There is a teacher present The ICT used is to compliment their teaching I.e. use of Interactive White Board Use of a computer (for students) Use of Mobile Devices. Use of Video

4 Computer Based Learning
CBL Computer Based Learning There is no teacher All teaching and learning is done by the computer The computer can provide quizzes and games if necessary The computer can assess and track student performance.


6 Computer Aided Assessment
CAA Computer Aided Assessment Computers used to test students progress. Teacher and students given scores. Limited feedback given by computer (they won’t know the student like a teacher would).

7 Computer Aided Assessment
CAA Computer Aided Assessment It is becoming more popular for exams to be scanned into a computer and marked online. Also OMR scripts are used by students to highlight their choice of question in multiple choice, these are also scanned.


9 Use of ICT to Keep Records
Spreadsheets can be used to store test results, predicted grades and attendance results. Can be made very clear underperformance – Conditional Formatting (i.e. make a cell red if they are getting a U). Classes, year groups can be compared.



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