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Numerical Linear Algebra

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Presentation on theme: "Numerical Linear Algebra"— Presentation transcript:

1 Numerical Linear Algebra
By: Tiffany McKnight Robert Chirwa Alice Lin

2 History of Linear Algebra
Babylon ~1900 BC Had an advanced mathematical system Base 60 Developed tables to calculate formulas Simple Linear equations a x = b

3 History continued Father of Linear algebra Hermann Grassmann
Showed how to apply vectors to important applications Vector spaces Forces (Physics)

4 Hermann Grassman

5 Grassmann’s Life Born in 1809 Died in 1877 Studied 3 yrs in berlin
Never formally studied Mathematics School teacher

6 Grassmann’s Life Wrote Ausdehnunglsehre = Theory of Extension
Drew the attention of Mathematicians from around the world 1842, 1860 Theory of Tides Textbooks Translations for Encyclopedia Brittanica

7 Hermann Grassmann Proved integer’s properties
Proved Primary Decomposition Theorem Took a century to for his works to be recognized Had work stolen by Cauchy

8 Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss

9 Johann Gauss’s Life Born 1777 Died 1855
Extremely good at Mathematics since an early age Extensive Schooling Many discoveries by the age of 19

10 Johann Gauss’s Life Became interested in Astronomy
Wanted to work on projects that were beneficial Created Gaussian Elimination around 1800 Created Gaussian Distribution Curve

11 Arthur Cayley

12 Arthur Cayley’s Life Born 1821 Died 1895
Gifted at Mathematics at an early age Became a Lawyer Finally got an University post

13 Arthur Cayley’s Life Developed Theory of Algebraic Invariance
Applied to the study of Space-Time Continuem Worked on Matrices foundation for quantum mechanics Suggested Special Types of Geometry

14 Other Algorithms Cholesky Factorization/Decomposition

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