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Pieter D. Kofman Wood energy consultant to COFORD

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1 Pieter D. Kofman Wood energy consultant to COFORD
SRC in Europe Pieter D. Kofman Wood energy consultant to COFORD

2 General Strongly increased need for wood fuel
Existing sources are running out Increased interest for planting SRC/SRF Like Ireland energy companies offer long term contracts for fuel Total area planted in 2010 ca 3000 ha

3 Denmark Large increase in planting, now exceeding 1200 ha/yr in willow, but aim was ha over 3 yrs with €400/ha grant Planted area >> 4500 ha Little interest in other species like miscanthus, poplar Harvesting machinery developed for soft terrain/ cheap harvesting



6 Sweden Several years ago very large area (>> ha), which slowly declined to ca ha Now increasing again Important sales system for cuttings gone over from Lantmännen (animal feed company) to Salixenergi (specialist willow company), all SW clones

7 Germany Plans for 10 CHP installations on SRC, at least ha needed Little interest from farmers Slowly picking up Assumedly no biomass available from forests (totally wrong) Mainly poplar, also willow

8 Netherlands Used to be forerunner in early to mid 1900’s , but not for energy Mainly used for waterworks, protection of dikes Area nearly totally gone Now little interest, land too expensive


10 Poland Large areas of willow planted
Bioremediation of soils that have been contaminated with heavy metals

11 Italy Tradition of growing poplar in SRF, not only for energy but before mainly for paper production Also very large harvest of coppice sweet chestnut for firewood

12 Main problems 1 Convincing farmers to grow a woody species on agricultural land Convincing farmers to grow a perennial crop Get farmers to treat SRC as an agricultural crop with weeding, fertilising, game control

13 Main problems 2 Solve harvesting problems, cheaper machines that can last Solve storage problems of wet produce

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