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Aniruddha Gokhale Assistant Professor ISIS, Dept. of EECS

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1 Multidimensional QoS Management in Distributed Real-time & Embedded Systems
Aniruddha Gokhale Assistant Professor ISIS, Dept. of EECS Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee April 30 & May 1, 2007 Colorado State U & TechX Corporation

2 Distributed Real-time & Embedded (DRE) Systems
Network-centric and large-scale “systems of systems” e.g., industrial automation, emergency response Satisfying tradeoffs between multiple (often conflicting) QoS demands e.g., secure, real-time, reliable, etc. Regulating & adapting to (dis)continuous changes in runtime environments e.g., online prognostics, dependable upgrades, keep mission critical tasks operational, dynamic resource mgmt Jai, here are my comments on this slide: Please redraw the example application to focus on something from the context of ARMS than a general-purpose enterprise system. The reasons for this are that (1) Ken Birman works in the space of general-purpose enterprise systems & he’s got a LOT more experience/clout in the area of survivability than we do at this point so it’s pointless to try & go up against him head-to-head since he’s got ~5-10 big successes in this area over the past two decades & (2) we should focus on things that we really understand better than focus like Ken, i.e., namely enterprise DRE systems, such as ARMS. Please see Please try to emphasize multi-dimensional QoS properties explicitly in the middle set of bullets in these slides. It’s implicit in what you say here, but please make it explicit since it ought to be a key focus to differentiate from the kinds of work that Ken does. DRE systems developed via robust and reliable system composition and integration of services and applications

3 Challenges in Realizing DRE Systems
Variability in the problem space (domain expert role) Functional diversity Composition, deployment and configuration diversity QoS requirements diversity Mapping problem artifacts to solution artifacts is hard Variability in the solution space (systems integrator role) Diversity in platforms, languages, protocols & tool environments Enormous accidental & inherent complexities Continuous evolution & change

4 Sources of Variability Impacting QoS (1/3)
Understand the sources of variability in the problem/solution space that impacts QoS Find solutions to automate the mapping of the problem space to solution space Per-component concerns Problem space: Functionality often supplied as third party COTS Solution space: Implementations for different platforms and languages P->S mapping challenges: Implementations must match platform and language choice Choice of implementation impacts end-to-end QoS Communication concerns Problem space: Choice of communication paradigms (pub-sub, RPC, MOM) and requirements on QoS Solution space: Diversity in communication mechanisms e.g, CORBA IIOP, Java RMI, DDS, Event channels, and QoS mechanisms e.g., DiffServ, IntServ, MPLS Decoupling application logic from provisioning communication QoS Right optimizations in communication paths needed to enhance QoS Redundancy and mixed mode communications needed to support QoS

5 Sources of Variability Impacting QoS (2/3)
Assembly concerns Problem space: Discovering services and composing them together Solution space: Interfaces and their semantics must match P->S mapping challenges: Must ensure functional and systemic compatibility in composition Heterogeneity in platforms and languages in composition impacts QoS Deployment concerns Problem space: Need resources e.g., CPU, memory, bandwidth, storage Solution space: Diversity in resource types and their configurations How to select and provision resources such that end-to-end QoS is realized? How to (re)allocate resources to maintain end-to-end QoS? How to place components so that near optimal QoS tradeoffs are made? How to allow sharing of components or assemblies?

6 Sources of Variability Impacting QoS (3/3)
Configuration concerns Problem space: Multiple QoS requires right set of configurations What is the unit of failover? What is the replication degree? Are entire assemblies replicated? How to define access control rights? Determining system task partitioning, schedulability Defining network resource needs Solution space: Platforms provide high degree of configuration flexibility P->S mapping challenges: What configuration options control a specific dimension of QoS? How do different configuration options interact with each other? How to configure heterogeneous platforms? What impact deployment decisions have on configurations?

7 A Single Perspective: Tangling of QoS Issues
Demonstrates numerous tangled para-functional concerns Significant sources of variability that affect end-to-end QoS QoS concerns tangled across system lifecycle Lifecycle-wide separation of concerns (SoC) & variability management is the key Design-time Deployment-time Run-time

8 Requirements of a Solution Approach
Need expressive power to define QoS intent in the problem space, and perform design-time analysis e.g., network QoS needs of application flows or end-to-end latencies Need to decouple DRE system functionality from systemic capabilities in the solution space e.g., decouple robot manager logic from fault tolerance configurations Need to automate the mapping from problem to solution space e.g., automate the (re)deployment and (re)configuration of system functionality to maintain QoS Need to provide a hosting platform with dynamic adaptation capabilities e.g., survivability management of robot manager

9 QoS Management via Multistage Architecture
Multiple levels of abstraction required for resolving tangling of QoS issues Model driven engineering (MDE) provides intuitive, variability management in the problem space Resource allocation and control framework decouples problem space from solution space Deployment and configuration tools transparently map problem space QoS needs to solution space artifacts QoS-enabling component middleware provides hosting environment and runtime adaptation features

10 Our MDE Solution: CoSMIC Toolsuite
Work supported by DARPA PCES & ARMS Programs CoSMIC tools e.g., PICML used to model application components, CQML for QoS Captures the data model of the OMG D&C specification Synthesis of static deployment plans for DRE systems Capabilities being added for QoS provisioning (real-time, fault tolerance, security) CoSMIC can be downloaded at

11 Expressing Multidimensional QoS Intent
A QoS Modeling Language

12 Component QoS Modeling Language (CQML)
Objectives: Express QoS design intent Model crosscutting QoS concerns Perform design-time QoS tradeoff analysis Challenges: Intuitive QoS abstractions Separation as well as unification of QoS concerns 4 types of QoS modeling capabilities Real-time Fault tolerance Security Network QoS Developed as overlay on a composition modeling language Facility to integrate behavioral modeling Unified internal mechanism for QoS integration Pluggable back end analysis tools for QoS tradeoff analysis e.g., Times tool

13 Example of Failover Unit Intent
Primary Component A B C primary IOR “Client” container/component server container/component server container/component server Replica FOU A’ B’ C’ secondary IOR container/component server Primary FOU Replica Component

14 Example of Shared Risk Group Intent
Ship_SRG DataCenter1_SRG DataCenter2_SRG Rack1_SRG Rack2_SRG Node1 (blade31) Node2 (blade32) Shelf1_SRG Shelf2_SRG Shelf1_SRG Blade30 Blade34 Blade29 Blade33 Blade36

15 Example Replica Placement Intent
Define N orthogonal vectors, one for each of the distance values computed for the N components (with respect to a primary) and vector-sum these to obtain a resultant.  Compute the magnitude of the resultant as a representation of the composite distance captured by the placement .  Compute the distance from each of the replicas to the primary for a placement.  Record each distance as a vector, where all vectors are orthogonal. Add the vectors to obtain a resultant. Compute the magnitude of the resultant. Use the resultant in all comparisons (either among placements or against a threshold) Apply a penalty function to the composite distance (e.g. pair wise replica distance or uniformity) R1 P R2 R3

16 CQML FT Modeling Abstractions
QoS Enhancements to PICML (Platform Independent Component Modeling Language) Metamodel Fail-over Unit (FOU): Abstracts away details of granularity of protection (e.g. Component, Assembly, App-string) Replica Group (RPG): Abstracts away fault-tolerance policy details (e.g. Active/passive replication, state-synchronization, topology of replica) Shared Risk Group (SRG): Captures associations related to risk. (e.g. shared power supply among processors, shared LAN) Protection granularity concerns State-synchronization concerns Component Placement constraints Model Interpreter (component placement constraint solver): Encapsulates an algorithm for component-node assignment based on replica distance metric Replica Distance Metric

17 CQML RT & NetQoS Modeling Abstractions
Real-time modeling provided by the RT-Model element Leverages known patterns of real-time programming usage: e.g., real-time CORBA Enables modeling of: Priority models Banded connections Thread pools Thread pools with Lanes Resources e.g., CPU, memory Network QoS modeling allows modeling QoS per application flow Classification into high priority, high reliability, multimedia and best effort classes Enables bandwidth reservation in both directions Client propagated or server declared models

18 Modeling & Generative Steps in CQML
Model components and application strings in PICML e.g., Model Fail Over Units (FOUs) and Shared Risk Groups (SRGs) using CQML Generate deployment plan GME/PICML Model Information Domain, Deployment, SRG, and FOU injection Replica Placement Algorithm model FT Interpreter Augmented Deployment Plan Interpreter automatically injects replicas and associated CCM IOGRs 5. Distance-based constraint algorithm determines replica placement in deployment descriptors.

19 Example: FT Requirements Modeling in CQML
Component FOU Replication Style = Active Deployment plan to be augmented LEGEND FOU: Fail Over Unit SRG: Shared Risk Group Replica = 3 Min Distance = 4 Shared Risk Group (SRG) hierarchy

20 Automated Sample FT QoS Provisioning
Automatic Injection of replicas Augmentation of deployment plan based on number of replicas Automatic Injection of FT infrastructure components E.g. Collocated “heartbeat” (HB) component with every protected component. Automatic Injection of connection meta-data Specialized connection setup for protected components (e.g. Interoperable Group References IOGR) HB Container

21 Automated Heartbeat Component Injection
Collocated heartbeat component Primary Component FPC intra-FOU heartbeat HB HB HB A B C “client” primary IOR container/component server container/component server container/component server IOGR Primary FOU periodic FPC heartbeat FPC secondary IOR HB HB HB Connection Injection A’ B’ C’ Replica Component container/component server container/component server container/component server Replica FOU

22 Example: NetQoS Modeling in CQML
Expressing QoS intent for application flows Multiple connections sharing QoS can use same element

23 Example: Automated Component Placement
Ship_SRG DataCenter1_SRG DataCenter2_SRG Rack1_SRG Rack2_SRG Node1 (blade31) Node2 (blade32) Composite Distance Primary Shelf1_SRG Shelf2_SRG Shelf1_SRG Blade30 Blade34 Blade29 Blade33 Blade36 Replica 3 Replica 1 Replica 2

24 QoS Analysis Requires Behavior
Enhancing CQML with Behavior Modeling

25 Adding Behavioral Modeling to CQML
Realized via metamodel composition i.e., CQML with behavioral DSMLs Component Behavior Modeling Language (CBML) a high-level domain-specific modeling language for capturing the behavior of components e.g., its actions & states Workload Modeling Language (WML) a domain-specific modeling language for capturing workload, & used to parameterize the actions on CBML CBML & WML were both developed using GME (

26 Integrating Behavioral and Structural DSMLs
Context Structural QoS DSML (e.g.,CQML) capture the makeup of component-based systems and their QoS There is no correlation between a component’s ports & its behavior Integration Enablers Defined a set of connector elements that allow structural DSMLs to integrate with (or contain) CBML models Input ports directly connect to Input Action elements Output actions have the same name as their output port to reduce model clutter i.e., prevent many to one connections input connections output name

27 Unifying QoS Dimensions & Tradeoff Analysis
The CQML EventBus Architecture

28 CQML QoS Unification & Tradeoff Analysis
Leverages QoS and behavioral models Model interpretation using an EventBus framework Each QoS dimension publishes its modeled QoS requirements A particular QoS dimension is chosen as the driver e.g., real-time Acts as subscriber of events generated by other dimensions Driver interpreter integrates other QoS dimensions making tradeoffs on the way Pluggable back end analysis and generative tools

29 Example: QoS Tradeoff Analysis using TIMES tool
CQML EventBus architecture weaves in FT and Security concerns into RT concerns Feeds to backend schedulability analysis tools e.g., Times

30 Model Transformations and Model Checking
Automated Problem Space to Solution Space Mapping for Configuration Options Model Transformations and Model Checking

31 Mapping QoS Intent to Platform Configurations
9/12/2018 Mapping QoS Intent to Platform Configurations Prioritized service invocations (QoS Policy) needs to be mapped to Banded Connection (QoS configuration) Large gap between application QoS policies & middleware QoS configuration options Necessary to realize the desired QoS policies Not a straightforward mapping Requires understanding of middleware configuration space e.g., multiple levels of QoS requires configuring appropriate number of thread pools, threadpool lanes (server) and banded connections(client) How do you validate the options? How do you maintain compatibility across components? 32 32

32 Solution Approach: Model-Driven QoS Mapping
9/12/2018 Solution Approach: Model-Driven QoS Mapping QUality of service pICKER (QUICKER) Allows modeling of application QoS policies Provides automatic mapping of QoS policies to configuration options Allows validating the generated QoS options Automated QoS mapping and validation process – can be used iteratively in the design process 33 33

33 Research Summary
Hardware Middleware OS & Protocols Applications R&D in new, holistic approaches to end-to-end QoS management in distributed real-time & embedded systems Research Challenge Research Approach Benefits Managing problem space variability Model-driven generative approach using separation of concerns Enhance the state-of-art in MDE and AOSD technologies Design-time “What-if” analysis using generative prog Variety of analysis techniques including non traditional mechanisms Generative technologies for automated analysis Application of Engineering Mechanics Deployment-time intelligent decisions New applications of constraints optimization theory Middleware specializations Near optimal deployment Specialized middleware stacks Run-time Mechanisms Multilevel, proactive QoS mgmt schemes Dynamic resource management Largely autonomic Survivable systems

34 Acknowledgments DOC Students & Staff Krishnakumar Balasubramanian
My research achievements are made possible due to the sponsors (DARPA, NSF, industry); efforts of my students (both primary and co-advisees); working with collaborators; & advise from mentors Collaborations Christopher Andrews Theckla Louchios Dr. Cemal Yilmaz Dr. Sylvester Fernandez Dr. Adam Porter Thomas Damiano Dr. Sherif Abdelwahed Dr. Jeff Gray Dr. Swapna Gokhale DOC Students & Staff Krishnakumar Balasubramanian Arvind Krishna Jaiganesh Balasubramanian Emre Turkay Jeff Parsons Sumant Tambe James Hill Akshay Dabholkar Amogh Kavimandan Gan Deng Joe Hoffert George Edwards Dimple Kaul Arundhati Kogekar Gabriele Trombetti Mentors Dr. Doug Schmidt Dr. Janos Sztipanovits Dr. Gabor Karsai Dr. Joe Loyall Dr. Joe Cross

35 Concluding Remarks
Significant sources of variability in problem and solution space for managing QoS in DRE systems Multidimensional QoS management requires a multistage architecture MDE for expressing QoS intent and backend analysis Resource allocation to decouple application logic from systemic issues Deployment & configuration tools to automate the mapping Runtime frameworks for dynamic adaptation & resource mgmt Unresolved Issues: Automated QoS tradeoff analysis Optimizations for performance/footprint Dealing with heterogeneity Dealing with system scale Unresolved Issues: Near optimal deployment Impact of new technologies (multicore) Applicability to emerging/existing areas Cyberphysical systems High performance computing


37 The Component Behavior Modeling Language
Context Component’s behavior can be classified as: communication & internal actions Need to define these actions as close as possible to their real counterpart Research Contributions of CBML Based on the semantics of Input/Output (I/O) Automata i.e., contains representative elements Behavior is specified using a series of action to state transitions Transitions have preconditions that represent guards & effects have postconditions that determine the new state after an action occurs Variables are used to store state & can be used within pre & postconditions

38 Domain-Specific Extensions to CBML
Context Some aspects of component-based systems are not first-class entities in I/O automata e.g., lifecycle events & monitoring notification events Extended CBML (without affecting formal semantics) to support domain-specific extensions Domain-Specific Extensions Environment events – input actions to a component that are triggered by the hosting system rather than another component Periodic events - input actions from the hosting environment that occur periodically environment periodic

39 Ensuring Scalability of CBML
Context One of the main goals of higher-level of abstraction is simplicity & ease of use It is known that one of the main drawbacks of automata languages is scalability Usability Extensions Composite Action – contains other actions & helps reduce model clutter Repetitions - determines how many times to repeat an action to prevent duplicate sequential actions Log Action - an attribute of an Action element that determines if the action should be logged Tool Specific – GME add-on that auto-generates required elements (e.g., states)

40 The Workload Modeling Language
generic action Context CBML as a standalone language is sufficient enough to capture behavior of a component For emulation purposes, it does not capture the reusable objects of a component & its workload Research Contributions of WML Middleware, hardware, platform, & programming language independent DSML Used to define workload generators (workers) that contains actions to represent realistic operations Defined using a hierarchical structure that resembles common object-oriented programming packaging techniques that are consistent with conventional component technologies no payload executable actions workload generator

41 Integrating WML Models with CBML Models
Context CBML & WML are standalone DSMLs with a distinct purpose i.e., model behavior & workload, respectively WML is designed to complement CBML by providing CBML with reusable operations that can map to realistic operations Integration Enablers WML worker elements have same model semantics as variables WML actions have same modeling semantics as CBML actions Allows WML elements to be used in CBML models CBML WML action WML

42 Challenge 2: Choosing appropriate values for QoS options
9/12/2018 Challenge 2: Choosing appropriate values for QoS options Individually configuring components is tedious & error-prone e.g., ~140 QoS options for MMS mission Choosing valid values for configuration options inherently doesn’t scale well as size of application increases 43 43

43 Challenge 3: Validating QoS options
9/12/2018 Challenge 3: Validating QoS options Each QoS option value chosen has to be validated Every system reconfiguration (design time) should be validated e.g., reconfiguration of bands of Analysis should be validated such that the modified value corresponds to (some) lane priority of Comm component 44 44

44 Challenge 4: Resolving QoS options dependencies(2/2)
9/12/2018 Challenge 4: Resolving QoS options dependencies(2/2) ThreadPool priorities of Comm should match priority bands defined at Gizmo Manually tracking dependencies difficult or in some cases infeasible Dependent components may belong to more than one assembly Dependency may span beyond immediate neighbors e.g., dependency between Gizmo and Comm components Empirically validating a change in configuration slows down design process considerably Several iterations before desired QoS is achieved (if at all) 45 45

45 Enabling Technologies
9/12/2018 Enabling Technologies Enhanced Platform Independent Component Modeling Language (PICML), a DSML for modeling CCM applications QoS Mapping using Graph Rewriting and Transformation (GReAT) model transformation tool Customized Bogor model-checker to define new types and primitives to validate QoS options Uses model interpreters to automate generation of system specification in Bogor 46 46

46 QUICKER concepts: Transformation of QoS policies(1/2)
9/12/2018 QUICKER concepts: Transformation of QoS policies(1/2) Representation of application QoS policies Platform-independent semantics closely follow application QoS requirements Representation of policies at component- or assembly-level Representation of QoS options Component QoS Modeling Language (CQML) captures CCM-specific QoS configuration options RequirementProxy can be per component or assembly instance 47 47

47 QUICKER concepts: Transformations of QoS policies(2/2)
9/12/2018 QUICKER concepts: Transformations of QoS policies(2/2) Translation of policies into QoS options Semantic translation rules specified in terms of input (PICML) and output (CQML) type graph QUICKER Transformation engine performs mapping of QoS policies (in PICML) to QoS configuration options (in CQML) 48 48

48 QUICKER concepts: Validation of QoS options(1/2)
9/12/2018 QUICKER concepts: Validation of QoS options(1/2) Representation of middleware QoS options in Bogor Bogor extensions allow representing domain-level concepts of system model QUICKER defines new Bogor extension for QoS options Uses Bogor Input Representation (BIR) at a higher level of abstraction e.g., Component, lane, band etc. data types defined in QoS extensions Reduces size of the system model by avoiding (redundant) auxiliary variables in specification 49 49

49 QUICKER concepts: Validation of QoS options(2/2)
9/12/2018 QUICKER concepts: Validation of QoS options(2/2) Representation of properties (that a system should satisfy) in Bogor BIR primitives define language constructs to access & manipulate domain-level data types Used to define rules that validate options and check if property is satisfied Used to construct dependency structure of components which is needed for validation of connected components Automatic generation of BIR specification from CQML models Rule determines if ThreadPool priorities at Comm match with priority bands at Analysis 50 50

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