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2S module geometry updates Module positioning concepts

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1 2S module geometry updates Module positioning concepts
Tracker Phase 2 Upgrade Meeting, 24 May 2012 Report on 2S module mechanics Refers to work and inputs by Tristan Falcy, Antonio Conde Garcia, Luc Kottelat, Stefano Mersi, Giovanni Bianchi, Duccio Abbaneo, Andreas Mussgiller, Nick Lumb, Antti Onnela 2S module geometry updates Module positioning concepts Towards first 2S dummy modules 2S module mechanics, 24 May 2012 Antti Onnela, CERN

2 2S module geometry updates
2S module mechanics, 24 May 2012 Antti Onnela, CERN

3 “End-cap” and “Barrel” 2S modules
“End-cap” 2S module with 4 mm sensor distance (“air gap”). Version under study since 2011, used in FE analysis (Desy) and End-cap geometry studies (Lyon). Now only minor geometry updates in the module supports and hybrids. New “Barrel” 2S module with 1.4 mm sensor distance. Due geometry effect, for the same track momentum cut the sensor distance in the barrel module shall be smaller than in the end-cap. Updated End-cap and Barrel module 3D models will soon be available in the Upgrade website: Following further tracker layout studies these sensor gaps may still evolve in future. Silicon sensor Base-line sensor spacing, following the current TK layout studies: 4 mm in “End-cap” modules 1.4 mm in “Barrel” modules Silicon sensor 2S module mechanics, 24 May 2012 Antti Onnela, CERN

4 2S modules in barrel (Rod) geometry
2 alternatives being studied: Modules upside up or upside down. Modules upside up + Radial distance between adjacent sensors is minimized + Connectors are well exposed Total thickness is potentially rather big (here 24 mm). Thickness depends directly on the biggest components Tight space for module supports and thermal contacts Modules upside down + Total thickness minimized (here 15 mm), allowing compact barrel layers + Components are not exposed (= better protected) in the final assembly + Good space for module supports and thermal contacts Radial distance between adjacent sensors is big. Difficult access to connectors on the module 2S module mechanics, 24 May 2012 Antti Onnela, CERN

5 Module positioning concepts
2S module mechanics, 24 May 2012 Antti Onnela, CERN

6 Module support and positioning: TOB
Support structure (Rod) 2S module mechanics, 24 May 2012 Antti Onnela, CERN

7 Module support and positioning: TIB
Support structure (Cylinder) 2S module mechanics, 24 May 2012 Antti Onnela, CERN

8 Module support and positioning: TEC
Support structure (Petal) 2S module mechanics, 24 May 2012 Antti Onnela, CERN

9 And the net result with TK precision?
Already after first cosmic runs the total residuals with Track Based Alignment are at ~50um rms, and improve within 2008 to ~30um. Much better than what the mechanics can (reasonably) do! 2S module mechanics, 24 May 2012 Antti Onnela, CERN

10 Choice of module positioning concept?
All used module positions solutions in the present Tracker have shown to be sufficiently precise, especially after track-based software alignment. TIB / TEC module positioning is more compact and lighter than the TOB solution. Use the TIB / TEC solution as basis in the 2S module Try to also include captive screws, which do not need to be handled individually during module testing and assembly phases. 2S module mechanics, 24 May 2012 Antti Onnela, CERN

11 2S module positioning: First thoughts
Positioning similar to TIB/TEC Captive screws Module placed on supports Module Positioning Screws tightened Support structure 2S module mechanics, 24 May 2012 Antti Onnela, CERN

12 Towards first 2S dummy modules
2S module mechanics, 24 May 2012 Antti Onnela, CERN

13 Towards first 2S dummy modules
Soon we will be able to produce the first dummy modules Dummy sensors are in procurement Include heating, temp measurement, bond pads, positioning targets Different R&D / dummy versions of other module components will be available. How to make first thermo-mechanical tests on the dummy modules? One option is to use our ~30 existing spare TOB Rod frames Carbon fibre structure Cooling is included Setups for supporting and cooling rods exist But, module supports in wrong places for 2S modules  Adaptors needed. 2S module mechanics, 24 May 2012 Antti Onnela, CERN

14 TOB Rod with 2S modules 2S module Adaptor TOB Rod frame
2S module mechanics, 24 May 2012 Antti Onnela, CERN

15 TOB Rod with 2S modules 2S module mechanics, 24 May 2012
Antti Onnela, CERN

16 Adaptor First adaptors are being made now.
Will be tried in June with ultra-dummy modules in aluminium. Then towards more intelligent dummies... 3 connection bars in carbon-fibre composite 4 support/cooling contacts in aluminium 2S module mechanics, 24 May 2012 Antti Onnela, CERN

17 Summary Progressing with 3D modelling of the 2S modules
New updated versions of the Barrel and End-cap 2S modules will be made soon available (in ~1 week) on the Upgrade Sharepoint site Module positioning studies have started First mechanical samples and tests within June-July Producing adaptors for mounting 2S modules on TOB Rod frame. Will be tried in June. If proven ok, further adaptors can be made and TOB Rod frames provided for test use in different labs. Contact me if you are interested in receiving such test material. 2S module mechanics, 24 May 2012 Antti Onnela, CERN

18 Thank you for your attention.
2S module mechanics, 24 May 2012 Antti Onnela, CERN

19 Spare slides 2S module mechanics, 24 May 2012 Antti Onnela, CERN

20 2S module, Jan 2012 version 3D models by A. Conde Garcia / CERN
2S module mechanics, 24 May 2012 Antti Onnela, CERN

21 Module positioning: TIB
Inputs from A. Basti / INFN Pisa Precision insert Slot insert Inserts with clearance 2S module mechanics, 24 May 2012 Antti Onnela, CERN

22 Module positioning: TEC
Inputs from M. Wlochal / Aachen 2S module mechanics, 24 May 2012 Antti Onnela, CERN

23 Module positioning: TOB
2S module mechanics, 24 May 2012 Antti Onnela, CERN

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