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Nakamura, Takaharu / Fujitsu Issam Toufik/ MCC technical support

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1 Nakamura, Takaharu / Fujitsu Issam Toufik/ MCC technical support
DRAFT-RP TSG-RAN meeting #48 Seoul, Korea, Jun.1-4, 2010 RAN-WG4 Report Nakamura, Takaharu / Fujitsu Chairman Issam Toufik/ MCC technical support

2 Meeting statistics/Summary and Work load analysis (Incl
Meeting statistics/Summary and Work load analysis (Incl. CR summary, WI/SI status etc.) *tdoc and CR statistics are as of May 25

3 Meeting statistics - One ordinary & one AH meeting were held since the last RAN plenary meeting Massive discussions took place after RAN#47 and the RAN4 meetings. - One ordinary and one ad-hoc meeting are planned before the next plenary. - RAN4 officials: Chair: Mr. Takaharu Nakamura, Fujitsu / ARIB Vice Chair: Mr. Edgar Fernandes, Motorola / ETSI Vice Chair: Mr. Christian Bergljung, ST-Ericsson / ETSI MCC Support: Dr. Issam Toufik, ETSI Meeting Date Place Host Delegates Tdocs AH#10-02 12 – 16 Apr. Dublin, IE ETSI around 80 479 R4#55 10 – 14 May Montreal, CA NAF3 around 120 789 Meeting Date Location Host RAN4-AdHoc 28 Jun. -2 Jul, 2010 Bratislava, SK EF3 RAN4#56 23 – 27 Aug. 2010 Madrid, ES

4 Adhoc # in April 479 tdocs for limited subjects were submitted and handled. Tdocs agreed at the adhoc were reviewed in R4#55 and ratified in an efficient manner. Topics handled in the adhoc: Rel-8 or earlier (maintenance activities) TD-SCDMA (TEI for earlier releases), UE demod (Rel-8 CSI) Rel-9 WI (if remains) DL-Beam forming, Mobility enhancement, Positioning Support for LTE [LCS_LTE], MSR Test configuration, eMBMS, UE demodulation performance requirements (Rel-9) Rel-10 WI Carrier aggregation (IMT-A), Relay (IMT-A), 4 carrier HSDPA, UL-MIMO for LTE, Fixed Wireless Customer-Premises Equipment (CPE), RF Requirements New frequency bands (rel. independent) UMTS/LTE3500, European 800 (as a maintenance activity) Study Item MIMO-OTA

5 R4#55 in May 789 tdocs (as of May 25) were submitted as a whole. Slightly decreased from R4#54 due to the adhoc discussions in April, or because of the stabilizations of the works in rel-9 and ealier. Still higher work load is observed. Sessions started from early morning and lasted till late evening. Some of the tdocs were covered only in the ad-hocs and some of the ad-hoc sessions were run in parallel. 35 tdocs were not handled and carried over to future meetings. (Slightly improved from R4#54.) Thanks for those participated from early morning to late evening sessions.

6 In the future RAN4 meetings, none or less e-mail discussions
approval process after RAN#47 (see R ): ITU-R submission related tdocs: Update of M.1457, M.1580, M.1581, M.2039, IMT.MITIGATION and M.2116. Response LS to Metro Ethernet Forum (Finally approved in R4#55 capturing information from RAN3 as well.) approval/review after RAN4 adhoc in April (see R ): Outgoing LS on ‘relay’ and ‘Carrier aggregation’, Text proposals for Carrier Aggregation TR and ‘way forward for LTE-A UE categories/capabilities’. discussion after RAN4 #55 in May: Totally 78 tdcos were reviewed or approved in the exploder. Additional approval process took place since two out going LS were missing from the tdoc list for the first approval process. Unfortunate exploder accident: The IT problem on the exploder happened in May made impossible to approve several tdocs (eg. out-going LS) in time and impacted the progress of the discussions very much. In the future RAN4 meetings, none or less discussions are expected since most of the ‘remaining works’ or ‘necessary maintenances’ in Rel-8/Rel-9 have been fixed this time.

7 Number of tdocs per agenda items in R4#55
Work load analysis Half of the work load is for ‘maintenance’ of the earlier releases. LTE-Advanced related work shares 20%. Tdoc statistics in R4#55 Rel-7/8 maintenance work: 3% LTE maintenance: 17% MSR: 12% HNB: 13% LTE-Advanced (Rel-10): 20% Study items : % Number of tdocs per agenda items in R4#55

8 Work load analysis (cont’)
Meeting arrangement plan: R4 AH in June: Limited technical discussions on LTE-Advanced (CA, Relay) etc. Possible parallel sessions R4#56 in August To review and ratify agreement in January AH. Possible parallel AH sessions Earlier tdoc submission would help the progresses in the meetings much.

9 CR summary Release 99 & Rel.-6 : No CRs  Rel-7: (Cat F:4)
RRM on LCR TDD Rel-8 (Cat.F:34) LTE-RF (UE,BS,RRM) CRs Rel-9 (Cat.B:9,Cat.F:39,Cat.D:2) LTE-RF 12 CRs MSR 11 CRs LCS for LTE 5 CRs Eu800MHz band 3 CRs TEI CRs Others CRs Rel-10 (Cat.B:10) LCR HNB CRs RF scenario TR (LTE-A) 1 CR Number of agreed CRs (as per Release & category) Number of agreed CRs (as per WI)

10 WI/SI status summary (for information)

11 Work Item status (RAN4 leads) [1/2]
Name SI/WI Compl. % E.C.D UMTS/LTE 3500 WI 57 → 60 June 2010 RF requirements for Multicarrier and Multi-RAT BS 100 (Core) 60 (Test) → 85 Core: Dec 09’ Test: June 2010 UE OTA conformance testing methodology- Laptop Mounted Equipment Free Space test 25 → 35 Sep. 2011 Four carrier HSDPA 10 → 40 (Core) 0 → 5 (Perf.) Core: Dec. 2010 Perf.: May 2011 LCR TDD Home NodeB 20 → 100 (Core) < 20 → 20 (Test) Core: Jun. 2010 Test: Dec. 2010 Fixed Wireless Customer-Premises Equipment (CPE) 5 → 20 (core) 0 (Perf.) Core: Sep. 2010 Positioning Support for LTE 95 → 100 (core) 0 (Test, R5.) Test: Mar. 2011 A-GNSS Minimum Performance for UTRAN 70 → 80 (R4) Sep. 2010 Carrier Aggregation for LTE(IMT-A) - performance part 0 → 15 (Core) 0 (Perf) Test: Jun. 2011 Enhanced Downlink MIMO 0 →

12 Work Item status (RAN4 leads) [2/2]
Name SI/WI Compl. % E.C.D LTE UL MIMO WI 20→ 55 (Core) 0 → 5 (Perf.) Core: Dec. 2010 Perf: Jun. 2011 Relays for LTE 0 → 15 (Core) 0 (Test) Test: Mar. 2011 Enhanced ICIC for non-CA based deployments of heterogeneous networks for LTE New→ (Core) New → (Perf.) LTE TDD in 2600MHz for USA (Region 2) New→ 20 (Core) New → 0 (Perf.) Perf: Dec. 2010 Add 2 GHz band LTE for ATC of MSS in North America New→ 10 (Core) New → 5 (Perf.) Add L-Band LTE for ATC of MSS in North America New→ 5 (Core) LTE Self Optimizing Networks (SON) enhancements MU-MIMO for 1.28Mcps TDD Perf: Mar. 2010 Performance Requirements for two-antenna 1.28Mcps TDD Type 1 and Type 2 UE receiver New→ 100 (Core) New → 25 (Perf.) Core: Jun. 2010 Perf: Dec. 2010

13 Study Item status (RAN4 leads)
Name SI/WI Compl. % E.C.D. Measurement of radiated performance for MIMO and multi-antenna reception for HSPA and LTE terminals SI 55 → 85 June 2010 → Dec. 2010* Extending 850MHz 10 → 35 → Dec. 2010 Uplink Tx Diversity for HSPA 5 → 100 (R4) * The SI for MIMO-OTA will be kept on hold by October 2010.

14 Rel-7/Rel-8 maintenance
Work load is decreasing. LTE UE performance requirements for CSI etc. get good progress. Rel-7: Essential corrections on LCR TDD RRM (TS25.123): 1 CR: Inter-RAT cell change order from UTRAN TDD to GSM(GPRS) 1 CR: Triggered reporting in AWGN 2 CRs: UE uplink synchronization control Rel-8 Maintenance of LTE (TS36.101, , , , , ) 16 CRs: UE RF requirements, Performance requirements for CSI etc. 6 CRs: BS RF requirements and conformance test specification 12 CRs: Radio Resource Managements

15 Multi standard radio BS (Conformance test)
Extended Rel-9 WIs Multi standard radio BS (Conformance test) 11 CRs for TS agreed. ‘Manufacturer’s declaration on max output power’ needs further discussion in RAN4. (R , R ) R TP for power allocation, subclause 4.8 Ericsson, Nokia Siemens Networks R TP for manufacturers declaration, subclause Ericsson, Nokia Siemens Networks TP in R agreed in the approval, however since GERAN decided to put off the decision on the TP, it will not be implemented to the TR and RAN4 to revisit the subject next time. R TP for TC4 subclause Ericsson, Nokia Siemens Networks One more meeting cycle would be needed to complete the work.

16 HeNB/HNB inbound mobilities [EHNB-RAN2]
Rel-9 WIs (cont’) HeNB/HNB inbound mobilities [EHNB-RAN2] 4 CRs for TS and TS agreed*. (2 cat. B + 2 Cat. F) * CR in R should have NOT been agreed since the interested parties in RAN4 concluded to postponed the decision. The situation was clarified in a late comment after the approval process. R Add System Information acquisition requirement for inter-RAT E-UTRAN HeNB cell Samsung

17 Other Rel-9 maintenances
Decreasing but considerable Work load. LTE-RF: 12 CRs (2 Cat.B + 10 Cat. F) LCS for LTE: 5 CRs (5 Cat.B) Eu 800MHz band: 3 CRs TEI-9: 8 CRs (7 Cat.F + 1 Cat.D)

18 New Frequency bands UMTS/LTE European 800MHz band (Band XX/20)
2 Cat F CRs agreed. (Cat. F for TS36.101, LTE-RF) UL configuration for the UE receiver sensitivity requirement RAN4 has been discussing the technical aspect for the last few months. CR in R proposed as the way forward. Counter CR was proposed in R in R4#55. Point of the discussion: Whether ‘20 RBs’ or ‘25 RBs’ in UL for 10MHz BW case R CR Band 20 Ericsson, Fujitsu, Motorola, Nokia, Qualcomm, ST-Ericsson, Deutsche Telekom, Infineon Technologies, LGE, Renesas, Samsung R Band 20 Rx requirements Vodafone, Telefonica Several companies eager to settle the issue by RAN#48.

19 New Frequency bands (cont’)
UMTS/LTE 3500 2 TPs for the TR agreed. Certain progress but need further work before complete the work. L-Band LTE for ATC of MSS in North America Work just started. Skeleton TR approved (Tdoc 2213) Clarified to start with the technical works first. 2 GHz band LTE for ATC of MSS in North America Skeleton TR approved (Tdoc 2131) Technical and regulatory aspect reviewed. (tdoc 2180, 2230) LTE TDD in 2600MHz for USA (Region 2) Skeleton TR approved (Tdoc 2037) Several technical tdocs as well as regulatory aspect reviewed. (tdoc 1800 etc.)

20 Rel-10 works 1.28 Mcps TDD Home NodeB RF requirements 9 CRs agreed. Interference mitigation technique reviewed and agreed as the way forward. Work for the core part completed. 1.28Mcps TDD Multi-carrier HSUPA Analysis on UE requiremens made. LS on ‘UE transmitter structure and power in MC-HSUPA’ approved. (Tdoc 1779). Performance Requirements for two-antenna 1.28Mcps TDD Type 1 and Type 2 UE receiver Type 1 and type 2 UE receiver definition agreed. (tdoc 2220) Simulation set in tdoc 2291 agreed. Four carrier HSDPA Time alignment between the carriers, signaling aspect, UE Rx requirements etc. discussed. It was agreed to create a TR to capture the priority # 1 and priority # 2 4C-HSDPA scenarios.

21 Rel-10 works Enhanced Downlink Multiple Antenna Transmission for LTE
UE categories and form factor, CSI RS boosting impact on BS transmission distortion etc. discussed. Response LS on Reply LS on CSI RS boosting impact on BS transmission distortion approved (tdoc. 2236) Uplink Multiple Antenna Transmission for LTE Antenna architectures, MIMO channel models, performance requirements were discussed. Enhanced ICIC for non-CA based deployments of heterogeneous networks for LTE RRM scenario for HETNET discussed. Fixed Wireless Customer-Premises Equipment (CPE) Simulation assumptions for the work agreed (tdoc 1634) Co-existing analysis discussed.

22 Rel-10 works UE Over the Air (Antenna) conformance testing methodology- Laptop Mounted Equipment Free Space test Test configurations, Dummy Lap top proposal etc. discussed. AGNSS Minimum Performance Specification Development TP for TS (V2.0.0) approved (tdoc 1573) Small technical enhancement Information paper on ‘technical requirements of Low power repeaters in Japanfrom’ (tdoc 1573,ARIB) presented.

23 Rel-10 works (LTE-Advanced)
Carrier Aggregation for LTE Co-exisitence studies: Simulation outcomes captured in the CR (tdoc. 2225) UE capability in CA scenario discussed. RRM aspect studied. In RAN4#55, several tdocs were not handled due to lack of time. UE RF requirements: Discussed in an adhoc session Several ‘not handled tdocs’ due to lack of time. BS RF and performance requirements: Discussed in an adhoc session Agreed TPs captured in the TR and it was approved as V0.1.0 (tdoc 2329)

24 Rel-10 works (LTE-Advanced)
Relays for LTE TR approved as V0.1.0 (tdoc.2285) Deployment scenarios, synchronization requirements etc. discussed.

25 Study items Extending 850 MHz Uplink Tx Diversity for HSPA
Fair progress: TR V0.1.0 approved (tdoc. 1587) 3 TPs for the TR agreed (tdoc. 2332, 1910, 2333) Uplink Tx Diversity for HSPA Surprising progress: Most of the tdocs were only handled in adhoc sessions. Extensive discussions took place after R4#55. Set of TPs for the TR agreed and the latest TR to be presented to RAN. Study in RAN4 has been completed.

26 Study items (cont’) MIMO-OTA
The Tdocs were handled in April adhoc or parallel sessions in R4#55. 9 TPs approved for the TR of SI. It was agreed to ‘keep on hold (suspend)’ the SI for the next 4 months (not on agenda for next two meetings) but continue to use the MIMO OTA reflector for issues relating to outside bodies (COST and CTIA) The TR was agreed to be presented to RAN for information (as V1.1.0) There was discussion on the estimated completion level of the study in RAN4. Once the result of the first measurement campaign (either in COST2100 or CTIA) is available RAN4 may review the level of completion.

27 New WI prop. Review Following 4 new WI proposals were reviewed. Technical Q&A and work load analysis took place. WID proposal: 4 WID proposals were reviewed R New Work Item Proposal : Support of New Band Combinations for Dual Band Dual Cell HSDPA in Japan SOFTBANK MOBILE R E1900 Work Item Proposal Sprint R E850 Work Item Proposal Sprint R New study item proposal for Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) requirements ZTE, CATR SID proposal on eMBMS dedicated carrier: Not handled because the proponents were not in the meeting room. R Draft eMBMS Dedicated Carrier Rel-10 Study Item Description IPWireless

28 Owner of TS25.317 TS “Release Independent Aspects of Band Combinations for Dual Band Dual Cell operation” Owner of TS is currently RAN4. (No explicit discussion took place on the ownership of the specification so far.)  Owner of the specification should be RAN2 since has the same aspect and owned by RAN2. Ownership of the specifications for “release independent aspects” as the consequence. TS25.307, TS > RAN2 (RAN2 signaling aspect involved) TS > RAN4 (No signaling aspect involved)

29 R4-AH#10-03 (June) (Topics and LS handling in the adhoc)

30 LS handling in the ad-hoc
The Ad-hoc session will handle: - All of the incoming LSs that are associated to the agenda (topics) there. - Create and approve an outgoing LS which is associated to the agenda in the ad-hoc WITHOUT approval process. For those interest in the agenda in the ad-hoc, please make sure not to miss the meeting.

31 Topics for R4-AH#10-03 (June)
1. Work Items [Rel.10 and beyond] 1.1 Carrier Aggregation for LTE [LTE_CA] 1.1.1 RRM (Radio Resource Management) aspects 1.1.2 UE RF requirements 1.1.3 BS RF requirements 1.2 Relays for LTE 1.3 Core requirements for Fixed Wireless CPE RF Requirements 1.4 Core requirements for UE Over the Air (Antenna) conformance testing methodology- Laptop Mounted Equipment Free Space test 1.5 Core requirements for Enhanced ICIC for non-CA based deployments of heterogeneous networks for LTE 1.6 Core requirements for Uplink Multiple Antenna Transmission for LTE

32 Topics for R4-AH#10-03 (June)
2. Maintenance of closed work items 2.1 Enhanced HSPA 2.1.1 DB-DC-HSPA 2.1.2 DC-HSUPA 2.1.3 Four carrier HSDPA 2.2 Enhancement on ISM co-existence [TEI9 or New WI?] 2.3 Performance Requirements for two-antenna 1.28Mcps TDD Type 1 and Type 2 UE receiver 2.4 MSR 2.4.1 Test configurations 2.4.2 Conformance test specification, general parts 2.4.3 Conformance test specification, requirements 2.4.4 Others

33 Topics for R4-AH#10-03 (June)
3 New frequency bands [Release independent] 3.1 UMTS/LTE 3500 [RInImp8-UMTSLTE3500] 3.2 Add L-Band LTE for ATC of MSS in North America 3.3 Add 2 GHz band LTE for ATC of MSS in North America 3.4 LTE TDD in 2600MHz for USA (Region 2)

34 Topics for R4-AH#10-03 (June)
4. Study items 4.1 Study on Extending 850 MHz [if still opened] 4.2 Study on Uplink Tx Diversity for HSPA [if still opened] 5. Close of Meeting (No later than Friday, 5 p.m.) All the experts and interested parties are encouraged to participate the adhoc. Brief review and ratification on AH agreement will take place at R4#56.

35 Future meetings (Meeting calendars)

36 Meeting Calendar for 2010 Meeting Date Location Host RAN4 AH #2010-01
18-22 Jan Sophia Antipolis, FR ETSI RAN4 #54 22 – 26 Feb San Francisco ,USA NAF3 RAN #47 16 – 19 Mar Vienna, AT EF3 RAN4 AH # 12-16 Apr Dublin, IE RAN4#55 10 – 14 May Canada RIM RAN #48 1 – 4 June Seoul, KR Samsung RAN4 AH # 28 Jun – 2 Jul Bratislava, SK RAN4#56 23 – 27 Aug Madrid, ES RAN #49 14 – 17 Sep US RAN4 AH # 11-15 Oct Xi’an, CN CATT RAN4#57 15 – 19 Nov RAN #50 7 – 10 Dec Istanbul, TR

37 Meeting Calendar for 2011 Meeting Date Location Host
[RAN4 AH # ] 17-21 Jan [t.b.d.] [US?] RAN4 #58 21 – 25 Feb Taipei, TW ITRI RAN #51 Mar US NAF3 RAN4#59 9 – 13 May Kobe, JP JF3 RAN #52 31 May - 3 Jun Bratislava, SK EF3 RAN4#60 22 – 26 Aug EU RAN #53 13 – 16 Sep t.b.d. RAN#60bis 10-14 Oct RAN4#61 14 – 18 Nov RAN #54 6 – 9 Dec Berin (t.b.c), DE

38 Thanks.

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