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Annual Conference of the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong – 2015 TOMSK POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY 06.02.2015 Hong Kong Professor Olga Loyko.

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Presentation on theme: "Annual Conference of the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong – 2015 TOMSK POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY 06.02.2015 Hong Kong Professor Olga Loyko."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual Conference of the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong – TOMSK POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY Hong Kong Professor Olga Loyko

2 Modernizing economy, modernizing life:
Annual Conference of the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong – 2015 Modernizing economy, modernizing life: Effectiveness of the scholarship programm Expiree's TOMSK POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY

3 Tomsk - Hong Kong - countries different, and one Earth




7 TPU - Best Practices

8 Tomsk Polytechnic University: 20 years later 2011 marks 20 years since Tomsk Polytechnic Institute was converted into Tomsk Polytechnic University The last decade of the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century was a period of globalization and internationalization in all industries, and hence the competition in the national and international labour markets increased. Such kind of situation brought about a growing leadership of universities, including technical universities as scientific and innovative centres of excellence. Tomsk Polytechnic Institute was among the first to receive the status of a technical university. That conversion gave a new impetus to its development.

9 The technical university features:
High degree of diversification and customized structure of training and educational services; The post-graduate levels of education are predominant (preparation of masters, candidates and doctors of sciences); The academic process is integrated with research activities; The training of personnel in interdisciplinary specialties; The integration in the international scientific and academic community.

10 Bachelor-degree programs in English
Tomsk Polytechnic University offers international students the most popular bachelor's degree programs in English: The University adheres to the CDIO concept and creates the possibilities for students to study on individual education plans (in English and in Russian). The CDIO™ INITIATIVE is an innovative educational framework for producing the next generation of engineers. They are: Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering.

11 TPU offers to international students from partner universities the following programms:
Academic Exchange Programmes (Semester- or year-long programmes) Internships (Short term programmes on the specific project) Double Degree Programmes (Full 2-year Master program in cooperation with one of the partner universities with two Master Diplomas in the end) Summer School of Russian Language and Culture (Short-term language course with cultural programmer) Russian for Mobility (Intensive course of the Russian language for double master and exchange students

12 Tourism - the International master's degree programs in TPU

13 Actuality in the European and Regional labor-market :
Provides priority-oriented industry sector of the international economy, Russian economy, and strategy of the Tomsk region According to the UNESCO such kind of professional education doesn’t have the competitors in the way of employment’s guarantees, searching of a new work and creation the conditions private usage We don’t teach all, but we teach each

14 Master’s Program Master’s Program is oriented to the industry- specific subjects and technologies Students have special courses of financial management, event-management, region’s policy in tourism, marketing and branding of touristic destinations ect. The programs are function-specific and guarantee the high-qualified specialists in the sphere of tourism and hospitality We don’t teach all, but we teach each

15 In the conclusion we want to note that Master’s Program is forming new type of specialists in tourism industry Our student master technologies of strategic management and have the specific, field-oriented knowledge in tourism and hospitality The graduates of the Master’s program work as the top-managers in corporations of tourism industry , coordinators of commercials and non-commercials touristic projects, in the departments of tourism and develop the Russian tourism industry according to the international standards We don’t teach all, but we teach each

16 TOMSK POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY. Department of Culture Studies
TOMSK POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY Department of Culture Studies and Social Communication The department was established in 1995 The department has been training highly qualified professionals in the sphere of social and cultural service and tourism since 1995 Target audience – students/practitioners who plan to make a professional career in the service sphere, hospitality and tourism

17 TOMSK POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY. Department of Culture Studies
TOMSK POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY Department of Culture Studies and Social Communication The aim of the program to train highly qualified managers in the sphere of regional and international tourism, service and hospitality In the studying process students are oriented on the individualized professional activity, thus getting practical skills Developing the professional competence is a prior area of the Department

18 TOMSK POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY. Department of Culture Studies
TOMSK POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY Department of Culture Studies and Social Communication Educational methods problem-based learning case-study analyses experience-based learning participation in workshops held by practitioners group and individual project work individual and group presentations active using of Internet and on-line systems focus groups business and management games roundtable discussions, etc.

19 Advantages of the Program
TOMSK POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY Department of Culture Studies and Social Communication Advantages of the Program broad spectrum of professional and strictly specialized disciplines in the sphere of tourism, service and hospitality possibility to choose disciplines or modules orientation on self-supporting professional activity development of professional competence, demanded by the modern business usage of modern methods and technologies in the studying process excellent theoretical training and development of professional skills, application of knowledge in designing specific project works

20 European partner universities
TOMSK POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY Department of Culture Studies and Social Communication European partner universities Aalborg University (Denmark) FHWien University of Applied Sciences (Austria) Management Center Innsbruck (Austria) Corvinus University of Budapest (Hungary) Tartu University (Estonia) Arteveldehogeschool (Belgium) Catholic University in Leuven (Belgium) Tampere University (Finland) Mid Sweden University (Sweden) Hacettepe University (Turkey)

21 Structure of the Bachelor/Master Program
TOMSK POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY Department of Culture Studies and Social Communication Structure of the Bachelor/Master Program Bachelor Program - includes 8 semesters and lasts for 4 years Master Program – 4 semester or 2 years the course of studying is taught in the Russian language education during the academic exchange programs is also available

22 Professional in-job training
TOMSK POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY Department of Culture Studies and Social Communication Professional in-job training hotels, resorts, travel agencies and other organizations of the service, tourism and hospitality spheres in Siberian region and Russia professional training in the sphere of hospitality and service in Turkey (tour operator Tez Tour) and Spain

23 TOMSK POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY. Department of Culture Studies
TOMSK POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY Department of Culture Studies and Social Communication Teaching staff Professors, Ds.Sc. PhD lecturers Practitioners and experts in the sphere of tourism, hospitality, social and service spheres for holding workshops and seminars

24 TOMSK POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY. Department of Culture Studies
TOMSK POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY Department of Culture Studies and Social Communication visiting professors from foreign partner universities (Belgium, Estonia, Denmark and etc.) presented lectures for bachelor and master students

25 TOMSK POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY. Department of Culture Studies
TOMSK POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY Department of Culture Studies and Social Communication Research papers work on the research paper presupposes theoretical exploration of the problem, empirical analysis of the results with the obligatory elaboration of the concrete proposals, project recommendations and methods of their implementation for concrete establishments the project papers can be carried out either in groups or individually

26 TOMSK POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY. Department of Culture Studies
TOMSK POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY Department of Culture Studies and Social Communication Graduate Work The theme could be suggested by the Department or by a student Each student has got a tutor and consultant for assisting at preparing Diploma Paper Degree Theses should have a professional impact, include concrete developed project and suggestions about its implementation The thesis consists of approximately pages The defense of graduate work is held in public

27 Results of preparation master of Tourism
Performance of master's degree from Vietnam Hahn Do of the International conference in Saint Petersburg. November 2014

28 Results of preparation master of Tourism
TEMPUS - of practical worker in Budapest Master's degrees of direction Tourism

29 Results of preparation master of Tourism
Rector of TPU the professor Peter Chubik highly estimated work of consortium European universities.

TOMSK POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY Department of Cultural Studies and Social Communication THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION

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