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by Jakob Gray, and Sara Inglis, Jerry Sun

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Presentation on theme: "by Jakob Gray, and Sara Inglis, Jerry Sun"— Presentation transcript:

1 by Jakob Gray, and Sara Inglis, Jerry Sun
Team Ember Red by Jakob Gray, and Sara Inglis, Jerry Sun Disclaimer: We did not use ember

2 JAKOB - giving open science to everyone

3 Problems Little interaction with the data of others Not personalized
Geared toward use by researchers only SARA People are using the OSF to post their own data and work on their projects but hardly ever interact with the data of others. The research is all out there but it’s hard to access things that have similar ideas to yours or ideas that you are interested in There is the search option but everytime you go on the open science framework have to create a new search for everything you want to look for. A project you remember, a researcher who had a project that maybe you bookmarked before or the tags you’re interested in OSF geared toward use by researchers and not for regular people interested in science. In order to drive the culture change that the center for open science is looking for, we want more people to be exposed to research and open science.

4 Objective Create an easy way for users to find research that they are personally interested in First part of OSF cycle is search and discover And it is usually one central part in the research life cycle, and it is what is not there in open science framework Example: yesterdays “bad project video”, because of no patience, etc. OSF doesn’t gave enough full support in this part. We want to further facilitate the explore process Old way: go and find New way: present to you

5 Our Solution: Ease of access Keep track of what interest you
Ember IGNITE Ease of access Keep track of what interest you Socialization Personalized newsfeed Recommendation system Why is it called Ember IGNITE? Because it will ignite a passion for science into everyone’s lives JAKOB EI expands upon the usability of the Open Science Framework Acts like a front page for the framework you can access to see the latest updates based on what interests you Ignite makes it easy to access other researchers projects and data using a comfortable environment and layout. Opens it up, ppl don’t need to publish but explore You can keep track of what you like, these include projects, topics, and even other users Provides social media outlets to stay up to date on open science with twitter embedding and options for sharing things you come across Most central idea behind Ignite, Providing a personalized newsfeed for each user consisting of recent or popular projects that a user might find interesting Operates with a recommendation system that takes into account current projects you've bookmarked, tags you like, and other users that you follow, finds top recommnedations, and aggregates them into a central location in the user feed COS's goal is to connect and build open science community. Ignite helps accomplish this by providing a better platform for viewing developing research on the OSF

6 Why is this needed? Easy access Personalize user experience
Expand the user base for the OSF Grow the number of people interested in open science Bring together a community of researchers and science lovers SARA Make it easier for people to see what they are interested in, rather than searching for specific tags, by keeping track of tags/projects/researchers that you have followed Expanding users to not people who aren't just researchers means more people using the open science framework and more people exposed to the idea of open science Personalize user experience*** Expand the user base for the OSF Grow the number of people exposed and interested in open science Bring together a community of researchers and science lovers en science

7 Who could use this? Researchers Students Everyone
Find research similar to their own More exposure for their own research Students Find out what they're interested in Introduced to open science early in their careers Everyone IGNITE a passion for science Incorporate science and learning into daily life SARA Researchers: Find studies they would want to replicate or be the inspiration for new projects they could do Also, with more people reading their own research they could get more feedback Students: If they are introduced to open science early in their careers, then can bring it with them if they go into research themselves or join a lab Everyone: Anyone who is interested in science could use this to learn more about current research Go Science!

8 Features of IGNITE

9 Following Users Tags Projects JAKOB
Improves what is currently the “bookmarks” tab to make it easier to read and navigate Ability to follow specific users whose research interests you so you can stay up to date on the work they are doing Lastly, you can follow specific tags. That way you can stay up to date on any news in a field or subject that you enjoy

10 Ranking Model Projects: Users: Tag you owned Contributor you followers
No description/No tag Project you already followed Users: The contributor of followed project The contributor of recommended project Users you already followed Users with fewer open projects JERRY This is the core feature of our IGNITE Project the ranking model for recommendation system Projects we recommend 10 User we recommend 2 Constraints Directly pulled from api so dynamic/responsive website Based on the assumption above Why no description Why already followed

11 Demo Ember IGNITE JERRY

12 Improvements Expand Social Media presence Gamification Improve UI
Mobile app 2017 2018 Customize your feed Evaluations Smarter Recommendations JAKOB Expand Social media: Facebook, s etc. Newsfeed increase the amount of sharing on these sites, grow the community and increase the discussion surrounding the research SARA Gamification: Activity Points for following new projects users and tags, for tweeting and facebooking JAKOB Improve UI: Integrations with Ember? Designed to be part of OSF. Expand capabilities and further improve ease of use with features SARA Mobile app: Focused on the newsfeed part, not uploading files.. Jerry Customize feed: delete unwanted recommendations/users, also we can customized twitter/social media feed based on tag Evaluations Since the whole system is a retrieval model based on users information, we can view this as a search engine and query is just user information, and the result are the recommended user/projects. We can user the typical Information Retrieval model based on user click, and “follow rate” to evaluate the effectiveness of our project. Smarter recommend: Naive: add pro vs con Advanced

13 COS Haiku Open science, but Data posted, never read Passions ignited

14 Go Science! ALL

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