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Sustaining Healthy Ecosystems With Prescribed Fire in the

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1 Sustaining Healthy Ecosystems With Prescribed Fire in the
Closing Remarks: Sustaining Healthy Ecosystems With Prescribed Fire in the Southeast A Dream, A Team, A Theme Robert W. Mutch

2 A Dream: Safely Sustaining Healthy Ecosystems with RX Fire on a Landscape Scale

3 A Team: Integrating a network of human resources to define, refine, and implement the Theme on a landscape scale.

4 The Theme: Implement a Program of Systematic RX Fire Applications in Time and Space


6 Systematic Prescribed Fire Model Evaluation Monitoring Holding
Ignition Rx Approval Planning Safety Cost + Loss > Air Quality Public Support Media Liability Training Funding Time >


8 Steve Pyne on Prescribed Fire
“Too much of the wrong kind of fire & not enough of the right kind.”


10 The Poetry of Wildfire


12 Primary Reasons for Rx Burning in U.S.
Fire hazard reduction…… % Silviculture………………….17.9 % Vegetation management…..2.5 % Range improvement………..1.2 % Wildlife habitat………………9.8 % Others…………………………4.5 % From Peterson et al. (1993)

13 FS 1997-2002 Rx Fire Trend Year Acres Burned 1997 1,097,658
,097,658 ,489,293 ,412,281 ,374 ,319,934 ,051,304 Total ,142,844

14 Prescribed Burn Acres in SE
1994 552,325 1995 583,453 1996 531,822 1997 728,930 1998 758,044 1999 950,718 2000 455,942 2001 678,865 2002 761,313 2003 935,027 2004 1,043,618 Prescribed Burn Acres in SE

15 Rx Fire Issues in the Southeast
Safety Rx Fire Training Growing Season Burning Wilderness Fire Diverse Eco-Region Burning Wildland/Urban Interface

16 Smoke Related Accidents

17 Cramer Fire Fatality Site, 2003

18 Lessons Never Learned 1949: 13 Deaths : 2 Deaths

19 Rx Fire Training Center

20 Dormant Season Burning

21 Growing Season Burning

22 Big Gum Swamp Wilderness

23 “Have We Done Enough?” Can We Do More?

24 “Between a Rock & a Hard Place”
“Motivation can overcome the impossible.”

25 Estimate of Rx Fire by Eco-Region, R-8
96 % Coastal Plain 3 % Ozark Highlands 1% Appalachians and Piedmont

26 Lagadec, in “Preventing Chaos in a Crisis”:
“…the ability to deal with a crisis situation is largely dependent on the structures that have been developed before chaos arrives.”

27 “The event can in some ways be considered as an abrupt and brutal audit at a moment’s notice.”

28 “Everything that was left unprepared becomes a complex problem, and every weakness comes to the forefront.”

29 “You do things the opposite in U.S. Interface.”

30 Prepare, Stay, and Defend--the Ultimate in Teamwork (AFAC)
The Dream: houses are able to survive fires even when Fire Service personnel are not available. The Team: consists of the effective partnership between Fire Services and home dwellers. The Theme: comprises the dual strategy of adequate defendable space coupled with the home dweller’s motivation to remain on-site.

31 Wedge Fire, Montana, USA, 2003



34 Lady of the House Makes OJ

35 Volunteer Fireman Celebrates

36 The Reason to Stay


38 “It is hard to know what to do with all the detail that rises out of fire.”

39 “It rises out of a fire as thick as smoke and threatens to blot out everything…”

40 “Some of it is true but doesn’t make any difference.”

41 “Some of it is just plain wrong…”

42 “And some doesn’t even exist, except in your mind, as you slowly discover long afterwards.”

43 “Some of it, though, is true—and makes all the difference.”
Norman Maclean Young Men and Fire

44 “Have We Done Enough?” Can We Do More?

45 Rx Fire Issues in the Southeast
Safety Rx Fire Training Growing Season Burning Wilderness Fire Diverse Eco-Region Burning Wildland/Urban Interface

46 The Dream: Look Where You Are Going!

47 The Theme: Go Where You Are Looking!

48 “Thank You for Leading the Way!”

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