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Assessment and Accountability Meeting

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1 Assessment and Accountability Meeting
Appeals Review and Guidelines, Graduation Rate Process, and Accountability Match Process Assessment and Accountability Meeting August 31, 2017 Orlando, Florida

2 Presenter: Tracy Halley FDOE Bureau of Accountability Reporting

3 Today’s Topics Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Appeals
Graduation Rate Process for Part 3: Accountability Match Process for

4 Part 1 – Appeals

5 Part 1 Appeals 2016-2017 Highlights
Review Guidelines for Submitting Appeals

6 Appeals vs Post-Appeals School Grades has been posted to The number of School Grade Appeals submitted decreased from 162 in to 18 in This is the first time in a long time that we have had the appeals results posted prior to this meeting

7 Guidelines for Appeals Rule 6A-1.09981
(7)(e) Districts shall be afforded an opportunity to contest or appeal a preliminary school grade within thirty (30) days of the release of the preliminary school grade.

8 Guidelines for Appeals Rule 6A-1.09981
(7)(f) A successful grade appeal requires that the district clearly demonstrate the following: 1. Due to the omission of student data, a data miscalculation, or a special circumstance beyond the control of the district, a different grade would be assigned to a school; or Examples of what to submit: Late Reporting Districtwide internal system malfunction A middle school student who has a passing high school industry certification

9 Guidelines for Appeals Rule 6A-1.09981
(7)(f) A successful grade appeal requires that the district clearly demonstrate the following: 1. Due to the omission of student data, a data miscalculation, or a special circumstance beyond the control of the district, a different grade would be assigned to a school; or Examples of what NOT to submit: A Request for DOE to do something that is contrary to the statute or rule. Student did not perform as expected, exclude their scores. Student took the writing at School A but reading at school B, exclude their scores. Include EOC test scores for students who were not reported as enrolled in the course. Student withdrew in late April, exclude the test they took in March. Include College and Career Acceleration tests that are not on the approved list. Any change that would not result in a different (increased) grade. A Request for DOE to do something that goes against the School Grades Law or Rule Exclude 8th grade students who scored a level 3 on their prior year Mathematics assessment from the middle school component because they were not accelerated Exclude a tied back student because they never attended their Home-Zoned School Don’t Collocate my school! The district/school missed a deadline and would like the opportunity to submit data during the appeals process.

10 Guidelines for Appeals Rule 6A-1.09981
(7)(f)2. Where the percent of students tested is less than ninety-five (95) percent at a school and the school did not receive a grade, that the student data accurately represents the progress of the school. If the students that were not tested were counted as not satisfactory, the grade would remain the same. If the students that were not tested were counted as satisfactory, the grade would remain the same. All I schools should be appealed. Student level data should be provided to demonstrate that the school did test 95%. Any school that did not test 95% must show that the data accurately represents the progress of the school. Even if an appeal is not sent in, the school will still be reviewed and possible have a grade released.

11 Guidelines for Appeals Rule 6A-1.09981
(7)(g) An appeal shall not be granted under the following circumstances: 1. It was not timely received; 2. It was not submitted by the district superintendent; 3. It would not result in a different grade, if granted; 4. It relies upon data that the district had the opportunity to correct but failed to do so, under the process described in paragraph (7)(c) of this rule or the data reporting processes as defined in Rule 6A , F.A.C., Comprehensive Management Information Systems.

12 Tools for Submitting Appeals
Appeals Check List Details the rule and specific requirements. Calculation Guide Sheet Provides a clear and easy way to demonstrate that the appeal, if granted would change the school’s grade. Detailed instructions were provided.

13 For I schools it is important to inform us of anything that affected the percent tested so that we can completely evaluate the appeal and possible release of the grade. Copy of the final form will be sent with the appeals memo when the appeals process opens.

14 There will be detailed instruction sent with the Calculation Guide Sheet. Please pay close attention to the note at the bottom of the page. Often we receive appeals that neglect to take this into account. If you have any trouble re-ranking the students, please contact out office prior to submitting an appeal. This will be available in excel upon request.


16 Areas that could use improvement
Marking students as additional school year students on the Student Demographic format, Additional School Year Student data element. Not doing this could cause a school to be collocated when it shouldn’t be. EOC Course enrollment as reported on Student Data Updates. Reporting Student ID consistently across all formats and surveys.

17 Part 2 – Graduation Rate Process

18 Graduation Rate Process for 2016-2017
Part 2 Graduation Rate Process for Review the methodology Explain the review process I am happy to announce that the cohort corrections process has been completely transferred to the Bureau of Accountability Reporting! Development of the cohort, cohort corrections, and the final calculations are now done solely by our office.

19 New for 2016-2017 Graduation Rate
HB 7069 states A high school must include a student in its graduation rate if the student transfers from then high school to a private school with which the school district has a contractual relationship. A new withdrawal code will be created. In any student that meets this criteria needs to be identified by the district using the new cohort corrections application. The new withdrawal code will be collected on surveys starting the reporting year.

20 Federal Uniform Graduation Rate
All students must be accounted for. Only standard diplomas count. Does not remove transfers to adult education programs (remain in denominator). Assigns DJJ students back to their most recent regular high school.

21 Federal Uniform Graduation Rate
Key for the 1617 Graduation Rate Year0 – 1213 Year1 – 1314 Year2 – 1415 Year3 – 1516 Year4 – 1617

22 Formats Used for the Cohort Build
Final Survey Data Format: Student Demographic Information Survey 2/Year1 Survey 5/Year1-Year3 Format: Student Course Transcript Information Format: End of Year Status Survey 5/Year0-Year3 Format: Prior School Status/Student Attendance Format: Exceptional Student Format: Federal/State Indicator Status Only homeless from the federal/state indicator status. Year0 is used to determine what grade level the student was in the year prior to the start of the cohort.

23 Formats Used for the Cohort Build
Snapshot Survey Data Format: Student Demographic Information Survey 5/Year4 Format: End of Year Status Format: Prior School Status/Student Attendance Format: Exceptional Student Format: Federal/State Indicator Status

24 Building the Unadjusted Cohort
Key Data Elements Student Number Identifier, Florida School Number, Current Enrollment Withdrawal Code Diploma Code Withdrawal Date Grade Level

25 Building the Unadjusted Cohort
Include all first-time 9th graders in fall membership in your district (Year1). From Survey 2 Demographic and Course. Add incoming transfers on the same schedule to graduate found in Survey 5 Demographic and End of Year Status New 9th graders in Year1 New 10th graders in Year2 New 11th graders in Year3 New 12th graders in Year4

26 2016-2017 Process A 3-year file was made available in April 2017.
Prelim 3 Year GradRate File 1617 DIST## (ShareFile) Survey 5 will be pulled for the initial cohort purposes in October. The deadline for Federal Reporting and other important metrics is October 6, 2017 Initial 4-year cohort file will be created immediately following the initial pull. New Graduation Rate Cohort Corrections web application will begin once the cohort file has been created. Frist Bullet - All data will be on ShareFile. We will no longer be using NWRDC. A .csv will be provided. If the districts would prefer a fixed width text file for any thing that is on ShareFile, one can be provided upon request but may take a day or two to provide. Reports pulled from the web applications are only available in the formats provided. Last Bullet – The amount of time the cohort corrections will be open will depend on when the application actually opens. No less than two weeks but most likely not as long as before because the application will be automatically updated. There will be no need to wait for processing.

27 Process Results will be available on ARM’s High School Graduation Rates EDStats Tool: Click on the green button for “PK-12 Public Schools.” Click on High School Graduation Rates under “Interactive Reports - PK-12.”

28 Graduation Rate Review Process
Starting with the calculation, districts had the opportunity to review district and school graduation rate numerator and denominator prior to the close of the cohort corrections process. This process will be different in , as the numerator and denominator will be available on the web application and will update throughout the process. The new web application for the Graduation Rate Cohort Corrections process will serve as the review process. I am not sure if the numerator and denominator will update with every change or once a week as details have yet to be ironed out.

29 Part 3 – Accountability Match Process

30 Accountability Match Process for 2017-2018
Part 3 Accountability Match Process for Changes Basic Information: Student Database Reporting

31 Changes In May 2017 the State Board of Education approved the shortening of Survey reporting periods. This was announced at FAMIS in June. Survey 2: Survey Week: October 9-13, 2017 Due Date: October 20, 2017 State Processing: October 16 – November 3, 2017 Final Update/Amendment Date: December 15, 2017 Survey 3: Survey Week: February 5-9, 2018 Due Date: February 16, 2018 State Processing: February 12 – March 2, 2018 Final Update/Amendment Date: April 15, 2018

32 2017-2018 Changes What does this mean for the Accountability process?
Survey 2 for accountability purposes will be final in December 2017. Districts will no longer be able to make corrections to Survey 2 during the accountability match process, which happens during the Survey 3 state processing window. Bureau of Accountability Reporting will be providing files during Survey 2 state processing. Deleted Records for Survey 2 Survey 2 for Accountability Purposes Separate manuals will be provided for the Survey 2 accountability process and the Survey 3 accountability process. Final Survey 3 data will be used. Applications using Survey 3 data will not open before April 15,

33 Florida DOE Student Database Records Reporting for Accountability Match Process
Essential for calculating and reporting school and district accountability outcomes. Critical Functions: Allows for matching of membership records (Survey 2 and 3) to establish full-year enrollment. Allows for matching of membership records to assessment records. Determines race/ethnicity classification. Determines lunch status. Determines English language learner status and length of time in school in the U.S. Determines the status of students with disabilities. Identifies students enrolled with Virtual Instruction Providers.

34 Student Database Reporting
Surveys 2 & 3: Key record formats: - Student Demographic Information - Exceptional Student - English Language Learner Information - Federal/State Indicator Status - Prior School Status/Student Attendance - Student Course Schedule

35 Student Database Reporting
Student Demographic Information: Critical for the matching of membership records (Survey 2 and 3) to establish full-year enrollment. Student Demographic - Key Data Elements: School of Enrollment (School Number, Current Enrollment): The school to which assessment scores of students are credited. Lunch Status Race/Ethnicity

36 Student Database Reporting
Student Demographic - Key Data Elements (continued): English Language Learners, PK-12 Student Number Identifier, Florida Student Number Identifier – Alias, Florida Florida Education Identifier (FLEID) Student Name Birth Date Grade Level

37 Student Database Reporting
Student Demographic - Key Data Elements (continued): Additional School Year Student District Number, Zoned School Reported on Survey 2 and Survey 3 School Number, Zoned School (home-zoned school) English Language Learners: Date Entered United States School Establishes the date on which a student entered school in the U.S. Length of time from the initial date of testing (FSA Writing) affects eligibility for inclusion in school grades proficiency components. If this date is not reported then the student will be eligible to be included in the calculation of the achievement and learning gains components.

38 Student Database Reporting
Exceptional Student - Key data elements: Primary Exceptionality (Exceptionality, Primary) Other Exceptionality (Exceptionality, Other) Exceptional Student, IDEA Educational Environments Used to help determine ESE Center Schools. English Language Learner Information: English Language Learners: ESOL Entry Date

39 Student Database Reporting
Prior School Status/Student Attendance: Withdrawal Date Withdrawal Code Entry Code Entry Date Federal/State Indicator Status: Dropout Prevention/Juvenile Justice Programs Provides a code indicating whether the student is in a dropout retrieval program (code R) or is in an alternative to expulsion program (code E). For students reported with either of these codes who are enrolled in an alternative school or ESE center, their test scores are not included in school improvement ratings, school grades, or district grades.

40 Student Database Reporting
Student Course Schedule: A student must have at least one course reported at the school of enrollment in order to be included in the accountability process. Two exceptions are Dual Enrollment (Dual Enrollment Indicator Code of A, B, C, or E) Hospital Homebound (Exceptionality of M) Key for compilation of EOC course records (Surveys 4, 1, 2, and 3): Percent Tested EOC inclusion in all components Middle School Acceleration Accountability Reporting does not receive the student’s records unless a course record and a demographic record are submitted. Also identifies Virtual Instruction Providers (VIPs).

41 Student Database Reporting
Student Course Schedule: Virtual Instruction Provider (data element) The providers themselves do not have the ability to report data to the Department of Education’s student database; the providers must depend on districts to accurately report enrollment for them. Provider codes must be reported correctly in Surveys 2 and 3 to ensure provider accountability.

42 Reporting Enrollments for Virtual Instruction Providers (VIPs)
Full-time VIP students are assigned the 4-digit school number 7001. Provider codes are assigned to approved providers. Provider Code Table is available in Appendix CC of student database manual. For students with a school number reported as 7001, the provider code(s) should be reported accurately on the applicable Student Course records.

43 Reports Available on ShareFile for 2017-2018
Deleted Records (deletion reasons) M = McKay student (3518) H = Home education student (N998) P = Private school student (N999) D = Other District, Instruction E = Migrant Non-Attendees (9997) C = No course record was found for this student A = Additional School Year student V = 7001 but no provider W = Withdrew prior to survey week Matched Records Matched by School Matched by District

44 Reports Available on ShareFile for 2017-2018
Available during Survey 2 State Processing: Survey 2 for Accountability Survey 2 Deleted Records Available during Survey 3 State Processing: Survey 3 for Accountability Unmatched Survey 3 Records Unmatched Survey 2 Records Survey 3 Deleted Records Matched Records

45 Virtual Instruction Providers Reports
State Virtual Providers will be provided their own reports. Districts will no longer need to provide reports to the VIPs. State VIPs will still be responsible for communicating to the districts which changes need to be made. Districts will still be responsible for making changes requested by the VIP.

46 Highlights Reports will be available on ShareFile during Survey 2 state processing and during Survey 3 state processing. A detailed instruction manual will be available for each process. Students with withdrawal dates prior to the survey week will be added to the Deleted Records file. In order for a student to be included in the accountability process they must be taking at least one course at the school of enrollment. Two exceptions only: Dual Enrollment Hospital Homebound

47 ShareFile Policies ShareFile is for data transfer only, not data storage. Bureau of Accountability Reporting will be implementing the new procedures: During an open process files will remain on ShareFile until the process has closed. Survey 2 and Survey 3 Accountability Match processes Appeals (pre-appeals INDV file) One time posting of files will remain on ShareFile for no more than two weeks 3 year prelim graduation rate Post appeals INDV file Please pull files down within this window We will be happy to repost files upon request but the files will only be available until the close of business the day of the request.

48 Questions and Answers Questions concerning Appeals and Graduation Rate can be directed to the Bureau of Accountability Reporting at or (850)


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