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Narrative Characters.

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Presentation on theme: "Narrative Characters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Narrative Characters

2 Character coherence The amount the character is consistent with psychological, historical, or other expectations. 

3 Character depth Personal mysteries and intricacies that deepen and layer the dimensions of a complicated personality. 

4 Social hierarchies Social positioning between class, gender, race, age, and geography among other determinants.

5 Character types Share distinguishing features with other, similar characters. A single trait or multiple traits may define character types including physical, psychological or social traits. 

6 Stereotype When a film reduces an otherwise realistic character to a set of static traits that identify him or her in terms of a social, physical, or cultural category. Tends to be applied to marginalized social groups who are not represented by a range of character types.

7 Character development
When characters move from one mental, physical, or social state to another in a particular film. 

8 External change A physical alteration. Often reflects other changes in the character’s social and personal sense of self and ability to evaluate others. 

9 Internal change Measures character changes from within.

10 Progressive character development
Improvement or advancement in some quality of the character.

11 Regressive character development
Indicates a loss of or return to some previous state or a deterioration from the present state. 

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