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Jeopardy Hosted by Miss Dell.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Hosted by Miss Dell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Hosted by Miss Dell

2 Organization Populations Communities Energy Flow 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

3 An environment that provides the things the organism
What is a habitat? An environment that provides the things the organism needs to live, grow, and reproduce. Row 1, Col 1

4 An environmental factor that causes a population to decrease.
What are limiting factors? An environmental factor that causes a population to decrease. 1,2

5 The series of predictable changes That occur in a community over
What is Succession? The series of predictable changes That occur in a community over Time. 1,3

6 The role that an organism plays
What is niche? The role that an organism plays In its environment. 1,4

7 The nonliving parts of a habitat.
What is an abitoic factor? The nonliving parts of a habitat. 2,1

8 The largest population that an
What is carrying capacity? The largest population that an area can support. 2,2

9 Series of changes that occur in
What is Primary Succession? Series of changes that occur in An area where no soil or Organisms exist. 2,3

10 An organism that obtains energy By eating other organisms.
What is a consumer? An organism that obtains energy By eating other organisms. 2,4

11 The smallest level of organization.
What is an organism? The smallest level of organization. 3,1

12 An interaction in which one Organism kills another for food.
What is predation? An interaction in which one Organism kills another for food. 3,2

13 Series of changes that occur in An area where the ecosystem has
What is secondary succession? Series of changes that occur in An area where the ecosystem has Been disturbed but where Soil and organisms still exist. 3,3

14 A series of event where one Organism eats another and
What is a food chain? A series of event where one Organism eats another and Obtains energy. 3,4

15 The living parts of an organism’s habitat.
What are biotic factors? The living parts of an organism’s habitat. 4,1

16 A symbiotic relationship where
What is mutualism? A symbiotic relationship where Both species benefit. 4,2

17 Mosses and Lichens are examples Of these organisms that
What are pioneer species? Mosses and Lichens are examples Of these organisms that First populate an area in Primary Succession. 4,3

18 A diagram that shows the amount Of food that moves from one
What is a Energy Pyramid? A diagram that shows the amount Of food that moves from one Feeding level to another in a Food web. 4,4

19 Ecological Organization from
What is Organism  Population  Community  Ecosystem? The order of Ecological Organization from Smallest to Largest. 5,1

20 A symbiotic relationship where One species benefits and
What is commensalism? A symbiotic relationship where One species benefits and The other is neither helped Nor harmed. + 0 5,2

21 The most diverse, mature Community that forms after
What is the climax community? The most diverse, mature Community that forms after Succession. 5,3

22 Without these organisms, the raw Materials of life would stay
What are decomposers? Without these organisms, the raw Materials of life would stay Locked up in wastes and bodies Of dead organisms. 5,4

23 The percentage of energy that is transferred from one level to the
What is 10%? FINA L JEOPARDY The percentage of energy that is transferred from one level to the next in a food chain.

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