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Restful APIs 101 Laura Heritage @heritagelaura

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1 Restful APIs 101 Laura Heritage @heritagelaura

2 Agenda What is REST API Description Languages
Fundamentals of building REST API Description Languages RAML Basics for the class Popular Implementation of REST Akana API Management Platform Project Commander

3 Building RESTful APIs

4 REST - Representational State Transfer
In Other terms: The server will return the representation of the state of the resource

5 The Glory of REST Richardson’s Maturity Model
Roy Fielding definition of RESTFul HATEOAS GET, PUT, POST, DELETE /books/1 and /books/2 POST Ah the Glory of REST what we all should aspire to. Or should we? This Maturity Model is pretty popular in the industry now especially around the hypermedia arena. If this is your first time seeing it let me explain the levels and you can see where you fall Level 0: You could consider this plain old XML. You have a single endpoint in which you send a request and you get back an XML response and then then you send the next request. (Normally POST) Typically SOAP request here Level 1: Resources are introduced. Still this level usually only uses one method like POST Level 2: Next level is the Verbs (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE) and using the appropriate response codes. For example when something goes wrong, don’t just use 200 (OK) Level 3: Level uses HATEOAS to deal with discovering possibilities of your API (Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State) Richardson’s Maturity Model

6 Pragmatic

7 REST is Made Up of Resources and Actions
Resource - An Entity that you want to expose that can be named For example: Accounts, Users, Invoices, Transactions Actions – What you can preform on the Resources using the HTTP method GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, PATCH GET /Accounts – Retrieves a list of Accounts POST /Accounts – Creates a new Account

8 Basic REST Guidelines (Principles)
2 URI’s per resource 1. Listing (collection) - /v1/accounts 2. Detail - /v2/accounts/{id} Use nouns instead of verbs to name resources WRONG: /v1/getAllAccounts CORRECT: /v1/accounts Prefer plurals over singular: /accounts over /account Snake case over camel case snake case /accounts camel case /Accounts For associations: /resource/{id}/resourceIn example: /accounts/1234/invoices

9 Accounts URL Endpoints
Use Case What you are tempted to do: Proper REST URL To get all Accounts /v1/get-all-accounts /v1/accounts To get a particular Account /v1/get-account/{id} /v1/accounts/{id} To create an Account /v1/create-account/{id} To delete an Account /v1/delete-account/{id} To update an Account /v1/update-account

10 Tell The Server What Action to Perform
HTTP Request Method Maps To: CRUD Operation GET -> Read (Show) POST Create PUT Update (the whole resource) DELETE Destroy PATCH Update (updating a partial resource) OPTIONS Allowed Verbs (Not used too often) HEAD Headers Only

11 Accounts URL Endpoints
Use Case HTTP Method: Proper REST URL To get all Accounts GET /v1/accounts To get a particular Account /v1/accounts/{id} To create an Account POST To delete an Account DELETE To update an Account PUT

12 What About Relationship?
Linked Resources /v1/accounts/{id}/invoices /v1/accounts/{id}/billing_info To embed or not? If a resource can live independently then do not embed. If it can not live independently then embed.

13 Keep complexity behind the “?”
Variations Keep complexity behind the “?” /accounts?type=corporate&country=us /accounts?type=consumer&country=uk /billing_info?type=credit_card /billing_info?type=checking

14 Pagination /accounts?limit=25&offset=50
Send total entries back to user – For example, in custom HTTP header: X-Total-Count Provide links to next or pervious page - For example in HTTP header: Link

15 Version /v1/accounts /v2/accounts
While there are several ways to represent versions. This is the preferred method /v1/accounts /v2/accounts

16 Give Me Exactly What I Need
And no more.. /accounts?fields=first_name,last_name,address

17 HTTP Codes and Messages
HTTP Codes are for Code HTTP Status Code: 401 Message is for people { “Status” : “401”, “messsage”: “Authenticate”, “code” : 20003, “moreinfo” : } This is the best. When you provide a link to more information

18 Types of Status Codes Success - Everything worked
Client error - The application did something wrong Server error - The API did something wrong 200 - OK 400 - Bad Request 500 - Internal Server Error

19 Top 10 HTTP Codes 200 OK 201 CREATED 204 NO CONTENT 400 BAD REQUEST

20 What If It Doesn’t Fit To CRUD
First Make Sure it Really Doesn’t Restructure the action to appear like a field of a resource. This works if action doesn’t take parameters For example the activate action could be mapped to a boolean activated field and updated via PATCH to the resource Treat like a sub-resource with RESTful principles. For example, GitHub’s API lets you star a gist with PUT /gists/:id/star Star a gist DELETE /gists/:id/star - Unstar a gist Sometimes you have really no way to map the action to a sensible RESTFul structure. For example, a multi-resource search doesn’t really make sense to be applied to a specific resources endpoint. In this case, /search would make the most sense even though it isn’t a resource.

21 Don’t Expose The Complexities Of Your Existing Information System
Design for the developer audience who is going to use it. Application API Layer Client Application Interface /entrypoint /collection1 /resource 1 /resource 2 /collection /resource1 /resource2 …. HTTP Client App REST Library Optional HTTP Library Application Data Model Resource Model server client

22 API Security 5 Content Filtering 6 Rate Limiting
Authentication & Authorization 1 3 Message Security 2 App Key Validation/ Licensing 4 Threat Protection Developers

23 Authentication/Authorization/SSO
Control and restrict access to your APIs Make it easy yet secure JWT

24 Additional Recommended Practices
Treat each API as a product Know your audience and their use cases Design for consumption Document wisely – they shouldn’t need to know the internal architecture to use your API Ensure great intuitive error handling Offer both JSON & XML Use HTTP headers for serialization format Content-Type Accept GET methods and Query parameters should not alter state Look at great APIs in the market and steal concepts from them.

25 API Description Languages

26 What is an API Description Language (API DL)?
Blueprint Contract Metadata Human Docs Blueprint - It allows you to draw out what the potential API version can and should look like when it is completed. Contract – It becomes the agreed upon contract between the consumer and provider Metadata - houses the metadata which can be used in machine to machine communication or system to system interactions, primed for IoT Instruction Manual - Human readable documentation is produced to all people to understand how to use the API

27 What About WSDL2.0 or WADL? For REST, they are not widely adopted
Both are not very “humanly readable” Both are typically auto-generate from code – wouldn’t use them as a “blueprint” amongst non-technical types WADL doesn’t contain enough information to adequately describe a RESTful API. Though does have extension points which are seldom used. WSDL contains almost everything you need but is quite brittle. If it changes the clients must change too

28 Many API DL Are Available Today
WSDL WADL idDocs Swagger RAML Hypermedia API Blueprint JSONDoc

29 Produce an API DL for Each API
Your consumers will use them too: Generate SDK in their chosen language Generate documentation they can augment for their audience Import into their API Gateway to Control and secure their own consumption of your API internally Integrate with their backend systems Orchestrate into a new API with value added services Remember APIs are all about the consumption

30 What Language To Use To Implement RESTFul APIs?
Javascript Node.js (Express or restify) Java – JAX-RS (Play Framework) .Net PHP – Lumen Ruby – Sinatra Perl - Mojolicious Many more..

31 Tools Available For Hackathon
RAML API Designer IDE for Node.js Great for team development Integrates with GitHub Server Side Javascript We will be leverage Express – A framework on top of Node.js to build RESTful APIs Open-source document database - highly performant, high availability, automatic scaling.

32 Today We Will Use RAML
Base off of YAML – human-readable data serialization format Tabbing is important!!! Helps you to create a blueprint for your API.

33 Demo Of API Designer

34 Today We are Using Node.JS On Cloud 9

35 Demo of Cloud 9

36 Akana Overview

37 The Unified SOA & API Platform

38 API Platform Capabilities
Licensing Quota Mgmt. Partner Mgmt. PCI Compliance Provisioning Policy Mgmt. Monitoring OAuth Federation Analytics API Portal Search Documentation Groups Social Gateway Security Authentication Protection IAM Integration Encryption Mediation Quality of Service Paging/Caching Orchestration Scripting Analytics Operational Business API Policy Based Embeddable Charts OOTB Reports Cust. Visualizations Import Export Lifecycle API/Services Application User Compliance

39 Cloud, On-Premise or Hybrid

40 Project Commander Project Overview Current Status
Implement developer portals + API gateway for RPS, CPS & Elavon to simplify integration of partners apps w/ our APIs Current Status Payment Services Elavon completed an external pilot in Q1. Elavon TOS team is using the gateway capabilities to the simplify expose & mgmt. of APIs and services CPS has completed initial branding of their portal and development of a hosted API test platform. Working with TOS + Product and Support team to test capabilities; add portal documentation and develop support process flows prior to a Q1 ‘16 pilot FSV (RPS’ pre-paid card subsidiary) has linked their portal with the API gateway and continue branding, API development, support process flows and portal documentation in advance of a Q1 ‘16 launch Enterprise We have discussed API management, development & expose use case with the Elan, Wealth Mgmt., Treasury Mgmt. and Wholesale Bank organizations

41 Elavon Developer Portal - Internal Use of the Gateway
Elavon GTS (TOS) team has been using the API gateway to simplify API management and add security in the following use cases: Expose the Global Merchant Boarding API. Implementation for the Brazil & Mexico JVs has been completed with other markets to follow shortly. (The boarding API is used by internal Elavon Ops. Teams, bank & MSP partners.) Use Global Boarding API to integrate with USB Fusion system for the “One & Done” Project, to enable cross selling of products between USB and Elavon Leveraged the gateway to simplify connectivity/add security for alternative payment networks in Brazil Connecting to the PCI Compliance database which is part of Elavon’s new PCI Compliance Manager program. Made the Enterprise Imaging service available to Ops staff so they can upload images to FileNet for partners/merchants to retrieve statement images Using the gateway is lowering the support overhead on managing internal services and APIs that are exposed (e.g. access management, reporting, etc.)

42 API Resources and API University
Resource Center Follow us on:

43 Back Up Reference Slides

44 What is Idempotence? Clients can make the same call repeatedly while producing the same results Making multiple identical requests has the same effect as making a single request The response my not be the same. E.g a resource’s state may change between requests. PUT and DELETE are Idempotent GET, HEAD, OPTION and TRACE are Safe methods and therefore Idempotent POST is Unsafe

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