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HOSP 66/HUMS 60 portfolio development.

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Presentation on theme: "HOSP 66/HUMS 60 portfolio development."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOSP 66/HUMS 60 portfolio development

2 why do I need a portfolio?
it’s proof gives you an edge it’s a process

3 the career portfolio work philosophy career goals resume skill areas
works in progress certificates/diplomas/degrees/awards community service professional memberships/certifications academic plan of study references

4 where to start? gather supplies analyze your strengths & weaknesses
what are you best at? which skills & abilities do you want to emphasize? are there things you’d rather not have people ask about? Skills you know you are lacking? collect & organize work samples

5 putting the portfolio together
create tab pages for key sections create overview cards for work samples—helps viewer quickly identify what is being shown print out work philosophy, career goals, resume & references create a list of works in progress create a list of professional memberships put copies of certificates and awards in sheet protectors show academic plan of study if you want to stress coursework

6 using the portfolio job search process job review
in an internal job shift to keep track of certifications & professional development

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