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Lesson Planning Made Easy

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1 Lesson Planning Made Easy
By: Debbie Dietz

2 Templates I use the web-site for purchasing lesson plans, templates for my classroom newsletters, and ideas which will help enhance a lesson which I am already doing. Here is an example of a template I use every week for my news letter/

3 The Web-site
This technology falls in the Augmentation using the SAMR scale. Augmentation is defined as tech acts as a direct tool substitute, with function improvement. Before this web-site, teachers would have to write their own lesson plans. Spending several hours after school photo copying papers, making worksheets, and planning out each lesson. When I purchase lessons from this web-site, it saves me time, effort, and I am supporting another teacher. The Web-site

4 Here is a video with teachers talking about how much time this web-site saves them.
Click on the picture

5 The one technology improvement that I would add, would be the ability to share your downloads. Many of the downloads are free. I would like to quickly share a lesson via with a teacher friend. As it is now, I simply share the link with them. I used to use a planner to write out my lesson plans, now I use a template from It is so much simper this way. It saves me time and it is easily accessible because I keep it stored on my desktop. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

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