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Angle and Perpendicular Parking

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Presentation on theme: "Angle and Perpendicular Parking"— Presentation transcript:

1 Angle and Perpendicular Parking
By:Kelly Mendoza & Laura Santos

2 Description Angle Parking - car parked to the curb at 45 degree angle from either the front end or back end. Perpendicular parking is parking a vehicle at a right angle to the curb.

3 Perpendicular Parking Procedure
Step 1 : As you approach the perpendicular parking space , slow your vehicle to a creep Step 2: You have to continue creeping , up until when you're front bumper is past the painted line of the space in front of the one in which you're parking. This will be about when your shoulder is at the same point as the painted line of the previous space. Step 3 : Use the wheel to maneuver into the space you desire to park in . (You have to use your judgement skills to determine how sharply you turn the wheel) Step 4 : Now , step on the gas lightly to finish making your way into the space , while straightening the wheel. Keep inching forward until you're completely in the space.

4 Angle Parking Procedure
1). Drive slowly . You have to inch along with your foot on the brake , as you approach the angled spot. Position the rolling car 5-6 feet out from the parking space . Signal to indicate that you'll be turning 2). Continue inching along, until the front of your bumper reaches the middle of the angled spot. Now , brake lightly (not fully)to slow the car while you turn the wheel to enter the spot. 3). Straighten the cars wheels out as the cars hood very slowly passes over the middle of the parking spot 4).Come to a full stop once the front bumper reaches the front end of the spot . Make sure the cars wheels are fully straight (so that backing out won't be a struggle. ) Put the car in park

5 Resources Procedure: Description:


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