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ECON International Economics

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Presentation on theme: "ECON International Economics"— Presentation transcript:

1 ECON5335 - International Economics
Chapter 1 Economic Basics

2 Some economic basics Definition of economics Scarcity Opportunity cost
Factors of production PPC Positive vs normative Economic systems Approaches in economics Economic modelling Difference between macro and micro? 9/12/2018

3 Some economic basics - micro
Difference between macro and micro “Law” of demand Shifts along vs shifts in demand “Law” of supply Shifts along vs shifts in supply Market equilibrium Government intervention Market failure – examples Industry structure – PC thru to monopoly

4 Demand

5 Supply

6 Equilibrium

7 Some economics basics - macro
National income accounting identity GDP GNP Economic growth Productivity definition Inflation Unemployment Business cycles and phases Exchange rates

8 The circular flow diagram

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