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Mobile Financial Services –A brief Presentation

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1 Mobile Financial Services –A brief Presentation
Prepared By: Hossain Maruf Emteeaz Head of Chittagong Mobile Financial Services (Ucash) United Commercial Bank Limited

2 Mobile Banking-What it is?
Mobile banking is a system that allows customers of a financial institution to conduct a number of financial transactions through a mobile device such as mobile phone or personal digital assistance. Mobile banking is most often performed via SMS or the mobile web. The first mobile banking was operated by the National Bank of Scotland and came into service on 5 November 1946 Mobile banking was first introduced in Bangladesh on May 2011 by “Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited” Bangladesh's first complete mobile financial service provider, bKash Limited, a BRAC Bank subsidiary, launched its operation today, July 21, 2011.  UCB's Mobile Financial Services "UCash" launched in 23rd Nov'2013 at Pan Pacific Sonargaon, Dhaka. It is the first interest based mobile banking.

3 Mobile Banking: Why? More than 70% of the population of Bangladesh lives in rural areas where access to formal financial services is difficult. Yet these are the people who are in most need of such services, either for receiving funds from loved ones in distant locations, or to access financial tools to improve their economic condition. Less than 15% of Bangladeshis are connected to the formal banking system whereas over 68% have mobile phones. These phones are not merely devices for talking, but can be used for more useful and sophisticated processing tasks.

4 Mobile Banking Operators
Bank/Company Name Mobile Banking Name Remarks Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd Scash By S A Paribahan Bank Asia Limited Hello Not Operational and run by DNS Group Brac Bank Limited bkash Market Leader and a brac bank subsidiary Dutch-Bangla bank Limited DBBL Mobile Banking Directly run by the bank IFIC Bank Limited IFIC Mobile Banking Not Operational Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited Mcash Limited operation and run directly by bank Jamuna Bank Limited SureCash Run by the Progoti systems Marcantile Bank Limited Mycash Trust Bank Ltd. Trust Bank Mobile Money NCC Bank Limited United Commercial Bank Limited Ucash First Secuty Islami Bank Limited Mutual Trust Bank Ltd Bangla Cash Not operational Prime Bank Limited Easy Cash South East Bank Ltd. Telecash One Bank Ltd. OK Banking Grammen Phone MobiCash Currently run with the help of Six banks

5 Mobile Banking-World Scenario
Kenya: Mobile money has worked elsewhere in the world. M-Pesa was started in Kenya in 2007 by Safaricom, a 90- per cent Vodafone subsidiary, as a corporate social responsibility (CSR) activity. Due to Kenya's high crime rate, it was near impossible to carry money physically. So M-Pesa started as a money transfer project and was hugely successful. Today, M-Pesa has 70 per cent penetration in Kenya and is no more a CSR activity. Uganda Tanzania South Africa Philippines Pakistan Bangladesh

6 Mobile Banking Partners
Bangladesh Bank BTRC Mobile Operators Bank Software Vendor Distributors Agents Customers

7 Operation Model in MFS Model 1 Bank Subsidiary Distributor Agent
Customer ex: bkash Model 2 ex: UCash/DBBL Model 3 Third Party ex: Surecash Model 4 Mobile Operator ex: MobiCash

8 Mobile Financial Services: A Comparative Summary
Description Amount (in January, 2015) Amount (in February, 2015) % Change (January, 2015 to February, 2015) No. of approved Banks 28 No. of Banks started to convey the service 19 No. of agents 535,821 543,420 1.42% No. of registered clients in Lac 252.36 258.68 2.50% No. of active accounts in Lac 110.53 110.75 0.20% No. of total transaction 82,068,551 76,989,013 -6.19% Total transaction in taka(in crore BDT) 11,337.58 10,958.29 -3.35% No. of daily average transaction 2,735,618 2,566,300 Average daily transaction (in crore BDT) 377.92 365.28 -3.34% Additional information Amount (in crore BDT) Inward Remittance 2.85 2.74 -3.86% Cash In transaction 4,742.44 4,587.45 -3.27% Cash Out Transaction 4,174.56 4,033.77 -3.37% P2P transaction 2,139.52 2,044.68 -4.43% Salary Disbursement (B2P) 76.93 72.09 -6.29% Utility Bill Payment (P2B) 59.79 81.73 36.70% Others 141.49 135.82 -4.01%

9 Scope of Mobile Financial Services (in Bangladesh)
Disbursement of inward foreign remittances. Cash in /out using mobile account through agents/Bank branches/ ATMs/Mobile Operator's outlets. Person to Business Payments ‐ e.g. a. utility bill payments, b. merchant payments. Business to Person Payments e.g. salary disbursement, dividend & refund warrant payments, vendor payments, etc. Government to Person Payments e.g. elderly allowances. Freedom‐fighter allowances, subsidies, etc. Person to Government Payments e.g. tax, levy payments. Person to Person Payments (One registered mobile Account to another registered mobile account). Other payments like microfinance, overdrawn facility, insurance premium, DPS, etc

10 Transaction Limit

11 Requirement for Opening Mobile Banking Account
National ID Card Passport Size Photo Mobile Phone

12 Any Questions ???

13 Thank you

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