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Home for Women Migrant Workers in Need

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1 Home for Women Migrant Workers in Need
The Bethune House Home for Women Migrant Workers in Need

2 33 “Do not mistreat foreigners living in your country,34 but treat them just as you treat your own citizens. Love foreigners as you love yourselves, because you were foreigners one time in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.” Leviticus 19:33-34

3 Hong Kong law stipulates that a foreign domestic worker CANNOT work if s/he has a pending court case. To wit the question arises: how will she pursue her case, assert her rights and demand justice if she has no money to pay for her lodging, food, extension of visa, among other needs?

4 Set up within the auspices of the Kowloon Union Church in 1986, the Bethune House Migrant Women’s Refuge was established to respond to this need.

5 For 24 years, it has been home to hundreds, nine thousands of women migrant workers in distress.

6 Filipinos. Indonesians. Thais. Nepalis. Africans. Indians
Filipinos. Indonesians. Thais. Nepalis. Africans. Indians. Regardless of nationality or religion, the BH has opened its doors to any woman who needed help.

7 For 24 years, it has helped empower women:
They learned about their rights They have established their own organizations (FBH, ATKI) They gave back to the shelter by counseling and volunteerism. They encouraged their fellow migrants and even their employers to help make BH a home for the marginalized, deprived, abandoned and ostracized women of Hong Kong.

8 Today, many domestic workers continue experiencing violations: rape, verbal and physical assault, non-payment of wages, slave-work. In fact, such cases increase year by year.

9 What are the needs of the BH?
Space. Finances. Food. Volunteers. Other materials. What are the needs of the BH?

10 The funds the shelter raise goes to:
payment of the space and utilities in KUC everyday meals of the residents maintenance of the shelter procurement of basic needs salary of the staff

11 While fund-raising is a challenge, finding a space in Hong Kong for BHMWR is even more daunting.

12 Kowloon Union Church, by opening up and providing space for the shelter, has contributed a lot in helping the displaced and deprived women migrants in Hong Kong. It has lived up to God’s call to simply give the best for one of the most distraught sectors here. The Importance of KUC

13 In the short-term, the BHMWR aims to raise more funds which can be used for:
Cost of the renovation of the No.2 Manse Payment of a temporary space in the next six months while the manse is being renovated Other needs of the shelter

14 Hence, despite the odds, BHMWR continues to be relevant
Hence, despite the odds, BHMWR continues to be relevant. For as long conditions back home force these women to migrate, and with that the problems they face here, our migrant women workers in Hong Kong will need a Bethune House.


16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

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